How do you feel about this?
How do you feel about this?
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I feel pic related.
Being single and buying home means you are mentally retarded, which most women are. They think this shows empowerment, but paying that shit for 30yrs just to die alone and have no one to leave it to? Sounds exactly what women would do.
Condos aren't houses now are they. Also one of the largest groups on Manhattan are single women between 22 and 50years of age.
Why would a single man buy a house? Sounds like a thing a dumb woman would do.
a lot of men inherit properties
Kinda sad, really. Any single woman financially capable of buying a home is probably a lost cause. Which is sad in itself, but she did it to herself and there's no way to undo it.
Even worse than thought, I can't imagine what most women would actually do with a whole house to themselves. Pretty much any male out there would end up making use of every room for various projects. 99.9% of women like this will end up using the extra space for raising proxy children. In the form of multiple cats, imported brown kids, or something especially retarded like homeless people. Which in turns decreases the entire neighborhood's quality of life, for obvious reasons.
Men know that buying property when the real estate bubble is getting ready to burst is a bad idea. Women are retarded.
Society caters to omen and gives them easy well paying jobs while men bust their asses for pennies.
So do women, but I would imagine they sell them and piss away the money on something retarded. Cause when she's 40 and finally finds Mr Right, he's gonna have a better house than her parents did anyway.