((((They))) Have gone too far

Who'll join me outside London parliament on Saturday the 19th of may. Next Saturday.

Stand up for your country, come down with: -

- swastikas
- white power banners
- anti jew / death to Israel
- throw some sieg heils
- anti eu

Me and some friends are traveling down, we have location and time planned. get off the keyboard and stand up for your people and your homeland bong.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Will periscope and post pictures for international anons

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lol this is some obvious bait OP.
nobody is going to go because its a Trap.
and the bongs that visit Jow Forums are cowards.
Your time is wasted here. Our bongs are stupid and antisemitic, but they have NO BALLS and will never stand up for themselves.
You would have better luck on twitter where you can summon the police to attack anyone not sensitive enough to your views.
Go be a faggot somewhere else you weak minded piece of shit.

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seriously if you want to bait bongs and get them jailed Jow Forums is a really sad waste of your time.
go use facebook or google or youtube or twitter.


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Following "jewdicial" review.

opinion ignored

the holocaust never happened.
hitler was the second coming of christ and the jews killed him again and enslaved us all.
we were tricked, the bad guys won and this shitty life is the cage those demon kikes have locked you in.

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>jailed for saying words

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Nice try rabbi

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I hope there's a live stream. It will be just OP there if he even has the guts to show up.

Nobody will join you. British men have no balls. They bend and spread em for their masters

You get his old squad mates to come to court and not allow them to arrest them.

>Who'll join me outside London parliament

Should have researched this place more before shill attempt.

You antifatards are really outdoing yourselves with your fucktardation. Seriously? You seriously thought this low energy bait would work? Jesus, just the sheer laziness of this shit is making me triggered a bit.

people would do well to show up and protest but no one is falling for this obvious trap you CTR faggot.

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i don't want too im too scared to fight

Jesus Christ, you would glow in a fucking light vacuum.

It sure is nice being God's Chosen.

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JIDF is in full force these days

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>jailed for saying words

(((they))) would love to bring this here too

You know they're tried before and won't stop

To expound on this, if anyone does decide to show up, go as RESPECTABLE people. No swastikas, no dodgy symbolism. We've been through this before in Berkeley faggots, its the normal, upstanding, freedom-loving citizens versus the rabid, black-clad, violent mob of "antifascists". This is the narrative we need to espouse and live, because godddamit, its true.

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You brits are beyond saving, imprisoning people over the things they say. You don't have a shred of democracy in that country of yours.

>come down with: -
>- swastikas
>- white power banners
>- anti jew / death to Israel
>- throw some sieg heils
>- anti eu

This is a mossad plant. If the citizens concerned with their country being controlled by a tiny less than 2% monority who wield all the political power and are overwhelmingly Zionists who have a foreign powers interests above their own people.

If you just get labelled as nazi jew hating racist anti semites like showing up with white power and swastikas will cause, then it can easily be dismissed as neo nazi radicals and not average citizens with reasonable logical concerns unconnected from racism/anti semitism

lmfao Jezz Turner has always been a government agent. This is just to remove some of the heat from him, and to get more people on their watchlist. Although I imagine they timed it to follow and discredit those Dankula or whatever free speech rallies.

bump, listen to this gentleman.

Nice one idiot
If anyone turns up with swastikas etc his cause is completely lost straightaway

Yet another white brit fighting against himself and realizing it too late.
I bet this fag is empire-posting on Jow Forums

I thank God every single day I live in a country I can talk all the shit I want
God bless America

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>can be jailed for wrongthink
>need to tip to wank it to porn
>government covers up Muslims grooming and raping children, while arresting people for carrying a butterknife in public

Seriously, britfags, when are you going to wake up?

>in before brits support his arrest
Seriously though, you know many of these faggots will come in here and just deflect about Germany or USA being shit.

If you're going down with that shit, then you're a fucking dumb shill.
For crying out loud...

You don't need any of that shit. just go out and free this man from JEwish bastards.

>come down with: -
>- swastikas
>- white power banners
>- anti jew / death to Israel
>- throw some sieg heils
>- anti eu

>Me and (((some friends))) are traveling down

Typical remoaner tricks.

He said he was bringing friends. I am yet to see such stupidity unfold in all its glory. Reading the comments so far to your post: No Brits whatsoever.



>- swastikas
>- white power banners
>- throw some sieg heils


>Jews have no power!

>Saying shit gets you imprisoned

>- white power banners
>- anti jew / death to Israel
>- throw some sieg heils
>- anti eu

This is absolutely retarded. Despite the fact that the swastika has successfully been an embedded symbol of "evil" for the past 70 years, anyone who sees this will immediately be turned against any notions of white nationalism.

Instead, would should just protest against it. Simple. No swastikas or "white power" banners to negatively sway constantly wavering popular public opinion. Our goal is to win minds, not act like a bunch of idiots and stifle progress.

Honeypot. England shows no mercy to people like you.
You’d be better off taking a page out of the IRA and start bombing people

>- swastikas
>- white power banners
>- anti jew / death to Israel
>- throw some sieg heils
Oh boy, that sure sounds like the kind of stuff that will make you seem rational and worthy of listening to! After all, it makes perfect sense to protest a guy getting jailed for speech by using the symbols of a regime that jailed and killed thousands of people for speech...

I respect you

Stop acting out in public, start gaining control of the stage. Control the stage and you control the country.

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Shit optics. For when you have your mind focused on shitposting.

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Nice. Do it Bong.


Also OP needs to be hanged for faggotry alone.

Kill yourself nigger. Everyone hates niggers.

It's not just "the Narrative".
If you are gonna to bring your country up from the shitter it will not be through some toothless no good chavs chanting for the Adolf who killed his great grand parent or whatever.

You just need to present a respectable and dignified front otherwise you will never get either respect or dignity from the population.

P.S. - Give me a million pounds and a cupple lawyers and I'll make Britain based again. It's not even that fucking hard.

Great idea GCH...errr m8 I mean, yeah.

You're confusing the OP with you. Faggot nigger.

>1 shekel has been deposited into your account

>Following Jewdicial review

The curse of neo-nazism is another thing that Americans have given us. They cannot resist turning everything into a commercial, easily packaged and neutral object. We actually have a rich history of traditionalism, as well as our own fascists like Mosley.

So true

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Amazing that it's illegal to use "jewish" as an identifier for the jews that own us like branded cattle. What do they expect us to call them instead?


There is only one impediment for an instant - and I mean instant - revival of the British Empire: The United States.
With the United States's permission, the British Empire could be ressurected in a matter of days unlike some Central European entities...

Jez Turner runs the London Forum, if he's a government agent he's been one for a VERY long time, anybody who's watched Bowden or Kai Murros is familiar with him.

>fighting back is a Jewish plot
I guess their no way out then

Unironically good always wins. Stay hopeful.

Very much this lol

>Crown Prosecution Service decides against charging.
>Crown Prosecution Service gets pressured by Jewish groups.
>Decision is (((reversed))).

>he thinks he can win by playing the game Jews created

Why would you adopt the symbols of those who fought against you if you have such a proud and rich history of Traditionalism - which you undoubtedly do?

>A far-right Army veteran has been jailed for stirring up racial hatred after the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) was pressured to reconsider not bringing charges against him.

>Jeremy Bedford-Turner, 48, called for his "soldiers" to liberate England from "Jewish control" in a speech outside Downing Street and blamed Jews for issues ranging from both World Wars to Jack the Ripper.

>The CPS declined to prosecute him after an initial complaint but reconsidered the decision after the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) brought a legal challenge at the High Court.

>Judge David Tomlinson jailed Bedford-Turner for a year for the "poisonous" and "sinister" speech after a jury convicted him following two hours of deliberation.

>The 15-minute speech was made at a rally against Jewish neighbourhood watch group Shomrim in Whitehall, central London, on 4 July 2015.

>Bedford-Turner, who served for 12 years in the Army speaking Pashtu and Arabic, told the crowd:

>"Let's free England from Jewish control. Let's liberate this land.

>"Listen, soldiers, listen to me. It's time to liberate our country."

>Under cross-examination during his two-day trial, Bedford-Turner admitted wanting all Jews including children to leave the UK.

>Prosecutor Louis Mably QC said the defendant was "absolutely obsessed" with Jewish people and that he "despised" them.

>The CAA took the step of bringing a judicial review after prosecutors declined to charge Bedford-Turner.

>Bedford-Turner, of no fixed address, was convicted of one count of stirring up racial hatred.

A year in jail. No threats of violence. CPS kowtowing to Jewish advocacy groups. I suppose at least now we know who's in charge, if there was ever any doubt.

Strong chains and a thousand men and we could be having tea at number ten.

Oi! Ye got a loicense fo being a white man, ya bugger?

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(((Jewdicial review))).

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Fucking pussies. Keyboard warriors. No trouble doing this online but when it's time to do it in real life, "nooooooo that's stupid! bad image! no one will support us! trap!". Cowards.

I was not saying that they ought to go out and pretend to be Nazis. I was saying that, if they were doing anything at all, that they ought to take the BUF flag or something. If someone were to do it, it would be a political statement anyway.

Also, I should mention that the swastika was more of a religious symbol for the Nazis, than anything.

Neither Britain nor its system were created by Jews.
There is no 1965 immigration act led by Jews in Britain.

If you cut American influence in Britain you cut Jewish influence in Britain. Britain wasn't "Jewish controled" until America decided Brit Nationalism was wrong after the 1956 Suez canal crisis.
After the Brits gave up their empire because (((America))) told them to do so, because it was racist... that's when they ceased to have their defenses against multiculturalism and mass immigration.

All the problems of Britain are basically an infection she caught from its promiscuous relationship with America. And I am not even touching on the fact that they pretty much gave up most of their industry - much of it pretty high tech and more advanced than anywhere else - just because (((America))) told them to.

Special Relationships with an aids infected partner is not that great. Brits should know already.

The thing is, no matter how bad Jew elites are, Nazis are even worse. I'd much rather live in the US than in Nazi Germany. If Jews rule, shit, they're doing a much better job of it than the Nazis did. We can talk about the disproportionate power that Jews have in the world... that's one thing... but when I read people proposing Nazism as if it were an improvement, I immediately disregard them as being either morons or sociopaths or both

True. Whites are still largely too fat and happy to stop using the symbols of defeated enemies as props.

Instead try these:
Your Country's Flag
Professional Clothes or Working Man Clothes (Pick ONE style and use it. The idea is to be uniform. It makes you look more powerful.)
Tell Everyone About How All The Money They Use Is Created (You want to win, don't you?)

After you get these images and ideas in the heads of the average man you can tell them about the Jewish Nature of Central Banking, News, Education and Entertainment. It is an important lesson but part of the World Power 201 curriculum. World Power 101 is Control Money, Media, Education and Entertainment. Once your new students know how the job is done they are ready to learn (((who))) is in charge.

If you are going to LARP as a Nazi at least teach people about the Reich's Bank. (Look it up if you don't know about it.) That lesson is second only to Central Banking In Current Year. The formation of the Reich's Bank is a big part of the 1930's Nazi strategy and how they created the German Miracle.

Damn right, sir. Damn right.

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Anyone who would go with a swastika would say you're mislead when caring about optics anyway. Community outreach and enjoy the ride down.

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Nazis don't exist anymore, gramps

I suspect BUF stands for British United Front or some sort of Chav organisation.
In London? Really? Who will look at them and be moved by it?

Everything you do needs to be strategic. The point in question here is how to fight what has been called here "Orwellian Britain".
You should focus on defending "freedom of speech" and such "liberties" because that is what most of the population can swallow.

P.S. - I don't give a fuck about swastikas, I'm sure most Brits don't... Find your very own National Pepe - something that normies will not consider automatically far right, which is particular dear for a great number of Brits and which can be turned easily into a right wing symbol.

That faggot talking bear you have is a good idea - although I think it is beyond untasteful.
Nigel Farage perhaps is a good idea.
The Duke who married your queen - who the fuck knows what you Brits like? Tea perhaps?

M8, you're dumb as shit and your dreadlocks stink.

The stuff about swastikas and sieg heiling does kind of make it obvious that OP was baiting, though, as are you.

Will we ever make it out of the cage?

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This literally proves his point.

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You alright there, Rabbi? If you don't understand the board, don't come here. Or hang around longer until you do.
Good day.

Uhh, no. It's the British Union of Fascists. I appreciate the effort you've put into your post, but I already know everything you've said. I believe what you have said would be ineffective.

The trick is that there is no cage; they just make you think there is one. All you need to do is watch the sun set, or walk through a woods on a cool summer's morning.

>stirring up racial hatred.

What are the proofs?
Are lawyers this bad in Britain? WTF happened.

Instead of having this fucking thread just hiring some lawyers and demand some fucking questions - seriously - would be 100 x more productive.


Whenever I read accounts of life in Nazi Germany written by actual Germans it sounds like a fucking paradise to be quite honest with you. I fear you may have been lied to for your entire life.

>act like a bunch of skinhead niggers

Instead, why don't you be ferociously patriotic in a British way, calling out the Jews for fucking over Britain instead of Germany?

Swastikas? Really? Do you want to prove the jewdiciary right?

Sure, but neo-Nazis exist. In any case, it's irrelevant whether they exist or not. My point is that if they did exist, their rule would be shittier than Jew rule. Trust me, there would be a lot less free speech in a Nazi state than a Jew state.

How clever you are.
Why would I associate with someone who just wants to do *us* harm and discredit *us* to *our* societies?

>Free speech could literally get you shot
>Opposing the government could literally get you shot
>"fucking paradise"

>- swastikas
>- white power banners
> throw some sieg heils

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No amount of lawyers can fight against what is the law. Being mean is actually actually the law. I imagine this would fall under the Equality Act, or something. Fun fact: the Equality Act actually destroy's the unique position of the CofE in English society.

Muh neo-nazi spook
Totally justfies our jewish overlords

bump, help op bongs.

By all means, if you want to play Nazi, play Nazi. The idea with easing them in is to show them a structure of world control that they can test on their own and investigate themselves. If even just a few do this, they will be ready for the next lesson. I.E. Who runs all this in the modern world?

The reason nobody respects Nazi imagery is because it has been coopted by wannabe tough guys who can only win fights against small groups of people. Want the swastika to mean more than mass murder in the minds of the Plebs, make sure the only people who use it teach verifiable lessons on world power and how it was achieved.

A great question to ask is "Did you know the Nazi's were the last major rebellion against Rothschild Central Banking?"

This, our bongs probably kiss BBC reps ass coming to inspect their tv Lou ensue then give their girlfriend (sex doll) the bbc

You'd have to read the speech to say really, it does sound like he was revealing his power level a bit, especially the stuff about Jack the Ripper. The trouble is that our laws are so widely framed that it's very easy to get caught out. I don't understand why he was cross-examined about what he thinks about Jews - the trial was meant to be about what he said, not what he thinks.

make sure to post a thread on the 19th op
>although we are 10 hours apart