You're up against smug, retarded hipsters and entitled 'minorities', not against thinkers

You're up against smug, retarded hipsters and entitled 'minorities', not against thinkers.

You don't win by argument, reasoning, or violence. You win by PRODUCING CULTURE that is more appealing.

This might be news to you, since you're all the sort of kids who were outcasts on the playground, but the only way to get these people to change is by making it COOL to NOT be like them.

They aren't pro-BLM, pro-feminist and anti-white because they care about POLITICAL issues. They didn't REASON themselves into it. They adopted these topics because it fills a social need for them.

They're overwhelmingly university students and children, because they're lacking in a sense of purpose and self-importance. They all aspire to be the next Rosa Parks because it justifies their insecurities and feelings of unimportance, and to get their next hit of self esteem they'll go out of their way to instigate a situation where they can publicly display their adherence to ideology.

Your goal isn't to deconstruct the 'woke' ideologies themselves, but to remove the SOCIAL benefit to doing so. These people are sheep and followers, masquerading as political activists because it's sexy and self-important.

You win by PRODUCING CULTURE that takes away this sense of self importance. Make music videos, comics, short stories, memes, livestreams, whatever, where you don't bother ARGUING about their idiot beliefs. Make culture where they're just the butt of the joke. Make culture where branding yourself as a socio-political martyr for baseless causes and inventing new systems of oppression makes you LOOK UNCOOL.

The only way to topple these self important hipsters is to give them the next new thing to follow, and have it provide them a feeling of importance without posturing about the plight of Rwandan dirt farmers.

Kill their ideology by making it outmoded in the new, fun, cooler culture that you create. Make social justice be the most embarrassing thing in the world.

Attached: 20180426_005058.jpg (320x316, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

YOU ARE LITERALLY FIGHTING THE TECHNIQUE OF BEING UNFAIRLY CRITICIZED IN A SUBJECTIVE MANNER. You are fighting the Culture of Critique, LITERALLY. Ridicule them, cause infighting. Embarrass them, bants them. High level teasing, taunting and triggering. Has Jow Forums forgot how to bants? C'mon Jow Forums !!! What happened???

Ridicule their idols, point out their lies, their foibles, make videos, make SONGS, do all that shit. Ridicule the culture of critique. I believe in you.

Attached: E43C980A-E374-49EE-AD18-544FCA0F8CAC.jpg (661x621, 135K)

What the fuck is this picture? Are weak bones supposed to be sexy?

You're taking their reins. These dipshits aren't inherently good or evil. They're just followers of the dominant culture.

The only way to win the war is to PRODUCE GOOD CULTURE that attacks the CENTRAL ATTRACTION OF SOCJUS- namely, the sense of self importance and purpose.

Replace it with something else to feel superior to, and some other purpose, and you've got a winning formula.

We need artists of all kinds on board

That won't do shit. You have lost the culture wars for the past 300 years. Conservatives are by definition losers trying to fight the pace of inevitable change.

>M e m e m a g i c

Meme magic is our most powerful weapon thus far. But it's not even the best we can do. Quality humour is just one part- we need to bake the attack on SocJus into GOOD QUALITY CULTURAL PRODUCTS.

Like I said, MUSIC VIDEOS, comics, short stories, livestreams, youtubers, video games, blogs, poems, what fucking ever. Every cultural channel. People don't share or link or talk about IDEOLOGY or POLITICS, they share and link and talk about CULTURE THEY LIKE.

Make a PRODUCT that embeds this mockery of SocJus, and you'll create allies faster than you can imagine.

The Heathers reboot was a good model for what alt-right cultural products will look like in the future.

Attached: heathers.png (784x489, 615K)

There's a role in here for those of us who aren't willing to help with the art (note that I didn't say who CAN'T help with the art, because ANYONE can produce SOMETHING of quality).

Professional shills. The jews have them, the media has them, the SJWs have them.

When the content starts being made, we have an OBLIGATION to shill it amongst each other, other boards, other websites, and even try to probe the normies too.

YES, shilling is necessary. And there's nothing that says we aren't capable of it.

>Bring in the radical conservative revolutionaries.

God, it's like herding cats. Can you hold onto your goddamn autism for five fucking seconds? Without sperging out about WHITE CIVILISATION or RADICAL CONSERVATISM?


This is about COOL. This is about SELF IMPORTANCE. This is about DIRECTION IN LIFE and SOCIAL STANDING.

Not ONCE do you breathe a word about fucking politics or you kill the media dead in an instant.

You stick to the social side, and you STAY ON MESSAGE. SocJus is uncool, what a fucking loser trying to be a new Rosa Parks, it's so much cooler to be X or Y or Z (which is what we're here to fill in the blanks on)