Why do Public Highschools force people to learn History...

Why do Public Highschools force people to learn History? There's absolutely no reason to learn about this subject unless it's for fun.

Public schools should focus solely on trade and STEM subjects ONLY. Just remove this useless subject from the schools already. Americans are americans, learning about black americans, white americans, asian americans only seek to divide people.

Especially when in today's world, History just makes people racist, learn about the ills of socialism, and seeks only to divide people further.

Whites and blacks are the same, there's no reason to learn the History of Africa and the History of Europe when everyone is the same in the end. If anything it should be a History of the PEOPLE, not some geographical separation.

Why bother even having the distinction of Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, Germans, Scandinavians, when everyone in the end is one species only. The human species.

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Q predicted this

(((Public schools)))


OP is a greasy haired Asian who rides the bus

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History is an absolute waste of time to study for most products of the education system and the only reason it is offered as part of the education simply is to serve a narrative.

Why do you think it's relevant for a student to learn about the "Armenian Genocide". It literally isn't.
It doesn't matter.

They teach this to kids, to drill it into their minds that MUH GENOCIDE IS BAD NO MATTER WHAT!

Then a grade later, they'll teach them about the holocaust.

Then before they graduate, they are sure to remind them of the genocides of the Yugoslavian Civil War and the Rwanda Genocide.

Literally useless information, to make kids feel bad about genocide so nobody thinks of it as a valid political solution to today's problems. We could solve the Muslim problem through genocide, yet we can't because the retard history classes in the public schools indoctrinated you.

History should be limited to those with a high intellect to question the narratives given.
For instance, a learnered man in the same situation, would have retorted to his pleb-tier history teacher, "ceterum censeo Carthaginem delendam esse!", and school him about how the Romans genocided the Carthaginians and how we haven't had any bit of trouble from them for the past 2000 years because of it.

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Who? See another no name faggot that nobody gives a shit about.
Says the retards that can't even form a coherent argument. Once again, a STEM major actually fucked up you libtard majors and YOUR major is supposed to be the one that argues.

Why the fuck does STEM matter, if our history doesn't?

Because STEM actually solves real word problems current today.

Why do we need to know John D. Rockefeller discovered oil? Who the fuck cares, we have oil and have a problem currently. Having actual people solve real world problems, which is what STEM degrees do (and to an extent trade, which are all STEM related) fixes our oil problems. Hence why Exxon is currently developing Algae oil. Historians aren't needed or are they useful in this regard.