>left-leaning or sometimes right-leaning centrist >into feel-good corporate-tier positive thinking shit >spews random "think positive" mantras and cliches >has no real or solid opinions about anything, just wishy washy nothingness >is slightly redpilled on women but always marries a dumb whore and gets divorce raped >usually ends up a high-functioning alcoholic at the age of 55 >is proud to go work at a corporation after finishing his bachelor's in business >wastes 20 years playing sports and then never plays again after stepping out of university except at pathetic YMCA practices with friends >sympathetic to feminism >vaguely catholic or new-age agnostic >believes the weed propaganda >every vacation is either skiing in Colorado or going to the beach at Florida >unironically listens to top-40 pop or rap
Can Chad ever stop being a dumb faggot?
Reminder that Chad rarely changes history. It's usually some angry beta manlet that launches himself into power out of sheer beta-rage
Chads don't have a day job There're chairman of the board user get your facts right
Dominic Sanchez
How is that not chad?
Brody Anderson
>There're chairman of the board user Those are usually weirdos and betas who got there through nepotism or success through autism
Chad makes 80k per year by being at the top of his sales team
Cooper Lewis
>>is proud to go work at a corporation after finishing his bachelor's in business literally me.
Christopher Johnson
>left-leaning or sometimes right-leaning centrist Chad's are generally pretty right wing. Look at the % of white men that vote conservative >is slightly redpilled on women but always marries a dumb whore and gets divorce raped Chad's would not do that. >wastes 20 years playing sports and then never plays again after stepping out of university except at pathetic YMCA practices with friends what's wrong with that? >sympathetic to feminism that's bugmen you're thinking of >believes the weed propaganda >every vacation is either skiing in Colorado or going to the beach at Florida so what? >unironically listens to top-40 pop or rap is your music taste too patrician for them or something?
Gavin Ward
>tfw failed chad
Isaiah White
No such thing as a left-leaning Chad. Why would Chad every want handouts or to help anyone?
Eli Smith
Looks more like a fraternity guy, with old money, from a New England state. A chad would be wearing more club attire rather than yachting clothes.