The man with the highest IQ in the world is /ourguy/

The man with the highest IQ in the world is /ourguy/.

Attached: 1526239763312.png (606x626, 76K)

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Attached: 1526241636837.png (497x2107, 273K)

Das some hot shit

Attached: 1526390730265.jpg (1024x713, 212K)

I wish I had a big Brain.

Attached: 1510918504698.png (1144x888, 337K)

Jow Forums always shits on me for this gay little graph i made, but its so true. i know it looks bad and is cringy, but it's also the 100% fucking truth sorry everyone

Attached: Voter IQ.jpg (640x480, 112K)

Holy shit. Somebody smart is actually on our side fro once.


This guy is so smart I literally cant understand what hes saying.

I'm gonna need a link on this. Where is it from? Give a little more than image, user.