Jews are Worse Than Muslims

If the media labels you Anti-Muslim or "Xenophobic", sure its bad, but not a death sentence. People in the back of their minds know that Muslims are a problem, even if they don't say it upfront. You will be seen as a "hardcore conservative".

However, if someone label you an "Anti-Semite", not only is it utterly shameful, but there is very REAL risk of being ostracized politically, socially and even legally and economically. You could lose your job, certainly your friends, and in some cases, even face time in prison. (Like that 89 year old in Germany right now for questioning the Holocaust.)

Jews are telling us that if you don't support Trump and Isreal right now, them you "can't be conservative."

That's because they think of us as stupid. As Goyim. We must be "too stupid" to think anything beyond the violent anger we have for Muslims. "Let the Chosen Race do the thinking Goyim. Support us."

A smart person knows that Jews are far more in control of our media and resources, and a much greater enemy. You can always kill Muslims with a gun and show them that your not putting up with them. They will run like dogs. But attack or even criticize the Holocaust, Zionism or Jews, and the entire force of the media, culture and sometimes even the law, comes down upon you... all to cover up what we know our lies upon lies.

That's why we are smart enough to know that Jews are always the true enemies, and in the cases where Muslims agree, we form a temporary alliance with them to make sure that holes are poked in Isreal's wall... and many Jewish princesses become culturally enriched - you know, like it was Europe.

Cry Havoc, and unleash the dogs war.

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Jews and Muslims are very different problems. There are like 2 billion Muslims and 15mil Jews, so that right there is the biggest difference.

If all the Jews leave France but France is 60% Muslim, it's not going to be a better situation

Muslims are not smart enough to run a civilization, just smart enough to go on war campaigns to keep a civilization going until they burn out in 50 to 100 years and kill each other with infighting.

Jews do not have the discipline or work ethic to run a civilization, but thrive when they have slaves doing the work for them.

In the first scenario, we have a bunch of fruit flies, and all we need to do is clean the kitchen very hard, eat in the living room and starve them out in a few weeks.

In the second scenario we have cancer.

Which is more problematic?

There wouldn't be a muslim problem, if there was no Jew problem.

Some Jews are, but overall that's wrong. Jews are more valuable to society than Muslims are. Look at how many more Jewish comedians and movie directors / actors there are compared to Muslim, for starters. Or modern day scientists and doctors.

It's very rude to go against your master

neither sound very good to me to be perfectly honest. Why are we allowing either of them to happen? The fuck is going on with our countries

>we form a temporary alliance with them
Stopped right there.
You suck paki cock, m8, you're gay for the halal meatpoles. Heebs can kill as many muslims as they like and I'll applaud them for it, but you - you just suck paki cock, and will never amount to anything greater than a bukkake-boi.

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It’s true, once Israel is gone we’ll force them to return back. Till then an enemy of an enemy is my friend.

Jews are the reason Europe even has Muslims in the first place.

nice blog where can i unsubscribe?

Muslims have been fucking with Europe since they first emerged

I refer you to my previous statement - you suck paki cock, faggot.

Not the sole reason. They're also the reason for some of the good stuff too, like I just said.

This illustrates how horrible Jews are on a per capita basis. They make up 0.2% of the world's population, and yet they cause more damage to society than arguably any other group on the planet.
This, plus the JQ is infinitely easier to solve than the Muslim issue.

Jews promoted open borders which caused Muslims to go there. Without Israel, the Middle East wouldn’t be a massive shithole and the sandniggers would be killing each other in their own nations.

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Yeah like what, Seinfeld? We don’t need more kikes. Just because they make a few good things doesn’t make up for the thousands of bad things they did.

>Without Israel, the Middle East wouldn’t be a massive shithole
extreme doubt. I understand what you're saying, but to think that MENA would be some productive friendly neighbor in the absence of Jews is delusional.

We have a problem with whites supporting open borders as well- especially women. Muslims, Jews, Leftists are all huge problems, and cannot be reduced to each other.

Jews make up a much higher portion of physicians and entertainers than Muslims do. I also guarantee you that there are more Jewish accountants than there are Muslim ones.

Jews are smarter than western people.
Neanderthals did't die out. Jewish people have a lot of their DNA and they do not mix with nonJews. Neanderthals' brains are bigger than normal humans' brains.
In history books you read that the Neanderthal died out because although he was smarter, he wasn't that social.
That is why you cannot influence the Jews that much. It is in their DNA to survive on their own without being dependent on somebody else.

>survive on their own without being dependent on somebody else.
their entire history disproves this idea. They never survive on their own, they are always in other people's countries

the ME was a shithole well before Israel, and Muslims have been invading Europe for 1400 years. Not saying Jews have nothing to do with the current political climate, but act liking thee muzzies are innocent is so fucking stupid

The Middle East would still be a shithole, but it would have been contained.

Muslims are Worse Than Jews