What is Jow Forums's opinion on mormons ?

What is Jow Forums's opinion on mormons ?

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Other urls found in this thread:

jesus-is-savior.com/False Religions/Mormons/sex_cult.htm

largest data gathering network next to scientology

they have tons of white kids.


Mormons seem to be the only white anglos left in America these days

cult, but creepier

>Mormons seem to be the only white anglos left in America these days
Then you haven't met a lot of them.

This. Even if they did take deviantart tier fanfiction too far, they're the only functioning example of white American ideals left.

I was Mormon.

Honestly if you look past the faith bit (which I don’t have to, it’s all plausible to me), they’re basically model human beings. They live without any vice. 95% of Mormons don’t drink, do drugs, smoke. Basically no dependence. They spend a lot of time doing bible study and community work and remain happy.

I can’t think of many people at all that are as clean-cut and wholesome as nearly all Mormons are.

yea this is how I see it aswell


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Mitt Romney was the least creepy representative they could muster. That tells you everything you need to know.

They're followers of a false religion and will burn in hell. Usually fairly polite though

Far superior to Muslims still heretics that face eternal damnation

>can only think in sweeping generalizations and equivocations based on their limited anecdotal experience

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My brothers gf is moron and she can't really explain what the religion believes.

>what the religion believes
Your 10% of your income

the religion is fucked up and cult levels of controlling but they are good people and have lots of healthy white babies and good strong stable familes.

Mormonism is a false religion, they believe in a different Jesus, and that every mormon will become a (low g) god.
They also believe that Salvation is by works, when actual Christianity states that "by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified", "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law."
Simply by trusting that Jesus paid for your sins on the Cross, in your stead I mean, and that His righteousness is imputed unto you, you are saved, "for this is the Gospel of peace which we preach, that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thy heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved, for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth profession is made unto salvation."

gullible idiots, but have big white families.

Satanic cult. Has nothing to do with Christianity. Like kikes but even more Satanic and evil.

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You're a liar. So you're still evil and probably still a Mormon but too cheap to tithe.

They make good FBI and CIA employees.

i heard mormons were basically race realists but i went to a mormon area in my state and they intermarry with Mexicans.

They seem happier than most people

Who told you they were race realists?

Mormon perversion
jesus-is-savior.com/False Religions/Mormons/sex_cult.htm

Why you must keep your children from these monsters.


Why Mormons engage in kikery

fuck all christcucks. fedora-post til the cows come home but I refuse to believe in your zombie-on-a-stick simply because "muh values." that's not a fucking argument. people only pretend to believe in god because they think it's some kind of spiritual insurance policy. miss me with that gay shit

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Mormons aren't Christians. They're the ones that fuck it all up. Like kikes.



The theology is retarded and they have incredibly high rates of sexual abuse and hypocrisy around sex. I can't believe anyone can look at this shit and remain a Mormon.

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They're decent people when they're not knocking on your door

They are the antithesis of morality.a synagogue of Satan, no less.


->Were is the key word. Black people were cursed.

Mormons are shit degenerates, which is why no one wanted them around and we kicked them all out to Utah. Monogamy is a cornerstone of all Christian faith no matter where you are, breaking that automatically makes you not a Christian

Also Mormons love their porn.
"Utah: Online Porn Capital of America?"


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Sounds great to me, kek

Plural marriage = best marriage.

Mormons get the rope too.

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Spent the last year learning about them. Learned that maybe 30% of them are Mexicans in my area they do not care for blacks and are probably the nicest people I've meet.

A prototypical Mormon marriage

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