purple = protestant, red = orthodox, blue = catholic, green = muslim, yellow = traditional catholic
Homoheretic Western European bishops have gone for nothing or nothing. There will be irreconcilable differences in the Synod that are larger than those of Eastern and Western Christianity, larger than the Reformation. However, there is also a temporary postponement, an artificial status quo, a temporary Catholic Church "in two speeds", but the spirit is released from the bottle and the break is just a matter of time. The question of sacred communion is only "reverberation" for something else.
As sodomites occupy the leverage of power in the outside world, their colleagues / partners within the Church will succeed in "helping" the Catholic Church. It will be shown that sodomites were in church cabinets and more represented than in the outside world. From there all scandal with pedophilia in the Church (actually efebophilia, typical for homosexuals).
The situation from Germany from the end of the 19th century to the end of the Second World War is repeated in the West, when sodomites held the levers of power in Germany. Only the public opinion was not so tolerant, so there was a need for political actions of masking and sacrifice. In 1945, homosexuality was referred to as " German Deacon ".
And as liberalism anesthetized Europe does not have the power to stop gaypriestIslamization, nor its own depopulation, so does the Church have the power to remain on the previous moral and ethical values that were considered absolute by 2000. All this on behalf of the progress of the 21st century, while at the southern gate of Europe it houses the Middle Ages with its unmistakable feet.