60 shitskins dead, 0 shitskins made it through the border.
60 shitskins dead, 0 shitskins made it through the border
Well played
short term goal accomplished
long term goal even more destroyed
Why exactly were they assembled there in the first place? How can anyone feel sorry for them?
We need Israeli snipers on our wall.
Well, maybe next time they will learn their lesson and bring some rifles to fight back with.
Mexico paid for it
6 millons soaps gased
wtf i like Israel now
a semite calling other semites shitskins. Take your tricks elsewhere.
the left can't meme
>if you kill your enemies, they win
>murdering innocent people is okay when the Jews do it!
Attacking unarmed civilians is what you do best Scholomo.
Now try to fight Hezbollah, or any other armed group, and see what happens. Kind of like 2006.
>100 diapers soiled due to fear of the rock throwing bad people.
When the USA gibs end for you cunts, so does your country of inbred swine
Gas all of the jews
>they are innocent when it's not MY border!
60 less "refugees" :)
whoever made that '''meme''' is fucking bad at it and should stop
>When the USA gibs end for you cunts,
The USA would sooner allow gigantic portions of the USA to break off than to give Israel one dollar less.
Israel would have won that battle if they had a larger supply of diapers
Not that I like arabs or something but aren't you jews shitskins as well?
pic related is what left from Beirut
looks like you lose again leftie scum
>Jews flood White nations with non-Whites.
>Jews murder innocent people protesting along their border.
It's the hypocrisy of the Jews that I can't stand.
Right back at ya Schlazzicky.
everything comes to an end, user
Especially when it comes to the Jews...they have a tendency to get expelled from regions following generations of rat fink fuck behavior
>Israel destabilizes the middle east via their proxies for the benefit of Greater Israel
>posts pictures of a destabilized middle east as "proof" that the Jews are superior.
How many baby boys did you sodomize today Rabbi Shlomo?
go put your diaper back on OP. Those men went to be picked off one by one because they are brave in the face of tyranny. Like to see you do something knowing likely you would be killed and having nothing but some tennis rackets and rocks to throw.
>Jesus used to live here
they are at home this time
Can't argue with the digits
and also a wall.
>everything comes to an end, user
If the USA has any say in the matter the funds to Israel will never stop flowing.
>specially when it comes to the Jews...they have a tendency to get expelled from regions following generations of rat fink fuck behavior
Oh I agree, but that won't happen as long as the Jews remain in power in the USA. We're not going to be allowed to vote the Jews out of power.
successes breeds jealously
Oy Vey!
>Has to steal, murder, extort and blackmail
>claims its "success."
you are shitskins too
Terrible. They're mostly unarmed.
I wished Jews were protecting our “““borders“““
They are dessert rats, they don't have a home as Israel is losing the internal war.
Moderate Jews fucking hate the Orthodox Jews...the Orthodox Jews hate the Moderate jews...it is a failed experiment
They'd just shoot white people
Based Israel.
If the Jews can do it, so can we.
Let's deploy national guard to the US-Mex border.
Oh wait! We can't, because Mistah Trump is cucking out to Commiefornia's govnah. Weird how Fed power can't supersede state. Wasn't there a civil war fought that settled this matter?
Really makes ya think.
>being proud of killing unarmed people that can't fight back
it's like kiling pedestrians in gta V and feeling badass
If this was the border to Mexico then Jow Forums would be cheering.
oh no you don't
This, jews don't have a home. They are roaches who hide and steal to survive.
>They'd just shoot white people
Exactly. The Jews would be on the Mexican side shooting Whites that attempted to stop the flood of non-Whites.
It is in their nature to fuck themselves due to greed and vanity. At some point they will push their shit too far and public sentiment will shift.
Even here in Brazil people are starting to question the jews, pretty fucking hilarious.
>oh no you don't
inb4 you sell those weapons to China.
The only thing Jews breed are genetic defects. I'm so jealous of your Tay-Sachs disease.
Jews wouldnt think twice about sinking a few of those rubber boats in the middle of mediterranean.
Are those hot dog vendors in the middle right?
Actually this. Can't really see how anyone can regard it as an accomplishment.
what do you not get? We hate kikes and we aren't the only ones. it's a new world jew boy.
>eurocucks getting buttblasted instead of learning how it’s done
>Jews wouldnt think twice about sinking a few of those rubber boats in the middle of mediterranean.
They'd rescue the refugees then ship them to a White country as they've done before.
grim reminder soon you kike shitstain
When I first saw the picture, my eyes lit up.
>ITT: people are having mental breakdowns strokes and aneurysms IRL trying to grasp the fact that Israel is the only country on earth which protects it's borders.
Damn good start!
Kike you are going to die for shit like this and it's just the tip of the iceberg.
>You goyim better do what we chosen say otherwise we'll kill you!
>oy vey! why are you so antisemitic!?!? haven't we chosen suffered enough what with the shoah and all?
You are making the world hate you
their leaders sent them to death
Exactly, jews hate the west.
>posts a literal prison wall
>breaking INTO the prison
lmao why are arabs like this. is it the centuries you spent out in the sun?
Because we are not kike shill dirty filthy lying sons of Satan.
When your media doesn’t make you like assholes you can get away with murder
Too bad our kikes don’t play that same game. Instead they hate our country. While they worship the motherland. Hypocrites all of them. Though some mudslimes are gone, it would be best if both sides were erased from human history
No we don't. Kikes would just help the spics cross and shoot at US border patrol.
That's a good start. Proceed
try again with an actual argument
>Jews in Israel: BORDERS!
>Jews everywhere else: NO BORDERS
Kike you're going to die and a part of you knows you deserve it all and more
>They'd rescue the refugees then ship them to a White country as they've done before.
That would actually be the christian NGO-s and southern EU goverment navies doing that.
I fucking love Israel.
I wish every jew would move there.
With you imbred camel fuckers, I wouldn't be surprised if you did have some retarded, misshapen giant wandering around going, "DEEEEEERP!"
keep fighting the good fight kike
kill a few more miliion while you're at it huh? what the fuck else are you good for?
Kike you are going to die
Lmao this. Absolutely ZERO honorable success. All evil. All lying and cheating. I hate liars.
They are parasites. They come into a country and subvert everything, rob people blind, change laws to decay society...Even in Israel they are eating each other alive like rats in an overcrowded house
This. It only come backs to bite you in the ass
Arabs just know how jews are. The west is waking up to it too. 65% of Americans side with iran over israel. We just want to see you burn.
Not before you do, nigger.
Everyone already knows Israel is great at killing women, children, and other unarmed civilians.
Now tell us something new Jew.
Kike the genocide breathing down your neck is so close you can smell it
>try again with an actual argument
I like it
Keep up the good work please
about the only thing kikes are good for other than dying ;)
If we let israel fall and let the mudshits rebuild they would leave the west. Mudshits want to go back to the middle east to wage jihad against each other. They just have nowhere to go back to because kike wars leveled their cities.
Kike we are going to kill you all for your crimes against humanity
Guess who's the palestinian shitskin here :D