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Why does Jow Forums worship Hitler considering the fact he ruined Europe?
Colton Garcia
Jordan Williams
>Didn't gas enough jews!
What is it with you guys trying to blame the goys for both gassing you, and not gassing enough of you?
Jason Russell
Brody Hill
Yeah nobody but France and Britain should have been allowed to play empire.
>we'll protect you Poland don't worry
Matthew Cruz
>everyone who doesn't like Hitler is da ebil jooooo
absolute state mate
Eli Mitchell
I dont trust people who dont believe in the superiority of BigBLackCOck
Austin Barnes
>Germany gets the blame of WW1, where they were just as guilty as every other major power and did not instigate the war which started between Austria-Hungary, Serbia and Russia
>Britain and France take German territory away for helping their ally
>Britain and France leave Germany to suffer, after already suffering a massive war in which they were dragged into by their allies
>Britain and France cause a massive war over a feud over former German Territory in Poland
>Britain and France fight to ensure Poland's independence
>Britain and France surrender Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe to tyrannical communism after fighting said massive war to "help" Poland.
God Dammit Hitler, why'd you have to ruin everything.
Kayden Watson
More like:
>chimpout over versallies
>Allies give you back the Rhineland
>and Austria
>and the Czech
>And Slovakia even though that was never agreed
>Poland is the last straw
>invade anyway
>allies declare war
>wahhhhhhhhhhh muh warmongering allies that repeatedly tried to appease me
Aiden Anderson
>chimpout over Versailles
Which was completely logical given their position, so already your post is made up of shit.
Robert Smith
>Leader who wants to restore his country wants former German land back after it was taken away for a war they didn't start.
Jace Davis
And if you kept reading you'd realize that I conceded the Allies recognized the unfairness of versailles through their repeated attempts at appeasement. You'd realize this if you didn't get ass blasted one line into my post
Hunter Ramirez
>former German land back
Oh yea I must have forgot those German lands they wanted back like Russia, Yugoslavia, and Poland. Those poor krauts dindu nuffin
Brandon Cooper
Julian Lopez
allying with soviets, than stabbing their backs, than losing to them half of europe was great idea too.
Burning books, libraries, destroying Churches, killing out intellectual elites of neighboring countries surely was great idea too
Sebastian Carter
the war was started over Danzig, former German land
Caleb Foster
Chimpout is a very specific term and you used it in a very specific way in a specific circumstance, so you can piss off.
Cooper Sanders
>Lose a war
>Disappointed to be in a worse situation than when you started
Literally how fucking retarded is this opinion. If the Germans didn't want to lose so much land they should've surrendered earlier, as soon as it was obvious they were losing. Fighting until you basically have to choice only works if you get fucking lucky like Japan and your literal enemies directly profit from you being strong.
Levi Sanders
*no choice
Isaiah Hill
>the war was started over Danzig, former German land
which they've stolen from us 150 years earlier...
and it wasn't even ours at the time they've started the war. It was governed by UN but germs got jealous we created new port city next to it
Tyler Robinson
>lose a war you didn't even start
>get shafted by allies
fair's fair as they say
Ethan Moore
you know nothing about feeling feels
Chase Watson
>Why does Jow Forums worship Hitler considering the fact he ruined Europe?
Jow Forums admires his one testicle and aspires to his level of virginity.
Adrian Parker
It started over former German lands where ethnic Germans were being massacred, but eventually Hitler realized he couldn't maintain the German Empire without aggressive expansionism. Even if the Nazi apologists are right and he did it regrettably, even if he really was sincere in his peace offers to the allies, he was convinced that he had to pull the trigger and blitz the rest of Europe anyways. In many ways he pulled Germany out of one grave and dug it another. Though he would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for those meddling Jews.
Carson Jackson
stop victim blaming
William Ortiz
Because Europe is a weak shihole full of cucks. Why do you think it keeps getting ruined over and over. It's like a white bitch over at a niggers house.
Ryder Torres
cry more faggot
Landon Martin
>those eyes
Why can't I meet a woman like this? I'd totally let her bathe in my blood etc, as long as she's trad...
Liam Davis
>say something stupid
>get called out for it
>say more stupid somethings
Sebastian Stewart
I think someone else ruined Europe but I am not sure who that could be?
OP works for Open Society Foundation.
Jason Flores
Maybe you can, user. She's still out there and single, I believe. You just need to track her down and send her many texts.
Bentley Bell
like I said, cry more
Ayden Perez
Xavier Reed
Kind of have to agree with this one.
Alexander Perry
wow the left really can't meme
Christopher Long
>that pic
Justin Moore
Levi Murphy
Julian Carter
this guy ruined europe
Cameron Barnes
how so?
Levi Barnes
>europe full of jews before WW2
>europe with very few jews after WW2
>america full of jews after WW2
Did hitler really ruin europe, or did he wake them up just enough?
Benjamin Powell
>germany not defeated in the worst war in history before Hitler
>germany defeated and occupied by their worst enemies after Hitler
Really shovels coal into my brain train
Jaxson Jenkins
Hitler got Jews to flee Europe and consider it a no-go zone, even if he failed. That's my point
Sounds like a Euro win
Caleb Morales
at what cost though?
Eli Russell
three days national mourning
Ayden Price
At an enormous cost. But consider this: hitler caused jews to flee europe and go to the US and israel. Jews in the US have been ruining this country for 70 years. We have problems europeans cant even imagine. Meanwhile the existence of israel has ruined our country in a whole different way. We're being pulled apart by liberal domestic jews and zionist international jews. Europe rid itself of that problem, even if it took a brutal war to do so. We meme about europe's poor immigration situation but european countries are all 85-99% white. The US is literally 61.3% white and falling. Did we really win WW2?
James Martinez
Daniel Morgan
Europe was ruined in 1917. He tried to fix it but he failed.
Luis Cook
Cool response burgergoy. Gen Patton knew what was happening but was powerless to stop it - it was indeed a betrayal. And you dont have to follow natsoc to be aware of the effects of jews in a population.
Asher Scott
NatSoc is one of the most anti-white ideologies out there, I'm glad it never came to America
Dylan Lopez
Nice meme words, dude. High five!
Hunter Cook
cause he was a egotistical zionist drunk
Nicholas Ward
invaded poland to stop red terror against ethnic germans in danzig
u illiterate monkey faggot
David Sanders
>NatSoc is one of the most anti-white ideologies out there, I'm glad it never came to America
Why are you responding to me by responding to something I didnt say?
End result of Ww2 is few jews in europe and jewish control of USA. Simple as that
Julian Morgan
the allied ruined europe
just look at it
Easton Scott
The Zionists destroyed Europe, you brainwashed imbecile.
Hitler rose to power because Europeans recignized he was trying to save them from the Zionist bankers.
Leo Wright
Ayden Garcia
History books written by Jewish revisionist historians. Go suck the dick of the people who cry 6 gorgillian and lie about fucking everything.
Ian Butler
Youre either a found-out israeli or a really good goy. I wish you luck either way. If you cannot see jewish control of burger policies then you simply do not think critically or just dont pay attention. And for the record, most of the jewish control isnt jews getting elected, but rather influencing the goys that do. Good goys deserve the first deportation
Ayden Hall
I guess the World Zionist Congress doesn't exist. I guess every politician does not have to kow tow to Jewish desires or suffer not getting elected. I guess Jewish financial industries (Jewish bankers, insurance, investment firms, stock traders) don't control the economy.
Mason Ward
>the majority of goys agree with the Jews
Gavin Wilson
because most of Jow Forums is retarded
Camden Gray
Connor Turner
Germans will always ruin Europe, it's their job. Point is though it would be less ruined today if he won.
Justin Harris
Again, getting quoted on something I did not say or imply. You shekelbergs really have a way at shifting words around, ill give you that. Works on a lot of goys for sure. But you have no power here, if you know what I mean.
Wyatt Rivera
Dylan Diaz
>traditionalist ideology guided the founding of civilization for ten thousand years and created the foundation of comfort for the daddy's money beliefs that despise it
>can't survive contact with reality lmao
Isaiah Roberts
>dude the ancient romans and pagans buttfucked each other and diddled kids, it's ok lmao
Carson Bell
Found the Kike. You have been found out. Get lost
Alexander Allen
> the nazi genocide of whites
In Putten some partisans ambushed a car and killed a German officer. As none of the villagers was willing to expose the purpetrators 500 men were arrested and sentenced with prison labor ..
Near the end of the war those labor camps were " liberated" by the Soviets but instead of letting the inmates return home the Judeo-Soviets sent them to the Gulags as punishment for working for the Germans. That is where they actually died..
Carson Taylor
You’re right OP. Us jews are the ones making Europe great again!
Juan Collins
you're right, decline-virtues usually can't survive contact with reality
Liam Peterson
"OH NO NO NO NO NO"? What's with this stupid meme?
Mason Long
The best effort anyone has ever achieved in fighting for his people against the international (((elites))).