I compiled all of these images and the text from one user in a previous thread that had intrigued me. This is a toast to the bong and a summation of the, surely, years of work he has done to have gotten this far. I hope that you anons notice this thread and spread these images far and wide so that we may propagandize the masses to wake up to the reality.

>Edited to be normie friendly
>Original thread:

Attached: Banking-The-World's-Foremost-Problem-Part-1.png (979x8109, 2.56M)

Attached: Banking-The-World's-Foremost-Problem-Part-2.png (960x7950, 1.42M)

Attached: Banking-The-World's-Foremost-Problem-Part-3.png (960x8190, 1.72M)


great graphic, the portion on the loan fraud struck a chord because of Adnan Sakli the former owner of the BIS ledger who had many bonds underwritten in his name using shell accounts. I found a few people talking about it back in 2010 then in 2013 he released a Prime Directive. He was later kidnapped and held for ransom then released. A year later he was in Spain and suddenly died but his body was kept in the American embassy for a month, the time of death was changed and his body was buried in a Hungarian cemetery without family present.

Also, there is the Rothschild Emergency Fund which keeps floating the illegal bond money and using it for anything that doesn't need to be traced. An old english man found out about it and was hounded by the state because he tried to expose that knowledge.

Attached: Adnan Sakli Prime Directive.jpg (492x631, 67K)

Spooky stuff, user.

Attached: 1522837897159.jpg (793x786, 54K)

but you are right, we must revolt

What do we do user?

Attached: 1525322607589.jpg (1000x730, 162K)

Silver lining is that this is the first good OC redpill I've seen on pol in a long time.

spread it as far as you can