Why do most modern Military Veterans come back with PTSD?

Why do most modern Military Veterans come back with PTSD?

Is it something in the water?

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gee, I wonder

There was plenty of PTSD in every other war, they just diagnose it now. Your grandpa came back from WW2 fucked up, but he just drank every night and beat his wife and kids to deal with it.

>Asked to commit essentially atrocities against over a million civilians based on what would be come know to be a lie as well as lose friends and limbs for said lie for the Zog

As it should be

They're low IQ genetic retards and can't handle their emotions, also the Vietnam War popularised the WAAAAAH WAH WAH POOR OLD ME I KILLED BABIES AND NOW I'M SAD WAAAAH meme

Men on average spent 45 days in combat during WWII. With the advent of the helicopter and not having to move to the front on foot, troops in the Vietnam War spent 180 days on average in combat.

They are placed in combat zones longer and fight longer, which makes them more susceptible to developing PTSD.

One theory I saw is that the improvement in transportation means modern soldiers have far less ''off'' time marching home or wherever or doing whatever shit which allows them to collect their thoughts. Also, modern troops are deployed far more often in combat.
PTSD is not new though, Greeks wrote of something similar.

Because they come back. We'd see a lot less PTSD if we left units that were seeing heavy shit stay there until few of them were still alive.

They see what happened to the land they sacrificed to defend.

I don't have any data that says most of them do so I don't know about the numbers but it is odd how American service men claim this while every other nation's soldiers - most who have seen real shit for years on end - have no real issues and seem to thrive in combat. Maybe they expected to be able to join just for the uniform and pats on the back and trying to impress mommy and daddy and get a hot girl not thinking they would be killing people for stupid reasons so that rich immoral people can get more wealth and fuck head politicians can get more fame ? Must suck to realize you have become a compete tool.

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It comes with fighting an insurgency.
>enemy looks like all the other civilians
>enemy can attack you from any direction at any time off-base
>cars, piles of garbage, people can blow up at any time with no warning.

In most wars you at least have some notion of where the enemy is coming from and which areas or cities are safe. Modern 'conflict' zones keep you on edge 24/7 and it's tougher to readjust after that.

Weaker training doesn't prepare them. Cushier lifestyles before hand.

And finally plenty of PTSD before we just didn't call it that.

Actually, I was wrong. The average was 40 days in 4 years in the South Pacific, versus 240 in one year in Vietnam.

In WWII you were a lot less likely to get rotated out of combat

Train a man to fight. To live in the mud and blood. To watch his friends die for a politicians decree. Have him do this for years.
Then send him home. To watch sitcoms and cut the grass on Sunday. Don’t give him any outlets for his demons. Tell him just to bottle it all up and get a place in the suburbs and work on some production line.
Geez OP, I have no idea.

this, come back and this place is a degenerate shitshow. Unfortunately soldiers are well aware of what they are signing up for.

Because someone needs to make up the homeless mentally unstable hordes in the US

Most are just soft pussies who never got into a fight in childhood and thought they'd find it a breeze to become armed welfare queens.

These limp-wristed pussies in the modern militaries of Western nations aren't even 1/100th of a single veteran from WWI or WWII.

most of them have never seen dead people in real life.
doctors get it too.
a lot go in at 18yrs old
probably this but back then men didnt talk about feelings they just got drunk and remained surly

>never killed anyone
>has never left the house before

>And finally plenty of PTSD before we just didn't call it that.
This. My dad's uncle didn't have PTSD. He was just captured by the Germans and "didn't like talking about the war, so don't ask him about it.,"


>Be a mutt born in America
>America the land of all degenerates
>America the heart of ZOG
>Be raised by a stepfather and a prostitute mother
>Smoke drink drugs
>Low IQ
>Join army
>Fight for ZOG against based tribal hardcore mountain MEN

You amerimutts dont stand a chance. Your army is a joke. Cant wait to see you fight a real nation so we can laugh.Please fight Iran

just talking shit but, the american military doctrine is by far the most aggressive doctrine in terms of modern militaries. when they decide to engage, they go hard at the enemy until they are beaten and their fireteam tactics are super aggressive. if you watch combat footage from ukraine or syria, it's usually just guys hiding in trenches or behind walls taking potshots at each other. the americans practice the most effective form of combined arms warfare among any military today but i have a sneaking suspicion that it just breaks guys who are mentally weak. they send their guys right into the shit at all times, and other armies can't deal with it. that being said, many american soldiers absolutely thrive in that environment as well and they end up as career military men.

Sure achmed keep telling yourself that. Do you even have a military?

>Why do most modern Military Veterans come back with PTSD?
My theory is that it's the psychological trauma/stress of being sent to "go fight/die for the Constitution" and then coming back to a country where the Constitution is routinely despised and ignored by the government.

The oath of enlistment is:
>I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

So, what happens when you're not allowed to kill the Domestic Enemies that are the Political caste?

TL;DR -- It's major cognitive dissonance.

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Join the Army idiot. You'll find out all about it.

Yes, Yes, Please fight Iran

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They just realize that they went and dun fought for Israel.

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>Train a man to fight. To live in the mud and blood. To watch his friends die for a politicians decree. Have him do this for years.
>Then send him home. To watch sitcoms and cut the grass on Sunday. Don’t give him any outlets for his demons. Tell him just to bottle it all up and get a place in the suburbs and work on some production line.
Yep. This too.

Essentially this. We are bringing in just about anyone with a pulse instead of the 2% of the population that make natural soldiers.

You've never heard of shell-shock? Men broke down in war and pissed/shit their pants and never remained the same back then.

>Most are just soft pussies
You don't know what you are talking about. Sorry, but that's an ignorant position. The military isn't as hard as it once was, true, but you're still very wrong about that particular characterization.

Why not someone with a true nuclear arsenal?

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meanwhile you put all your natural soldiers on sports teams in every college in the nation and the best of the best get to play games for life. the olympic games were supposed to be a once every 4 years break from being a soldier, not a career path.

In my experience, I think I would have been better off if they'd never mentioned it. Now, every nightmare or weird flinch, and I'm like "Did the Army fuck me up?" when it's probably just normal shit that will go away some day.

Yes, but most vets these days will never leave the FOB, get hot chow, Green Beans, and Salsa Night at the Clam Shell. Very few "combat vets" have actually been in combat.

I have PTSD pretty bad. I think most combat soldiers come back with some form of it. Every generation of war fighters comes back with some demons. Mine is nightmares and screaming in my sleep which is basically the only things I do. I have really bad panic attacks occasionally, but a beer and some deep breaths usually calms me down.

A good 5% of modern military men would have had the guts to go over the top on the Western front in 1918.

>the american military doctrine is by far the most aggressive doctrine in terms of modern militaries
I have no idea how you concluded that.
>and their fireteam tactics are super aggressive
What tactics?
>if you watch combat footage from ukraine or syria, it's usually just guys hiding in trenches or behind walls taking potshots at each other.
If you watch combat footage from Afghanistan or elsewhere, Americans do the same.
Difference is those people in Ukraine are fighting a real conflict against serious opponent, not some lightly-armed and badly trained insurgents.
>many american soldiers absolutely thrive in that environment
I have no idea where you got any of this shit.
For example in WW2 people like Carius wrote that Americans are laughable opponent, if it wasn't for their air-power and artillery.
Of course, he was exaggerating, but I have no idea where you got any of this shit. Are you an Ameriboo or something?

"and the problem is completely buried under jargon." -George Carlin.

anyone see pic related? trippy movie

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>Greeks wrote of something similar.
Wouldn't doubt it, but do you have sauce? It doesn't seem to have been so common then. In most of the ancient world, at least among the dominant peoples, war seems to have been one of their greatest enjoyments. Reading Homer, for example, will leave you with the impression that Greek men, as well as their gods, loved nothing more than a good war. But obviously there would have been exceptions, and they would have had scorn poured on them.

They're fighting insurgents rather than uniformed enemies. That puts them in a constant state of stress, not knowing who is the enemy and who is a civilian.

>Why do most modern Military Veterans come back with PTSD?
They don't. Most as in 50% +1 do not have PTSD.

There would be 99% less PTSD if soldiers were sent to fight wars that are clearly morally justified.

PTSD occurs when one experiences a situation when either their own mortality is in perceived jeopardy or they directly witness others in such peril. That’s why we teach our soldiers to dehumanize the enemy. On Killing has a good description, showing the statistics of lethality of soldiers over time- technology controlled for in the studies. Soldiers today are much less reluctant to shoot and kill enemies.
However, the killing might not be such an issue thanks to dehumanization. Losing your own friends or your legs and face in an IED explosion or watching your brother in arms get his face blown off onto your cheeks will induce a survival-risk level of stress.
My dads friend (retired af General and alcoholic divorcée) saw his close friend be blown in half by a grenade right by him. Still has flashbacks and dreams.

american's actually flank and charge positions and have air superiority and artillery support whenever they go into battle. they actively take static positions at a way higher rate than something like the syrian army, or even the other nato ones. i got this shit reading an account from another nato soldier who was stationed with the americans in iraq and was talking about what badasses they actually were. you don't have to be an ameriboo to appreciate the fact that they could cut through your entire army with a single corps.

Being put into a position where it's kill, or be killed is very tough. Of course your natural reaction is to try to win, but after you do it's hard to cope with the fact you just murdered some one.

It's just low self-esteem.

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They realize that they are not serving to protect their country but to advance Israel's interests.

I mean, really. Why and how is Iraq a fucking threat? Oh right, it's a threat to Israel if Iran would have taken over Iraq. Daaaaamn.....

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I disagree, but I'll concede that we're softer than we used to be. I pray we never have to test your statement, for all our sakes, but I still have faith that the military makes enough men from the boys that you would be surprised when it comes down to the wire.

It might have something to do with realizing they are killing people for the military industrial complex. That might suck.

Modern medicine proves that stress fucks you body and mind
Nowadays war is stress almost 24/7 because any random bomb could kill you


Not the source I read it from on /his/ but good enough I guess, I just skimmed it.

You are forgetting the vets that have PTSD so they can get a VA disability check. And let's not forget that most of the country is full of faggits. Normal GI bantz is seen as an anger manangement issue.

>Any random bomb can kill you.
If you're careless in enemy territory and this happens, it's a lack of self awareness.


Yeah, it's pretty obvious OP is just a dumb fuck. They also come back with hearing damage and other physical injuries. This is a stupid thread.

"Soldier, if you see a dumbass kid walk in front of your tank then your order is to KEEP DRIVING, it might be an ambush tactic, if you stop your vehicle and the enemy starts throwing IEDs at the convoy then you will be responsible for the death of your brothers in arms, so ignore that kid on the road and KEEP DRIVING, that's an order soldier"

Gee I wonder why occupying an hostile country with no victory condition is a bad idea.

It sets in when you come home and realize everyone living here isn't worth fighting for.

Why are you asking faggots who don’t even talk to people or go outside about it?

spooked me well.
but very interesting story

Masterpiece, also Silent Hill true inspiration

>Death is everywhere
Except most vets claiming PTSD were never in any danger.

>get sent to the middle east
>paid to dick around in the dessert all day shitting in the sand
>don't even see combat
>muh PTSD

What faggots

not true.

As you develop brotherhood and throw 40 of you on the side of a mountain you start doing things you never thought possible. Walking around America I would never do 99% of the things I did in Iraq and Afghanistan, but once the group mentality kicks in you can start becoming super horrible to other human beings.

But yea it's prob becuase he's getting cucked left and right.
>Shitty orders

>no deployment patch
>brand new boots
>brand new acus
>on a subway train for some reason
>no unit markings on his duffel bag

You know that's not a real soldier right?

I saw it once which wasn't enough to get the full message/story. Need to go back to it again. Kinda hated all the hamfisted shoehorned biblical references, but it was good beyond that.

This. Pretty much everyone I've met that's actually killed some one refuses to speak of it.
In fact their family members will normally pull me aside, and tell me not to even bring it up.

but he doesn't even have a deployment patch


After watching his most recent movie i have this funny feeling John Krasinski is secretly really based.

in WW2 people like Carius wrote that Americans are laughable opponent, if it wasn't for their air-power and artillery.

the world war 2 army is not what i'm talking about. despite claims about the greatest generation that was an army of conscripts and volunteers that doesn't hold a candle to the average american infantryman today. it was a militia style recruitment. they were doctors and lawyers and teachers and kids. the current us army is a badass professional force of career soldiers. that may have been true for world war 2 but the current us army is a different animal.

Way to ruin the thread lol.

back in the days it was called shell shocked and they fought for the country they loved, now it's anxiety disorders because they're not prepared for war and they have no nationalist reasons to fight

After blowing up arabs, afghans and somalis for so long in a pointless war. Imagine coming back and being told you are a soldier of israel and not a hero.

the gore on the battlefield is pretty bad but what really worns out most veteran is the military lifestyle and it's ''culture'' itself.

>american's actually flank and charge positions
Just like everyone, ever? Those are basic small-unit tactics.
There's nothing in the way Americans are taught that shows some particular aggressiveness.
>and have air superiority and artillery support whenever they go into battle
What does that have to do with aggressiveness and tactics?
>they actively take static positions at a way higher rate than something like the syrian army, or even the other nato ones
You're comparing them with fucking Arabs.
>to appreciate the fact that they could cut through your entire army with a single corps
Most of European armies are smaller than a US corps.

I don't know what you read, but Americans aren't really that aggressive, and their army picked up some very nasty habits in the last 30 years or so. This is not me saying it, many of their soldiers say the same.
You mentioned Ukraine, they wouldn't fare so great there. They pretty much forgot how to fight a proper conventional conflict.

>War 100 years ago:
There is the enemy. March towards him and kill him.

>War now:
We have no idea where the enemy is. Drive around in your humvee until such time as you are ambushed or you are blown up by an IED.

They were raised in a culture that puts the needs of the individual against the needs of society. Then reality settles in. It's not just the army too.

>Military culture
And the faggits that have no business in the military in the first place.

CIB and EIB or fuck off.

and no not your free IB second LT faggot who sat in the TOC

Because everybody is a salty, cry pussy these days.

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Nah shit is just random. You've got less than 1 second to respond to the whistle of a rocket and you'll get even less if it's a mortar or an IED. Shit just happens sometimes.

Sometimes they rocket the base at 1500 and there's 2 dudes in the chow hall eating ice cream. Sometimes that rocket impacts just below the solid metal ice cream freezer and it absorbs all the blast. Literally seen guys have 200lb rockets go off less than 8 ft away from them and they walk away fine.

>deployment patch
doesn't need one to be a real soldier. also you army faggots wear your ACU's fucking everywhere. At least he blouse his boots correctly unlike some of your brothers and sisters. I am giving the benefit of the doubt he is real because this motherfucker isn't looking for attention in this picture.

>cant wait to see you fight
at least we do fight, surrender monkey

>war now
Bang fat chicks from other units, go to chow, gym, take nap, hide, get coffee from Green Beans, pretend to work. Yeah, war is hell.

>wearing ACU's on a train
>not looking for attention
Fucker I don't even wear that shit when I'm on orders.

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Kid is probably going back home from some pog AIT. That's the only time this combination of uniform, haircut, and unmarked duffel bag make sense.

for example, the american small unit tactics emphasize direct confrontation, they put their soldiers in closer proximity to the enemy than the british do. british small unit tactics are more built for disruption and dislocation. they hit priority targets and then withdraw in hit and run type operations. the americans use attrition and maneuver, they slog it out with the enemy until they are beaten, the british don't. the small unit tactics are similar but definitely not the same.

Dam france really is infested with arabs isn't it.

>taking the bait

>the current us army is a badass professional force of career soldiers
Well they are professionals, but I still don't see what does that have to do with aggressiveness.
And as I said, they learned to fight a specific type of conflict and fought it for so long. They wouldn't do so great in a real conflict.
Fuck up their communications, fuck up their gadgets, deny them air supremacy and firepower superiority, and they would melt down quickly.
Again, some Americans are pointing this out, especially after observing Ukrainian conflict.


Here's a good video if you're interested.
I wouldn't go so far as to call them a paper tiger but modern US military isn't as tough as it looks.

How the thread got this at without the obvious truth idk. The answer is money.
Because everybody wants a pay check for the rest of there life

Thanks user, I'll check this out.

Unlike the ‘good old wars’ where you would have social hour, take tea, then battle for ten minutes befor the refs called time for finger sandwiches, right dumbass? Life is stress Nancy. Pic related is men dealing with stress before faggot labels were issued by (((psychological))) gonzerned cidizenz.

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>Is it something in the water?
If so we need to double the dosage so more of these fucking zogbots off themselves.

He just found out that his wife decided that she needed to find herself while he was deployed, and heard from Facebook friends that he might have been in action, so decided that she and kids would be better off without his potentially violent self in their lives. He will, of course, not be allowed to have any contact with them, but will pay their bills. Forever and Ever, Amen.

How was your day, user?