“50 dead Palestinians”


Muslim “victims” lmao and literally all mainstream media in the entire world “fell for it.”
Fake news 24/7

Attached: 3FB81BF1-CCD5-4247-8B43-E8CAC740F768.jpg (1067x600, 56K)

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>meme flag

Agreed. Yet lefty pols will say otherwise...but say jews control media at the same time.

Fucking scum faggots.

The sjw’s on Twitter are going ham, stupid little sheeple

Did you watch it? Lol they are literally pretending to be dead

Haha that reminds me as a kid when we would play war games and pretend to be dead when shot with plastic guns, sly mother fuckers.

Lefty pol goes nuts over an infant gassed by their own parents to death for PR, but will also happily murder a million more each year at planned parenthood etc.


oh nose did they attack you with their mighty slingshots?

Attached: palestinianslingshot.jpg (640x360, 33K)

Yep I can’t stop laughing watching it
>shhhh lie still and don’t move, you got shot dead by snipers remember

Attached: 1506326974592.jpg (710x532, 140K)

>don’t watch OP guys!!
Cowboys and Indians and Palestinians always get to be the Indians haha


Where did the bullet enter you Ahmed? Lol seriously, don’t move when we are taking pictures for NYT ok! We are a business here and our consumers need to stay mad as hell at Trump 24/7 or we won’t have ratings.

Your own media admits this


Why are you so afraid of a bunch of sandniggers armed with tires and slingshots?

>your own
Lol since when is that American media. Also MSN always lies 24/7 look at the video, it’s of the “50” dead yet very much alive sandniggers. You fell for anti MAGA propaganda, now neck yourself terrorist traitor.

molotov cocktails attached to kites and fence cutters you mean.

They already identified terrorists amongst those who were shot.

>molotov cocktails attached to kites
Wow so high tech and scary. It's not like the Israeli's aren't armed with tanks and drones. Israel is pathetic

>Israel is pathetic
What does that make you Mohammed? Kek

maybe you'd like molotov cocktails to rain down on you while you're outside as a citizen. I'd be happy to be protected from that thank you

Lol good question
>we attack them with rocks against tanks
And you died, congratulations won, you no longer exist.

Maybe you like it when snipers stationed on warships shoot you when you are playing soccer in your open air prison


As far as I'm concerned, everything that the Palestinians do to fight the Israelis is justified

>open air prison
They can leave, they are occupying that land, nobody is stopping them.

>snipers stationed on warships shoot you when you are playing soccer
prove it

>As far as I'm concerned, everything that the Palestinians do to fight the Israelis is justified
yeah that's because you're an ignoramus supporting terrorists. Hamas pays families of terrorists it calls martyrs when they are killed in a spree trying to kill jews. You filthy.

>“Palestinian” sad news
>I-I’m not Muslim
Lol you are so transparent

Anyway, MSN caught in lies yet again, never fail for media lies, peace Ahmed.

Here have some Swedish kronors for your shilling Mohammed. Spend it on a nice suicide vest or a third Swedish wife.

I feel sorry for you Sweden, I hope America liberates you one day.

Me too kek we need it...

Sensin a whole lotta JIDF round here.

Attached: 1474433812628.webm (854x480, 338K)

The alt-right neo-nazi country of Israel needs to be destroyed desu

Yea everyone is the boogeyman even the video of Arabs moving while dead are just Jidf lies. Besides it doesn’t take a genius to see a shill on pol, the second one defends Muslims we know you are one.

Why do jews suddenly care about Jow Forums's opinions on Israel?
Don't tell me it has always been this way. The amount of Israeli and memeflags shilling for kikes on the past week has been unprecedented.

>defends CNN NYT MSNBC
>you are JIDF
You are the one defending mainstream media lol I wonder who is behind your post.
Every time I see someone post jidf I am getting the sudden urge to have some kebab or schwarma, also I start to smell incense

And? What is the point of Israel having high tech if they can't or don't use it?

Is the Israeli government and military supposed to sit and let themselves be attacked so it can be fair?

>anti-jew is pro-muzzy
I'm sorry Chaim, did you see me defend muslims at all in my post? You kikes are just as bad as they are, and you'll both be destroyed soon enough.
Fuckin kikes can't resist the bait lmao

Attached: Israel_cancer.jpg (480x480, 21K)

>why do Jews wanna
Not Jews.

Why do you rush to the defense of the media Muslims and democrats in attacking trump yet pretend to be red pilled you subverting camel fucker. Watch the video and repeat that bullshit cuck

Did you see me defend msm at all in my post?
Is this the new JIDF strat? Anyone who names the tribe is a camelfucker? Wait:
it sure seems that way

Attached: the_nose.gif (480x360, 1.59M)

>did you see me defend Muslims
Yes, yes I did kek double speaking rats all of you. Wish all you rats and problems went back and stayed in the Middle East, you are a fucking cancer on humanity and civilization.

>Not Jews.
are you claiming that the sudden influx of Israeli flags over the past week does not consist of jews? they have been flooding the board with garbage days before this incident too.

>pointing out jewish shilling on the board is equivalent to defending muslims
Mazel tov!

pallywood hahaha

its perfectly logical to hate both jews and muslims, user. wtf are you talking about sven. maybe go back to watching cuckporn if you can't understand basic english

>yada yada
Muslims BTFO, Democrats on suicide watch and we are MAGA, enjoy and if you need extra cash you can be an extra in pallywood ;)

They are worse than Jewish bankers these days lol

>Israel is so based, I love being ruled by kikes now because they killed some muzzies

Attached: based black men.png (1700x1200, 3.95M)

>shills literally come here to pretend OP doesn’t exist and label it propaganda
>y-you are the shills chaim!!
Zzz not falling for CNN or your poor attempts at shilling or poor mastery of English for that matter, you should probably change flag to a none English speaking nation Mohammed. Be more convincing then. But carry on, video doesn’t lie and your bump will ensure more people are aware of the deep state and their lies.

>thanks for the bumps
They are retarded, probably the same brilliant minds behind the
>we rush the border and get shot
Best minds lol

What's the problem with a little white lie to fuck over the kikes?

>what’s the problem with a little white lie to fuck over juice
Because for one, it’s hilariously pathetic. Like their struggle is on the same level as cum eating cuckolds “we win by being losers.” Pathetic sad.

But actual problem? Maybe you missed the fact that all media is using this bullshit and the number of dead as a means to attack Trump. Because that is what they are doing 24/7 since he moved the shitty embassy. If MSN doesn’t bother you then check out and thanks for the bump.

I like bumps and miracles where dead protesters come back to life before our very own eyes kek

I also like bumps especially when triggering the brown polacks lmao