Why does Jow Forums seem to hate Jews more than Muslims? You're always going on about fake news...

Why does Jow Forums seem to hate Jews more than Muslims? You're always going on about fake news, but the media's pro Palestine slant is the fakest news out there. Ben Shapiro did a great job explaining it on his show today, but to Jow Forums it doesn't matter, because he's a kike. Why is this the ONE SINGLE ISSUE that Jow Forums is in agreement on with CNN and Stephen Colbert?

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Muslims are only a problem because of jews, you realize that right? I mean, fuck them both, but fuck kikes harder.

Who campaigns for open borders? Who blasts open borders and tranny shit at my kids? Who attacks every single pro-white group?

Why should I hate people that were sponsored, invited, and protected instead of the people doing the sponsoring, inviting, and protecting?

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Why shouldn't the Jews have the right to their own land? Why can't the sandniggers fuck off to a different desert to fuck kids?

They spent the entire day justifying the embassy move and talking about hamas. I am forced to watch it overhead at work. Kill yourself.

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You are a sand nigger you stupid kike.

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CNN, like the entire mainstream media, is very anti-Israel.

Because jews killed Jesus, you don't get to have your own land kike rat. Also Sandniggers aren't the fucking ones who brought commies here

No they're not you ugly rat. They at most will issue a few empty statements, and only when it's impossible to ignore.

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why do jews hate white Christians more than their semite brothers?

>Why does Jow Forums seem to hate Jews more than Muslims?
Kikes are what make muslims a problem, this is extremely obvious to anyone with 2 or more brain cells to rub together. Give it a try sometime.

Reminder that both Christianity and Islam are Jewish religions.

Here's proof if anyone doubts you.


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>hates jews
>worships one
can't make it up

Weird that Christianity, being a Jewish religion, has persecuted Jews for a vast majority of its existence.

There are decent kikes that have exposed their tribe for the betterment of humanity. Jesus Christ was one of these. I can name others if you want.

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They are jealous that we are so good looking

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It's because Nazis, aka National SOCIALISTS are literally leftists, so of course they agree with leftists on Israel

They literally want to redistribute the jews wealth to themselves

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You come from the most repulsive race on the planet. This is why you take the top 1% of your 30% Ashkenazi population (that's 75% euro and passes as full blooded with a face full of makeup and a perfect nose angle) and blast them all over Jow Forums.

Jews are deeply envious of European beauty in all its forms. Jews are an ugly destructive corrupt race.

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>Why does Jow Forums seem to hate Jews more than Muslims?
Jews have done us a hundred times more harm. For the most part Muslims are on the other side of borders, whereas Jews are deeply infiltrated into our structures of power.

Muslims are Christian heretics, while Jews outright reject Logos.

>Muslims are only a problem because of jews

How much of a fucking retard do you have to believe this.

Sand niggers are a plague on civilization and I applaud Israel for killing more of them.

They can and already have, all I want is that they would go there and stay there, their problem with the muslims comes from their religions, both are invading each other sacred land, but at the end of the day it's their problem and if they don't want the other there then they should just fight already, of course it goes way deeper than this but basically, fuck both of them but fuck jews harder.

All you have are strawmans. Nobody claims Jews rule the world. We claim Jews dominate the western press while larping as white. We claim they dominate/dominated the social movements that rotted out the west. We claim Jewish supremacists throw their collective weight against any individual that pushes back on their genocidal plan for us. We claim they created and dominate the pornographic industry with the express intent of undermining their hosts.

.. and we can prove all of it.

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>being this new

Paint me like one of your jewish girls.

>white people need to open their borders to the hordes or they're racist, a white homologate is the worst thing in the world!
>Oy vey! How can you insinuate that we chosen people don't deserve exclusive rights to the holiest area of 3 religions! This is truly another Shoah! My great uncle Mordecai would be spinning in his soap dish if he hadn't died with 6 gorillion other jews in the holocaust. I have to go your making me kvetch! How dare you!

It may be because they're duplicitous, hypocritical rats.

>kikes still trying to force the "jesus was a jew shit"
sure thing schlomo

We claim Jews are a destructive race and that Jewish influence is overwhelmingly negative, if not genocidal. We establish patterns of behaviour stretching across the globe, we go back thousands of years to make our point that Jews must be removed from the west as they are an existential threat to our survival. Their race-cult tells them that they are the master race destined to enslave humanity.


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Muslims are allowed in Israel, by the way.

>Their race-cult tells them that they are the master race destined to enslave humanity.
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat," he said to some laughter.

Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews. "With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant."

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Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

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Eat a bullet kike

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The Jewish ethnostate was 5% Jewish a century ago. It's ~80% ethnically Jewish today. It's interesting because Jews were the main driving force behind America's completely opposite trajectory.

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Muslims are like vicious wolves. You can keep them out and protect against them. Jews are like an abusive uncle who rapes you every night. One will kill you. The other will exploit you until you are a slave. Priorities.

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Mainstream media is like 80-90 percent pro Israel stuff and only once in a while a mild criticism but the Zionist Jews are so crazed they think even that shouldn't be allowed.

this whole shit about the "US liberal media supporting Palestine" is the biggest crock of shit ever they have never showed the slightest sign of supporting Palestine

Gas all the jews

They need their slave class.

>Direct descendents of the Israelites
Demonstrably bullshit.

Terrorism exists as a product of Israeli imperialism. The goys are waking up shlomo. The middle east is 100% your fault.

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>Jews act slightly more white than Muslims
>side with Jews, Jow Forums!
please, man. we all know that if Muslims were in power Jews would be acting Muslim as much as possible to help with parasite.


The Jew knows very well how to set the stage. We need to do that too.


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Jews in Israel is just like how Hitler said Jews would behave. Although they swindled and stole land from the Arabs instead of Europe.