Why Democrats can’t win the ‘respect’ of Trump voters


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cuz dey racist n sheeeit.

>We see this again and again: Democrats bend over backward to show conservative white voters respect, only to see some remark taken out of context and their entire agenda characterized as stealing from hard-working white people to give undeserved benefits to shiftless minorities. And then pundits demand, “Why aren’t you showing those whites more respect?”

democrats are totally anti white, anti christian and anti american. any party dedicated to the dismantling and destruction of everything you are can never win you back.

>So when we say that, what exactly are we asking Democrats to do? It can only be one of two things. Either Democrats are supposed to abandon their values and change their policies, despite the fact that many of those policies provide enormous help to the very people who say Democrats look down on them, or they’re supposed to take symbolic steps to demonstrate their respect, which always fail anyway. How many times have we seen Democrats try to show respect by going to a NASCAR event or on a hunting trip, only to be mocked for their insincerity?

>In the world Republicans have constructed, a Democrat who wants to give you health care and a higher wage is disrespectful, while a Republican who opposes those things but engages in a vigorous round of campaign race-baiting is respectful. The person who’s holding you back isn’t the politician who just voted to give a trillion-dollar tax break to the wealthy and corporations, it’s an East Coast college professor who said something condescending on Twitter.

>So what are Democrats to do? The answer is simple: This is a game they cannot win, so they have to stop playing. Know at the outset that no matter what you say or do, Republicans will cry that you’re disrespecting good heartland voters.

>mfw this is how libshits see the world

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Cant respect a sick mentally ill person who refuses help

Whelp a party that is insanely anti-
>largest demographic in the nation
>anti business
>anti jobs
>anti US
>lives to disrupt and destroy everything including their own personal interests just so they can have that "rebellious" brownie points

While generally wanting to live in their own imagined fantasyland, and demanding that everyone else do it too or else, makes them a real hard party to vote for.

Only fellow uneducated idiots that have no idea what the world is like will vote for them. When they get some experience or wake the fuck up they begin voting republican.

They censor us online

Call us Russian bots

Call us deplorables

Use controlled opposition kike shills to paint all Trump supporters as "this" or "that"

They silence dissent and shut down debate

I wonder why we hate them?

Quote from article: "We see this again and again: Democrats bend over backward to show conservative white voters respect"

Quote from article: "Finally — and this is critical — never stop telling voters how Republicans are screwing them over."

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>The right has a gigantic media apparatus that is devoted to convincing people that liberals
disrespect them
>Paul (((((WALDMAN))))))

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Fuck off you dicksucking reddit faggot

>a Democrat who wants to give you health care and a higher wage is disrespectful
The problem is that this is always associated with something else, like gun control, trannies, gay marriage, etc.

If the Democratic Party wants to dismantle ursery and tax the rich while also cutting programs and gibs, and also not take guns away and promote degeneracy, then they'd have 99% of the vote.

Democrats have two, and only two, values.

Infanticide and sodomy.

Also pretending that civil rights and desegregation was something that happened about 5-10 years ago. Always 5-10 years ago on a sliding timescale equal to the current year. 10 years from now, they will claim it happened this year.

>Democrat who wants to give you health care and a higher wage is disrespectful
It depends what the democrat wants in return: if he wants me to do honest work for honest pay I fully support that, and he can make that offer to me or a nig or whoever he wants, it's up to me to be the best option.
If he wants to buy my vote and then steal from others and faux-Robin Hood in an odd game of "fuck the hard worker" then he can eat a bullet. I'm not for sale, niggers and women may be but I am not.

.... because democrats openly say they want white people to go extinct?

That'll be interesting to watch
>Well in the middle of uberhitlers reign of orange terror (LOL WIGSAMIRITE) all of us just knuckled down and freed the blackman despite Liberally Hitler being in charge and 24/7 nazi storm trooper patrols.
Funny how that shit works out innit.

I'm a democrat and I don't want the respect of a Trump supporter.

You also cry at the sight of a gun.
Can't wait for civil war 2.0

I have actually had some moron tell me that 20 years ago a black man was not allowed to go into a "white" McDonalds or else they would be arrested. They actually assumed that shit was going on throughout all of the US in the late 1990's

This. And so are all Western leaders who have bought into globalism and mass migration. Fuck them all.

i can tell you the very moment hilldawg lost...i was on the couch next to an 80 y/o couple, a white appalachian coal miner and his half breed wife, lifelong dem voters because repubs will take his check away you see...

They were watching her tv spot where she said white people need to sit down adn shut up when women and minorities are talking.

the look...omg the fuckin' look on their faces, shock>disbelief>introspection>anger>rage

man worked his whole life paying taxes, is still poor as shit despite all that hard work, stood aside and let the racial cuckening of his nation happen years ago to be nice and not be racist...

and this is the thanks...lol

SS recruitment...dems'll do it for ya!

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fer po beh po, doe

Not really I own a couple of guns. Wanting gun control and being scared of guns are two different reasons. Also, your comment is why I don't care about your respect.

Fuck off, Paul. Your analysis is not worth reading.

> a Democrat who wants to give you health care and a higher wage is disrespectful
> a Republican who opposes those things but engages in a vigorous round of campaign race-baiting is respectful
amazing how they view themselves and the other side

Post the Slate compilation

Literally the Jow Forums playbook

> floods the country with shitskin 3worlders
>increases taxes
>steals jobs

But somehow they are the party who want to increase wages

they are too far removed from any semblance of reality at this point

Wew lad this delusion

Based faggot.

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>Democrats bend over backward to show conservative white voters respect
Can you show me a single one of these?

Hahahahaha the left is mentally ill


>If you were smarter you'd vote for us

>your problems aren't really problems, we'll tell you what the problems are

>why don't you like us you flyover trash!?

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Amen Bro !!
Keep a shit-list of where these ultra liberal
democraps live and hang out so when the SHTF
moment does finally come we can hunt
them down easily an put bullets into their

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It's projecting, pure and simple.
Progressives always lie. Progressives always double down. Progressives always project.

I'm going to get this tattooed at some point so when I am old and my children ask what I did in the Civil war that either saved western civilization or led to us all being put in gulags/Islamic rape camps/Swedish tolerance centers, I can roll up my sleeve and say 'Listen up you little shit, I was fighting for 5 years before the first shot was fired'

>a Democrat who wants to give you health care and a higher wage is disrespectful, while a Republican who opposes those things but engages in a vigorous round of campaign race-baiting is respectful.

What a disingenuous piece of shit.
Wanting to give us healthcare came in the form of a mandate that PENALIZED you when you don't get health care. FORCING companies to raise their wage to $15 not only causes companies to not higher as many people, but it's a scheme so that the government can take more in taxes from your pay.

They're acting like we don't see this bullshit.

dems you are racist communists who hate whites & you can never ever get that cat back in the bag, you did this to yourself. your arrogance blinds you.

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So much this. Who the fuck do they think they are kidding? I was nearly a socialist with how left I was before I turned around my thinking, which was entirely due to seeing how much the left hated me.

Just listen to us, you dumb fucks!

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no the problem is they tax the productive classes to pay for it

yea the
>You're white and therefore you are both rich and never once had to deal with a single aspect of hardship in your entire life!"
Thing only caused a lot of people to start moving right real fast. It was insulting, as it was fully intended to be. And it still has not stopped to this day.

Modern articles are hard to read because they are so out of touch with reality

>know that whatever evil you do, people will see you as evil

this guy is actually more red pilled and down to earth than i initially thought

Good. Cause you don't have it, you limp-wristed faggot. I hope you use all the guns you've allegedly stockpiled to kill yourself.

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We need to deprive these fat right wingers off of our supplies and resources.

Maybe they'll just shoot each other off and stop wasting everyones time in our politics with their meme reality stars.

>Democrats bend over backward to show conservative white voters respect

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and how much beef pork cheese and grain do you produce it faggotsburg

>Democrats bend over backward to show conservative white voters respect

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good post

>while a Republican who opposes those things but engages in a vigorous round of campaign race-baiting is respectful.

That's what the democrats have done for years though.

democrats and the left are far more dangerous to the united states than ISIS, Russia, or any other foreign organization.
They are deceitful at their very core and such people can never be trusted no matter what lies they vomit forth.

i like how they actually show a black guy at a trump rally. this will increase the number of demographics that the liberals find to be hostile

>going to NASCAR or hunting trip
>hey you have to vote for me, you white trash inbred piece of shit

>>Democrats bend over backward to show conservative white voters respect

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The also oppose protectionism and support open borders.

>showing a picture of a based black nigger at a trump rally
do you even left

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Alaska resident reporting in.

Democrats aren’t even actual Americans at this point and they don’t deserve anyone’s respect. Ever.

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>a Democrat who wants to give you health care and a higher wage
but any Democrat is free to start a business and give that to as many people as they want...

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Aren't most mass shooters libshits?
Don't niggers commit most of the crime?
I swear, the left just can't stop projecting.

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>a Democrat who wants to give you health care and a higher wage

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>Either Democrats are supposed to abandon their values and change their policies, despite the fact that many of those policies provide enormous help to the very people who say Democrats look down on them
open borders does not in fact benefit the average Cletus.

Ramadan started.

The next happening will come soon after.

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>Go on about 'how respectful' they are.
>Cherry picks all the beat quotes
>Forgets that they didn't actually back any of that 'respect' up.
>Continues to talk down about the right and how they are brainwashed by the 'massive' right wing media block (despite the left wing media being bigger)

Its truly masterful how they can be contradictory, condescending and bigoted while patting themselves on the back.

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One example faggot.

>Democrats bend over backward to show conservative white voters respect

Lmao I've never seen this once in my life.

Democrats are the most self-righteous disrespectful assholes I've ever seen, they are constantly being dicks to everyone.

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But it sure gives them a bunch of loyal voters. And gives their (((corporate sponsors))) easy access to cheap labor.

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they've been smugly condescending for a long time to people who don't want to see their liberties regulated away.

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No republiretardcuckbuzzwordsoyfag

You check if they're liberal,
you check if they're antifa,

turns out they're right wing nuts like the roof kid, or cruz, or I don't know I can't keep up with all the shootings because of our dumb policies hands guns to any drooling retard.

Not too mention accuse us of being violent while attacking us while the cops watch passively

>Paul Waldman

Oh reading those quotes of Obama and Hillary makes me see how much the Dem party cares about the working class.
It almost makes me forget about Bill Clinton signing NAFTA as soon as he was elected,even though he said he wouldn't.
Or about the campaign finance scandal in 98 when the Chinese illegally slid money to democrats right before they gave China favored nation trade status and worked to get them in the WTO cementing the death of American industry, selling me and my children's futures.
Yup, I'm ready to overlook the arrogance of that party that had the balls to put that Asshole's fucking skank wife on the ticket by fucking over another candidate.

I'm waiting for Dommbudism, which is exactly that same as communism except it's pro gun and pro Christ. It will be insidious.

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>Let’s take, for instance, Barack Obama. Can you think of another president who spent more time reaching out to the other side and showing respect for them? You might or might not like his policies, but nobody tried harder to be respectful than Obama. And Republican voters had eight years to watch him. Let’s take, as just one example, the speech he gave about race during the 2008 campaign. Here’s one small part:
>Most working- and middle-class white Americans don’t feel that they have been particularly privileged by their race. Their experience is the immigrant experience — as far as they’re concerned, no one’s handed them anything, they’ve built it from scratch. They’ve worked hard all their lives, many times only to see their jobs shipped overseas or their pension dumped after a lifetime of labor.
>That is extremely respectful. But it’s not what Republicans think of when they think of Obama. “I despise Barack Obama. I think primarily because I don’t think he thinks very much of people like me,” one Republican told The Post’s Dan Balz. “One of the places I would agree with the hard-core Trump people, they’re tired of being treated as the enemy by Barack Obama,” he went on. “His comment, the whole thing, it’s been worn out to death, that clinging to God and guns, God and guns and afraid of people who don’t look like them, blah, blah, blah. Just quit talking down to me.”

I actually wonder if Democrats truly DO believe in their repeated mantra of "All white people are fabulously wealthy" with their ever constant tax hikes. They seem to believe that they can raise taxes as much as they want as often as they want and the middle class can handle it just fine with no repercussions whatsoever. And anyone that complains is just an evil racist that does not want to see their money going to smelly brown people.

Not because they are only pulling down 40K a month and so deeply in debt they wonder if they are going to have a house next month. And they only have that because they were let go from the "evil bloated corporation" they used to work for was run out of the state 6 months earlier so they lost their 60K a year job.

I sure hope they keep believing this sort of kike garbage

The only solution is a civil war. One side must be purged.

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>Why can't we get respect from the people we treat disrespectfully

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It's like neither journalists nor small town retards have the Internet. Europeans of Scandinavian strait express the same idiotic assumption that Russians are not connected to the Internet and do no read their smarty pants BS.

>How many times have we seen Democrats try to show respect by going to a NASCAR event or on a hunting trip, only to be mocked for their insincerity?
These literal fucking retards actually think that anyone who isn't to the left of Stalin is an old, drooling, bible-thumping, redneck, bigoted, hick. Un-fucking-believable. Whenever I speak any conservative opinion whatsoever, anything at all, leftists IMMEDIATELY assume these things about me, despite the fact that I was born and raised in California, am an EE student, and am an atheist.

And you will never have it you piece of shit.

Holy shit. I can feel the butthurt just pouring out of this post. It's hysterical!

Cruz wasn't a right-winger you fucking sperg. He was a spic who got bullied too much in high school.

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I really think Democrats have serious social deficiencies.

Like the defining characteristic of a Democrat is that they don't understand people and therefore cannot possibly understand what other people even want.

Or even worse, they don't care what other people want.

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Why the fuck would I respect a Democrat. They don't even love this nation or the people who are citizens of it.

Nice bait, I’ll bite. I didn’t see one white male in a single advertisement from Clinton. Not a single one. It’s almost as if they didn’t want my vote, and that’s exactly how I have interpreted any “progressive” political advertisement from that point on.

I just want to start pantsing these people, shake them while dangling them upside down over a no-go zone in a Sharia controlled country or something, LA bario, field of below minimum wage competition for US jobs.. whatever.

Until the blood rushes to their head and they stop seeing things in opposite vision. Or die from aneurysm, whichever.

I used to be a leftist myself, there's no excuse for them being this ignorant. Just lazy weak minds accepting the narrative they are fed.

>wants to give you health care and a higher wage

Yeah I can wish for diamonds to rain from the sky for everyone, but that would just make me an idiot and not someone who is actually effective in the world, with a coherent plan and accomplishments to their name who is worthy of respect, for example Donald Trump.

It's mostly just the consistent belief that people do not know what's best for them
So they have to force them towards a better life

>Democrats bend over backward to show conservative white voters respect,
Democrats literally do nothing but accuse others of what they do. Trump has bent so fucking much to the left in terms of certain immigration topics and even fucking gun control. What has the left ever done for the right in similiar fashion?

An interesting phenomenon that we see in Western countries is a combination of elite defection on society AND elite messaging that commoners have defected on what they view as the ideals of their society. This isn't just a Jew Thing either.

I started my career in Cali, they have no idea who the right is anymore.

How many of us are former leftists, former libertarians I wonder. I can only hope the pace at which they are driving anyone on their side with the potential for success is accelerating.

>The answer is simple:
pic related

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>How many times have we seen Democrats try to show respect by going to a NASCAR event or on a hunting trip, only to be mocked for their insincerity?

Imagine showing respect to black people by holding a rap concert with free chicken and watermelon.

That’s projecting to the highest degree. Who wants to “give” me free healthcare? To what extent, exactly, will his free healthcare persist? It’s a talking point that will never, ever fucking happen not because one party or another, but because it’s one of the biggest and most profitable industries mankind has ever created. To think a political entity can wave a magic wand making one of the biggest commercial industries free is lazy thinking, plain and simple. Perhaps you don’t have the capacity to understand thinking critically , which is precisely the reason the idea is subliminally engrained in your memory as if the thought was original or organic, which I can assure you, is certainly not be case.

Viewing the comments was a mistake. I thought there might be some actual discourse of why there seems to be the disconnect. Nope, just fuck Trump, fuck ytpeepo, they vote against their interests, and they don't deserve our respect.

Because I have yet to experience a democrat doing something respectable.