Help shut down it down
Post them everywhere.
Help shut down it down
Post them everywhere.
Other urls found in this thread:
No real American would disrespect free speech.
you're too stupid to post here
don't direct anyone else there
report and sage
Dont you mezn. Reddit r the donald?
ive never seen rick or morty
That's our sister board. Git out fool.
pretty sure Ebaums is the #1 racist site in the world
Did you not read the rolling stone article? Jow Forums operates at 3.7 niggerkikes a minute, I don't think 8 can match that.
Are they really more racist than us?
Looks like I've found my new favorite site.
>Help shut down it down
Why. What's wrong with racism normie, stop being such a pussy
I put fish sauce up my piss hole
No, THIS is racist:
/whiterabbit/ is the only place to be
Thanks for reminding me that place exists. Think I ,ight drop by you virtue signaling piece of shit faggot.
It's a shitty page. It's moderated by a single person who bans anyone who disagrees with his opinion.
That's why they get about 10 posts per day.
everyone sage
This. This. This.
why though?
We don't talk about e*ghtchan over here. The treaty of the Chans ensures our mutual survival.
It says something that being a senior in high school equates to good boi.
As bad as 4/pol/ is 8/pol/ is even worse
dat power
7000 niggers in one thread
You just want to enslave them yourselves
This again op BTFO
What's your beef with infinity, fuck outta here with this nonsense.
Then those fags would come here
Never heard of 'em. Probably not even real.
This guy is the creator of infinity chan
Fuck off nigger free speech or get out
gib me your mentally ill, gib me your handicapped, gib me your poor, your criminals and gays.
>i have a solution
its funny how he actually reminded me of the mushrooms
The pol board is okay, the leftypol board is cancer.
Newfag btfo
hotwheels did have the most adorable eyes :3
>stormfaggotry almost totally dominates there
FPBP op is gay and lame
i went there and it had this nazi amine girl in the corner
its a nazi site
No shit, it's literally 100% stormfag
They banned me for a fucking Bomber Harris copypasta
what kind of shitty shill attempt is this? fuck you
nice try bin laden
Get the fuck out of my country, faggot.
I myself got banned there for 88 years for being a "well-poisoning kike". I'm pretty sure that you'll get the same penalty if you tell them that pizzagate is a horrible waste of their time.
A containment board for schizos is needed, and schizos deserve the safe space for their retardation.
What organization was saying they were going to take out Jow Forums?
There was a video posted last week with some fat ugly bitch sitting in the middle of the panel of speakers.
They might be faggots, but only reddit believes in shutting down other people, we won't do that for the simple reason that we know we're right, infinitefaggs can suck my dick any day
yeah, love to see them try...