You have to admit, he has a point

You have to admit, he has a point.

Attached: go vegan.jpg (640x419, 31K)

retarded and saged for being a faggot

Why the homophobia?

Is it wrong that those slaughter house videos make me hungry?

Are you trying to make an elaborate parody of a leftist from Montreal?

It wouldn't change anything for me, I've worked on a farm before and had to butcher animals. I'd still eat it.

>sure, ill stop eating cows, if only they weren't so delicious xdddddddddddddddd

fucking hate this reddit shit

>Are you trying to make an elaborate parody of a leftist from Montreal?
I have a French last name but I'm an Ontarian (Toronto).

Attached: jets.jpg (1222x1111, 505K)

graphic images should be posted on the side of abortion clinics.

Meat contains nutrients, especially Vitamin B12 which we get from meat almost exclusively and require to live, tobacco does not.

>I'd still eat it.
Pic related was posted one time, and my response was "Oh the coat comes with dinner, how delightful"...this triggers these fucking clowns.

Attached: heres your wool coat.jpg (567x747, 62K)

There shouldn't have to be graphic warnings on cigarettes.

Bring it on, I'll eat anyways

Attached: Le sang des bĂȘtes.jpg (1942x1440, 140K)

You should also have a picture of the Chinese who built your phone and computer on it and the picture of the child who made your clothes on it.

That picture is wrong on many levels. First, when you cut the wool you don't cut the sheep because that damages the wool and also the future production of wool; only noobs cut the animal by accident, and the cuts are nowhere near what's depicted there. This means that for that picture to be taken they chose to deliberately harm the sheep, and may also mean that they have no idea of how to cut wool of a sheep. This propaganda is retarded but the people who can't spot it are more.

wtf i hate clothes now

Go ahead, won't stop me from eating that juicy beef. What difference does it make if you butcher cows alive or put them to sleep peacefully?

>You should also have a picture of the Chinese who built your phone and computer on it and the picture of the child who made your clothes on it.
>graphic images should be posted on the side of abortion clinics.
Could make a good Black Mirror episode.

I never said I'd stop eating animals, I said animal meat looks appetizing.

You should force blacks to watch others resisting arrest.

Most gay thing I've read in a while. don't you have a dog to fuck, leaf?

Same faggot would not want Halal markings

meat is litteraly fucking gore
are you retarded

How about we do the same with clothing.
Put images of children working in sweatshops and put them on clothes.

How? What's the comparison between personal dietary choices and tobacco inhalation?

Attached: 1526315228410.jpg (960x938, 73K)

What kind of comparassion is that? Makes no sense in any way.

>pass user since 2016

And on restaurant menus?

I don't speak canadadian what are the cigarette graphic images?

That's a pretty good idea too tbqh.

>I don't speak canadadian what are the cigarette graphic images?

Attached: image.jpg (600x338, 106K)

But people still buy cigarettes.

Nothing should *have* to be on anything if the supplier doesn't want it to be.

I actually don't mind a quick wank before lunch. +1

>hair is in a fucking bun of all things
jesus christ

This shit here is why I've always hated those graphic warnings and labels on cigarettes. It's a symptom of the Leftist impulse to humiliate and degrade the things they dislike rather than confront then head on. Leftists have no interest in improving the world, only in making it uglier.

everybody should have an assigned dietician that follows you around all day writing down what you eat and smacking shit out of your hand then wagging their finger at you. And the government will pay for it because people are completely helpless can't figure anything out for themselves.

lol what is that look evening trying to convey?

But there aren't any graphic images on my cigarettes?
Also, if you're buying meat in a supermarket, you can clearly see the cut you're buying, it's clearly a hunk of animal corpse, what are they going to apply that would make it more gruesome?

literally anglo Montreal

While we're at it, why not tax meat at 5000% too? That way we can waste more tax payers money on useless shit.

>But there aren't any graphic images on my cigarettes?
In other countries they put skull and crossbones and graphic pictures of disease on the packs. It is pretty funny if you ask me.

Attached: Shop-supervisor-holds-new-005[1].jpg (640x360, 85K)

How about graphic photos of explosive shit in the toilet? You would never shit if you never ate and those disgusting turds and awful smells would be a thing of the past!

Attached: moist.jpg (393x512, 41K)

I've never seen graphic images on a pack of cigarettes. I wouldn't give a damn if they showed animals being impaled on pikes I would still buy it

Attached: ThisNig.gif (218x218, 1.5M)

What did you shear that sheep with? A fucking chainsaw?

yeah, at the end of the sentence

honestly, citycucks easily fall for this type of propaganda. i met a citycuck once who didnt even know milk comes from cows
they should just nuke all cities with sizeable populations on earth so that we may have a fresh restart

>What did you shear that sheep with? A fucking chainsaw?
Its not my meme, nor do I care. It looks edible to me.

I actually derived a sort of sadistic pleasure from watching Meet Your Meat.

Fine, all processed foods should have graphic images of their creation then.

Only if graphic faggotry images get plastered on vegan and vegetarian products.

So it would be graphic images that has nothing to do with slaughterhouses.

Good idea. Non-veganism is a government plot to weaken the population anyway and should be abolished.

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