THE FUTURE OF EUROPE (read carefully)

purple = protestant, red = orthodox, blue = catholic, green = muslim, yellow = traditional catholic

Homoheretic Western European bishops have gone for nothing or nothing. There will be irreconcilable differences in the Synod that are larger than those of Eastern and Western Christianity, larger than the Reformation. However, there is also a temporary postponement, an artificial status quo, a temporary Catholic Church "in two speeds", but the spirit is released from the bottle and the break is just a matter of time. The question of sacred communion is only "reverberation" for something else.

As sodomites occupy the leverage of power in the outside world, their colleagues / partners within the Church will succeed in "helping" the Catholic Church. It will be shown that sodomites were in church cabinets and more represented than in the outside world. From there all scandal with pedophilia in the Church (actually efebophilia, typical for homosexuals).

The situation from Germany from the end of the 19th century to the end of the Second World War is repeated in the West, when sodomites held the levers of power in Germany. Only the public opinion was not so tolerant, so there was a need for political actions of masking and sacrifice. In 1945, homosexuality was referred to as " German Deacon ".

And as liberalism anesthetized Europe does not have the power to stop gaypriestIslamization, nor its own depopulation, so does the Church have the power to remain on the previous moral and ethical values that were considered absolute by 2000. All this on behalf of the progress of the 21st century, while at the southern gate of Europe it houses the Middle Ages with its unmistakable feet.

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Other urls found in this thread:şęgoborze_Prophecy

When dust drifts, along with parallel Islamization, Europe's map could get new colors. An autochthonous European population will migrate from certain areas of impunity, leaving immigrants in areas that will control local Muslim militias, fighting for supremacy. Just like in their dusty existence. After all, some parts of Paris and other European cities are already emptied. The inhabitants will not be afraid of the houses for a long time, but in time the mob will become even more obscure. State authorities are virtually non-existent in some areas. Such a discharge is also expected in the south of Italy .

The Catholic Church will be divided into the eastern part of Europe as the Traditional Catholic Church, while the progressive Catholic Church v2.0 (Advanced Version 2.0) will remain in Western Europe, North America and part of South America.

Africa and Asia would certainly admit the Traditional Catholic Church.

South America could be deeply divided.

Demographic demographic changes will lead to the establishment of sharia law - either through democratic elections through over-election, whether violently after reaching the critical mass. In the newly established Western Caliphate, the indigenous population will be in a subordinate position, will not fall under the wider laws and eventually become biologically disappeared.

Progressive Catholic Church v2.0 will survive in the exterritory Vatican City, neutral Switzerland, and in both America.

After the turmoil, Portugal and Ireland could later be classified as belonging to the Traditional Catholic Church at the edges of the caliphate.

Liberalism, which has led to this kind of end, will eventually disappear with indigenous peoples who will no longer deal with feminism, gender ideology, diversity, tolerance, fascination of minorities to the extent of their tyranny and various rights. Civilizational cancer will stir up itself and the continent will start a new history with other players.

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t.ignorant faggot

it did fall into heresy (born into it actually), it did fall to islam and it fell for communism

I dont think catholics ever said it was gonna fall into modernism tho

also pic related

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Nice fan fiction OP

it was written by a croatian catholic in the know

>orthodox faggots that sided with muslims that invaded Europe talking shit about anyone
wew lad

If Rome/Italy falls to Islam, Catholicism will be totally dead.

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Nice map, tard. There's zero muslims in the north of the Netherlands.

>There's zero muslims in the north of the Netherlands.

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Btw it's still retarded as fuck, you may found the biggest concentration of muslim in Milan, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and maybe Rome, not south Italy.

>ustashe nigger talking shit

Jesus, out of all the places Scotland, Iceland, and Eastern Europe are Europe's last hope. Two of them are shitholes and Iceland is too cold.

Any nation who allows religion to be a part of its future identity dooms itself to ignorance and endless violence. Christians, muslims, jews. All suckers for the con of religion

everything south of italy is muslim, and oh boy they'll keep coming

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If you think it'll be harder for Muslims to get in Italy as Italy becomes more Islamic you're retarded mate. No dhimmi area will exist between north Africa and the padanian caliphate

just curious, what would happen to the Orthodox nations? would some nations like Romania and Bulgaria give up Orthodoxy, so they would have better ties with the Catholic nations, and other Orthodox like Russia and Serbia staying Orthodox? or would the Catholic and Orthodox churches reunite and reverse the Great Schism?

i feel sorry for the Dutch. but thats what they deserve for voting anyone other than Wilders, who was based and knew kebabs are no good.

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how likely will pic related happen if the West falls to Islam?

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I'm not really sure how important the Orthodox identity is important in Romania or Bulgaria. But I could definitely see Romanians switching if US was catholic, since it isn't... Also Montenegro will switch for sure.

ik fhaskjbsjg sahjkghkgasnasa

As far as Serbia goes we won't be a part of it. Albos will outbreed us by then and western countries will bomb what little remains of Christians here.

here in Romania we have more Churches than Hospitals. pic related.

>if US was catholic, since it isn't...

US becomes Catholic if Mexicans take over.

>Also Montenegro will switch for sure.

why Montenegro?

Ukraine would be a good buffer and Ukrainians would be a source of cannon fodder against Russia.

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Orthodox stay the same.
At most they separate if they get mad at russia

>Albos will outbreed us by then and western countries will bomb what little remains of Christians here.

sounds so depressing. but i think the rest of Intermarium, or even Russia, will all help you against the Turkish-backed Albos. if not, then what you said MIGHT, keyword, MIGHT, become true.

Wilders doesn't know shit, he's not the right candidate

>Orthodox stay the same.

in terms of religion? okay. maybe Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Ukraine, will all still join Intermarium. either that or a new Byzantium, or in the worst case, Turks conquer us.

he was, IMO, the best candidate and the last chance Netherlands had. if he won, he would have kicked out the sandniggers.

>he needs backstabbing buffer

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Well, a church can be a 10x5m room with a bell on top, hospital can't. I don't really see it as a problem, most are quite pretty to look at even to those not attending.

Because their nation building became synonymous with Serb hating and since we are orthodox...

Tbh Westerners are the only problem. Albos are quite nice when nobody is fanning the flames.

Wales arbitrarily becomes muslim even though migration outside of Cardiff/Newport is minimal.
Pic related you absolute brainlet

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You need to have more churches than hospitals though

Ukrainians, backstabbers? how? do you think they would backstab Intermarium for Russia?

What's in there for them?

many of our old Churches are made out of wood.ş

but many Churches built today are not. the Church here is corrupt AF, and many priests are driving limousines while all the faithful, many of them being age 50-60 and above, are poor and some even starving. many of the youngsters, teenagers and young adults, are rarely going to Church. its mostly the elder who still go.

about Montenegro, maybe, maybe not.

as for the Albos, the Westerners are helping them. without Westerners, Albos would have been wiped out a long time ago, see 1990s.

why? with fewer Hospitals, people are getting sicker. our Church is corrupt and ruining our country together with the Communists who many are still ruling this shithole. things are starting to change since most of the Churchgoers are old and dying, and the Church loses power.

i dont know what to do with Ukraine, use them against Russia.

>many of our old Churches are made out of wood.

forgot pic.

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What's up with Crimea?

since i already shown a map of Churches and Hospitals ratio, pic related is Patriarvh Daniel, the boss of our Church, and his white Mercedes. with all the money our Church gains, from state funds and churchgoers giving money, why doesnt the Church use those money to help the poor? my country has so much bad luck, even the Church is corrupt.

seeing how corrupt my country's Church is, it makes me happy we have a Lutheran president. if we had another Orthodox president, we would have really become the gypsy shithole everyone on Jow Forums thinks we are. our president even stopped a Muslim woman from becoming prime minister.

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that map was made before 2014.

Of course they are corrupt. In Yugoslavia, The Party worked really hard to get the worst people in the Church and make it hated by the people. They mostly succeeded. Today, Church is living in the aftermath of it all and many of those people are still in positions of power since they are old now. It will shift, I'm sure of it. Church is made up of people and like everything it's a mirror of the society as whole, although it usually isn't as bad as the rest.
With all that said, to this day I have yet to meet a bad monk or a local priest and I've met many. But that limo in which the big guy is riding around is what the camera likes. Our former patriarch went to job by tram and always wore the simplest black robe. The new one is like yours is...

>our president even stopped a Muslim woman from becoming prime minister.

yes it is true.

>Romanian President Klaus Iohannis has rejected the prime ministerial candidate nominated by the left-of-centre Social Democrats (PSD).
>Sevil Shhaideh would have been Romania's first female and Muslim prime minister. President Iohannis has given no reasons for his decision.

i wonder if an Orthodox Romanian president would have stopped it.

pic related, the muzzie who almost became our PM. dye her hair blue and she looks like your typical tumblrina.

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go away tard

>England becomes Muslim
>Wales MAGICALLY is allowed to be muslim-free

No wonder you brainlets are so cucked when you're so irrational

our Orthodox church worked with the party and purged almost all Catholics, both Greek and Roman.

>After assuming political power in 1948, the Communist regime, rooted in Marxist–Leninist atheism, deposed all 12 bishops of the Greek-Catholic Church on Stalin's orders. Moreover, on October 21, 1948, the 250th anniversary of the Romanian Greek Catholic Union with the Roman Catholic Church, the regime arranged for the "voluntary" and "spontaneous" transfer of all members of the Greek-Catholic Church (decree 358/1948), that numbered some 1,500,000(who?)[citation needed] at the time, to the Romanian Orthodox Church; furthermore, the property rights over many of the Greek-Catholic Church's possessions, including its four cathedrals, were transferred to the Romanian Orthodox Church, while the remainder of those properties were confiscated by the State.[9]

and some priests still did exorcism, like the Tanacu case.

oh dear, we suck even at Orthodoxy.

>The new one is like yours is

he is Patriarch for many years. and i heard he was a Securitate agent, our secret police, and even a Freemason.

Jeez, why communists have to ruin everything.

Cool thread

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Wow. Our ones sound awesome now. The worse they did here (that's known) is buying limos and building summer houses in the mountains.

because Communism is meant to ruin everything. even the Soviet motto, "Workers of the world unite!" sounds like something globalist.

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our priests do the same about houses and cars. and they buy them with money from state funds, donations from churchgoers, and cemetery taxes, like how they want money from people who want a place in a graveyard, and want priests at funerals.

So... almost zero. If you had any knowledge of Europe you would've posted your map with muslims in the west.

>he thinks they'll stop

Communists ruined my country soooo much, like Pol Pot ruined....

>Decreței (from the Romanian language word decret, meaning "decree"; diminutive decrețel) are Romanians born in the late 1960s and 1970s, shortly after the communist regime of Nicolae Ceaușescu issued Decree 770, aimed at the creation of a new and large Romanian population by restricting abortion and contraception.

because of them, we have the gypsy problem today. and by we, i mean not just Romanians, but also other people who see these rats begging everyday. with the Commies here banning abortion. the gypsy birthrate grew as well. i wish WW2 lasted longer (and it would have if our last king, who died in December last year, had not launched an anti-Axis coup) so Hitler and Antonescu (our WW2 prime minister, who was overthrown in 1944) would kill all gyppos so Commies would not infest us with gyppos after the war.

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It's a lot fucking easier to build a hospital than a church.

>traditional catholic

true. but our Church is corrupt and wants more money so they build more churches to get state funds. with this, they build more churches and spread their influence everywhere, and do some money laundering too.

Your map is still retarded

our Church wants to waste about 250 Million € to 1 Billion € on a Cathedral!

>Construction cost €250 million

>In 2006, Evenimentul Zilei estimated the cost of the new cathedral to be more than €500 million, including the price of the land.[12] In 2007, Patriarch Daniel estimated the cost of the building, excluding the land, to be approximately €400 million.[26] In 2008, Le Figaro estimated the cost to be €1 billion.[23]

in a first world country, those money would be used for building hospitals, roads, schools, etc. but since my country is third world....

even in first world countries Churches would give to the poor and needy.

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about the future of Europe, who else feels like Dr Goebbels when he said pic related?

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If it ends up being a nice cathedral, like the ones in Rheims or Cologne, it wouldn't be a bad thing. We even have this nice oratory built in the 60s that lots of people from all over come to see. Somehow it only cost like $2 million in 1960s Canadian dollars

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can someone pls tell me, a balkan muslim to do with myself religiously?
do i convert to orthodoxy? thx

This doesn’t match any prophecies. Smells larpy.

Yes fren, it will help a lot.

wat do i do about my name tho mister meme flag?

No, become a Catholic. Orthodoxy is the reason that your ancestors had to become Muslims to begin with

there is not even one white catholic country at the moment

your Churches are nicer because they are either Catholic or Protestant. ours are Orthodox, and too many of them. more than Hospitals!

we even have a Saxon Lutheran president, he stopped a raghead from becoming PM.
from what part of the Balkans are you? Bosnia, Albania, somewhere else?

oi kurwa you forgetting poland

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maybe i would consider if the pope wasn't such a fucking retard.
no orthodoxy is not the reason we converted. we converted so we don't pay tax.
nah romaniabro. bulgaria. apparently we are bulgarian turks. dna results and the fact that turkey in general feels alien to me just reafirms the fact ancestors were forced converts.

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trad catholicism is the way. you get to ignore our current post-1968 pope while reconciling with the aggressive church of the past.

deus vult

There has never been a white Protestant country

both of you are wrong
idk just not feeling it. besides i'm probably gonna gtfo this godforsaken country and just go back.

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Orthodox churches could be nice. Nobody would say that St. Basil's in Moscow is ugly

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>Be traditional Catholic who sucks the magisterium's dick
>Magisterium tells you something you don't like
>LMAO I do what I want xDDD

At least have the decency to go full sedevacantist

The Pope doesn't affect your day-to-day experience of Catholicism very much. On the national level, American Catholics are known to be more conservative than average

Where are Hellenists, and Odinists?

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I will never worship a semitic cult.

Please don't post that picture of your face

Larping in their mother's basements

As Buddhism
Very easy way to destroyed all of you to the core is
Ignition nuclear fusion bomb over Jerusalem.

brb, gonna take a shower. keep this thread bumped, pls. and someone pls convert me to orthodoxy.

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Ok, Jerusalem is destroyed, so what? It wouldn't be the first time in the history of Christianity that Jerusalem has been destroyed, you know

The other way around retard are you kidding me

many of the Bulgarian "Turks" are likely just converts, not real Turks. but Bulgaria does have some bad luck of having a border with Turkey.

here are some Churches in my country.

>bomb over Jerusalem

it will likely happen soon now that Trump plans to really move the US Embassy there.

I still can’t reconcile this map because every prophecy predicts kebab removal. So unless Poland nukes everything it makes no sense.

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here is a Polish prophecy.ęgoborze_Prophecy

>The prophecy of Tęgobórz

Węgier z Polakiem, gdy połączą dłonie,
Trzy kraje razem z Rumunią.
Przy majestatu polskiego tronie
Wieczną połączą się unią.

The Hungarian with the Pole, when they join their hands
Three countries together with Romania.
Under the majesty of Polish throne.
Will unite under a forever-lasting union.


we have them. thanks. Poland will be given some too, because NATO.

since this is a Religion-related thread including Orthodoxy, how many of you know of Samuel Damian, the Romanian priest who was a friend of Benjamin Franklin?

>Samuel Damian (also spelled Samuil Domien), was an 18th century Romanian Orthodox priest from Transylvania who emigrated to North America.[1][2]
>Damian's name first appears in 1748, when he placed an advertisement in the South Carolina Gazette announcing the electrical demonstrations he planned to give, and inviting the public to attend. Letters written in 1753 and 1755 by Benjamin Franklin attest to the fact that the two had met, and had carried on discussions in Latin concerning electricity.[1]
>Before settling in Charleston, South Carolina, Damian spent time in Maryland, North Carolina and Virginia.
>After living for some years in South Carolina, he traveled to Jamaica, and after that his name disappears from historical records.[3][4]

Gotta convert yourself, brah.

Go to one liturgy and gaze upon the anti-porn.

This shit is honeslty retarded as fuck
No whites aren't becoming a minority in Europe
no Catholicism isn't falling
nothing you think is true in any way shape or form
and you want to know why this is the case?
want to know the big god damn reveal of why white Christianity isn't going away?
because the jews don't want it to
the neo liberal western establishment is interested in only one thing and that's self preservation
Do you honestly think the kikes want to live under sharia law?
You know that thing that calls for the extermination of jews and the abolishion of usury?
Fuck no
the point of the mass migration into to europe isnt to breed out europeans
its to get the populace to a point where they happily accept authoriterain states in their countries to deal with the refugee crisis
They dont give a fuck if fascism rises as long as its bought out by them
fuck, they might even prefer it
it gives them more power over the masses
more control
Sure some people on the far right want to end the central banking system but you can bet your ass they arent the ones getting in power
and if you give your average "alt righter" a choice between kicking out refugees and breaking an economic enslavement that he niether understands nor ses in his everday life you can bet your ass which he'll pick
this will also give the jews clearance to wipe out the rest of the arabs on the arabian peninsula and finnallly go through with "greater israel" while whites exterminate mussies in europe
this will all take us one step closer an authoriterian one world government state run by the banking cartell for the jews
how do you stop it?
man up and name the kikes
but if you dont its all just controlled opposition
they will corrupt whatever system you create as long as you let them

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for those who doubt it.

Melvin H. Buxbaum (1988). Benjamin Franklin, 1907-1983: A Reference Guide. Boston: G. K. Hall & Co. pp. 446–715.
"Romanian Americans - History, Modern era, The first romanians in america". Retrieved 2015-10-03.
Wertsman, Vladimir (1975). The Romanians in America, 1748–1974. New York: Oceana Publications
"Romanian Americans history". Retrieved 2013-04-14.

yes. it's part of the reason why i had my identity crisis to begin with. living in the west and whatnot.
im not very fond with turks in turkey. sometimes i can barely understand them even because how different our accents are.

i like bulgarians a lot, they actually feel like "my people" more so than the turks do. the problem arises with them rewriting the gravestones ancestors that died. though this was not a policy of bulgarians, but a policy of communists. the strife between the bulgarian turks and the bulgarians come from this "revival process" or "bulgarisation"
anyway thanks to that, i do not know anything about my families history pre balkan wars because everything we know is passed mouth to mouth. the revival process from the communists is one of the things that led to my grandfathers suicide. he went crazy and thought the communists would imprison him for his beliefs.

of course, more likely than not i can never be fully accepted by either bulgarians or turks. the only people who i can promptly say are my people are the people of the south eastern rhodopes
i just want a place to belong to man. i look too much like a balkanite (albeit on the shortside 179cm) and too far removed from islam (communism made parents irreligious as fuck plus me living in america) to become a "turk". as for being a bulgarian, there's the issue of my name and just negative stigma in general.

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What prophecies?

I have a book of Catholic prophecies. Many of them say the Mohammedans will come to Europe and commit many atrocities and then leave. It seems England is the only nation that remains multicultural. I assume the other nations retain their ethnic character as a new important white culture emerges from France as well as a brown haired king.

>It seems England is the only nation that remains multicultural

So all of the bants about England are real?

What about us here on this side of the Atlantic?

Gypsies can't do anything, give us back what you stole in Trianon!

It's probs cause it's an island and Protestant so the prophet wannabe diversified them harder

It’s a royal pain trying to find where we stand in all this. All I know for certain is we have a struggle against Russia, ally with Germany, and do something very important.

Whether or not the prophet did it, they sure are diversifying themselves hard and seem the least likely to recover. If there are whites left in the British Isles in the future, they'll be Celtic and not Anglo-Saxon

Do you remember if the book says anything?