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The guy in the strength sash looks like Doug's sister.

This but unironically

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WE...actually that's really good. Strong families, emphasis on education, and a moral center.

Is the strength guy supposed to be a black panther? If so he taints the group

>strength sash
the fag cut?

Agreed. If Blacks learned to take care of their own and not breed excessively and not commit disproportionate amounts of crime they'd make for a good ally against the spics and Jews.

Now if only the mouth breathing Ooga Booga tribe could follow through with this

Actually became respectable members of society that have something to be proud of by contributing.

Good on you.

Honestly, promoting this sort of thing and not dunking on it might actually nudge people towards it.
The Hoteps for example totally have their shit together, which is why the progressives insist on smearing them all as totes a bunch of racist feral nogs (The one time blacks can apparently be racist mind you)



This is a good message though. I am behind this 100%. The only thing wrong with blacks is niggerism, and it's a conscious decision.

I like this and the betterment of every race is a fascist tenent. I pray that blacks can bring themselves up and raise good children. Unfortunately they fell victim to the Jews degeneracy through music and other cultural destructive means. What happened to the black community is being done to the whites. Good luck blackanon, I hope you can reverse what has happened to your people and I will gladly help any race that wants to better themselves and their communities

No it’s a business man

We wuz family
I got all my sistuhs and me!

Yeah but did a Hotep actually draw this, or a white guy?

Change can only come from within. They are Uncle Tom'ing Kanye hard already for example.

I think it's fucking based but I'm a white dude so blacks have every incentive to ignore my opinion.

I honestly don't see what is so bad with this picture.

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Nothing is wrong with it per se. its just not likely to become a reality.

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Spic here, cmon man. We are nowhere near as fucked as niggers since we actually value the family unit and morals stemming from religion. We can't help cholo fucks and illegal cunts keep dragging the image down.

Beans are just as bad as nigs.

Based Hoteps. Funny how black women on twitter go apeshit at them because they support traditional family structures and gender roles even though their message is basically just "black women would be happier with some self respect".

The problem with Hoteps is that the massive black underclass didn't like our message of nuclear families, anti-feminism, separation, and starting networks of pro-blac businesses and kept pressuring the group until they let trannies and faggots in. The same fucks that are responsible for the massive AIDS rates in our community. So now Hotep's POZZED too.

And could you blame them? Blacks have zero incentive to leave from a society that coddles most of us and gives us preferential treatment in work, courts, etc. Niggers are too fucking comfortable. Things have to get worse, this country has to become INHOSPITABLE for most blacks before they consider black nationalism.
>inb4 hurr well they hate us so they'l just leave right?
WRONG. We didn;t leave when Haiti, Liberia, or Ghana gained independence and offered all sorts of shit to American nigs that were willing to move there in the 1800s. Almost none actually left, and this was during slavery. Lightskins are equally retarded so a caste system is out of the question too. We're fucked.

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Well yeah, but every race has niggers.

Then how come they integrate with whites so well?

like white trash/red necks

>We can't help cholo fucks and illegal cunts keep dragging the image down.

No, but you can help that. Stop making excuses and improve yourselves, both for the sake of your own race and for the human community as a whole.

I believe in you, Pablo.

Shut the fuck up fool.

If black people were like this then their would be no problem, but sadly most are not.

or chavs

Im the only one in my family without a criminal record if that helps.