After a few years your wife will hit the wall and you'll lose half your shit if you want to move on to more fuckable partner. better to stay unmarried so you have a smooth exit plan once your gf hits her expiration date.
I don't want to sound like a better cunt but I learned this the hard way. Was too trusting. Hold myself to a high moral and ethical standard. Was an idiot for expecting my significant other to be the same.
Jackson Lee
That's stupid, mai waifu is over 500 years old and the thought hasn't ever even entered my mind.
>But muh dick! Muh fuckable partner. Yes, goy, marriage is a trap for men. You have to avoid breeding and just have casual sexual encounters!
Marriage has always been about child-rearing and raising, not about your sexual satisfaction you fucking idiot. Now get on reversing white demographic decline.
What you do is screen your partner for a few years before you marry, and when you marry, get a notarized, signed prenuptial agreement for finances. The worst she can do at that point, assuming your screening failed, is take your kids and ruin your name. But that's why you keep records of everything, so the court sides with you.
Liam Bennett
yeah and it doesn't matter how rich and good looking you are either. my fiance said literally the same fucking words as John Cena's when she left. fucking lol. you're better off focusing on yourself and that's a fact
Christopher Rogers
This. There's also a clear answer to the expiration date question, marry them right out of high school (doesn't matter how old you are, if you care for them they'll love you back). I never got why people cared so much about sex, it's the children I want.