Reminder that Jow Forums is a far right pro entho-state conservative board which supports Israel and has always been this way.
Nu-pol can't change it.
Reminder that Jow Forums is a far right pro entho-state conservative board which supports Israel and has always been...
>which supports israel
never has never will.
Fuck off JIDF.
Shlomo, you're trying WAY too hard. Most Americans I know, from every culture, every religion, every philosophical stance, do NOT like you.
israel is an anti-white terrorist nation and any "person" who supports that nation is not on the right, is not pro-white, is not a nationalist and is not conservative or libertarian.
israel is a terrorist nation and jews are a terrorist people.
Must be from California. Come meet some real whites you fag
but you have no friends user
> Real Whites
You mean Christian CUC.KS who believe Jews are the Chosen Ones even though they bash Christians' heads in in Israel and think Jesus is boiling in hot excrement for eternity?
Why are you here and not starting a scat porn company or taking money from old ladies through fraud, Ari?
I'm talking about good ol boys that'll chase muslims out of their neighborhoods instead of offering up their wives for repentance
Gas the kikes
Whats with this whole concept I should even care about either. I'm just rooting for Turkey to start a war with you guys so I can watch Shitskins and kikes off each other.
You are so fucking stupid lmao.
Fuck off, shill. I'm not even antisemitic, but your country fucking sucks, and the disproportionate influence that Israel has on US foreign policy makes me sick
>Good Ole Boys
Yeah, you mean CHRISTKEKS who think Israel is literally the eternal destination of God Himself. You guys are so fucking pathetic.
>Isreal is a fair nation built on tradition and honor
Said nobody ever
I mean the last of a dying breed, the white man. Dont worry fag, one day you'll be able to tell your black muslim grandchildren about the white man
And Jesus was a Jew.
I rest my case.
I’ve seen tons of pro-Israel threads lately.
>why do you hate us? We are high IQ. Better than niggers.
>why do you hate us? We are the first line of defense against hordes of sand niggers.
And I’ve also seen a lot of anti-White threads
>why are you all chimping out over Israel defending its ethno-State?
>hahaha you should let us dominate you. Our IQs are superior.
Let me break it down for everyone especially for the (((CFR))), (((JIDF))) and all of your little kike loving friends. We wouldn’t hate you if you didn’t openly advocate for our genocide. We wouldn’t hate you if you didn’t try to undermine our governments. We wouldn’t hate you if you didn’t constantly try to bait us into fighting your wars for you.
But that’s why you are here pushing these narratives so hard isn’t it? You know that you are losing support even in the US. No one knows or cares about the holohoax anymore, and Zionists are slowly losing control over the narrative. You have been driven out of hundreds of societies over the millennia. Even as recently as 2014.
If you are fearful just remember that you brought this all on yourselves.
>hurrdurr look at muh kike whores
i'll keep countershilling your shit until the sun rises from the west shlomo
What is this Talmudic sorcery
Reminder spam is against the rules
He is here
I honestly wish I knew more about Iraq, Iran and Israel to have an opinion. I just sit back and watch the threads.
OH LOOK! Another fucking post started by a FUCKING SUBVERTING RAT - fucking LITERALLY trying to subvert the fucking board right now.
The fact is - you don't need to support either! That is what anybody around here who has spent some time should know by now and CERTAINLY don't get thrown off by some fucking shilling kike!
funny how real pictures never look like those shitty caricatures.
hey Jordan
My mom visited Petra last year, she was at your best hotel.
She said it was worse than slums in Brazil.
Any comment?
>Following rules
yeah thanks for your shekels shlomo