>all humans are equal
All humans are equal
this is my land dog cunt
a thousand kek for including Russia in Europe.
>how did you drop the ball so hard whitey?!
>all humans
as per the graph, the orange colored countries don't seem to fall under this equality
My country isn't in Europe and it haven't been in European control.
What do Russians consider themselves, racially? Just Russian?
As Slavs. If you take it widely - as Whites.
Why is Russia in Europe? It’s literally in Asia.
You've heard of Eurasia? Its called that because of Russia.
>we aren't European
>we're Slavs
>a people who originated in Europe
Come on now Ivan
Why are Amerimutts not able to understand that the border between Europe and Asia are the Ural and Caucasus Mountains.
Russians are decedents of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, Novograd republic, and surrounding areas
Lmao Russian gets BTFOd by Ukrainian! Wouldn't the be the first time in recent history...
but some humans are more equal than others
>master race
I think Ethipioa was also never under European control.
French Guiana is in Europe? Is that an official designation?
>cyprus is european
>anatolia isn't
It was, after several attempt Italy was finally able to take Ethiopia. They lost them in WW2.
Oh okay. It doesn't matter anyway
is evolution true?
Most of those countries haven't been "colonised" only America, Australia/New Zealand and South Africa were
Really, Italy, lol, I did not know that. Can’t believe they went through the trouble of conquering Ethiopia.
we need to get those last few orange countries
Italians conquered it
>Lonely Japan
Shut the fuck up you stupid, fat, ugly, circumcised mutt. You are not European. You are not one of us. Americans and Canadians? None of them are white. You are mutt traitors. The only people who are European are those of us who were born in Europe with ancestry hailing from Europe. We are Europeans. Not you, fat fuck mutt.
oh no i forgot the meme flag time to leave the thread
>Never colonized
Literally founded by American freemen colonists, and before that I'm sure it was under the influence of the Spanish, Portuguese or British.
Ethiopia was never colonized
It was occupied by Italy for less than 5 years
LMAO, ok schlomo, did you forget the meme flag?
>Colonized or Controlled by Europe
Please read...
>French Guiana
hehe. I do the same thing sometimes.
Put half of Europe in nigger colors
They feel and behave like that either way
I like what you did here.
I love how Finland has been colored as part of europe, when we are actually part of scandinavia (nordic).
Finland has been under europe, but not part of it, until lately.
Finn slaves has been sold to arabs in Crimea basaar by russians.
And what about muslim arabian slave traders?
Fuck niggers and liberals for trying to change the history so white people look bad.
Not enough to really influence the direction of their country
They were never colonized and they're STILL one of the poorest countries on the planet
Don't forget Liberia was essentially created by the USA
Lol and poland has never colonized anyone
Based Poland and Israel
Also what's up with Somaliland and that little strip of Western Sahara?
Caught in the act, scoundrel mutt.
Yep. Chile was euro controlled... but then again the lower half of chile was never controlled by them. Only by actual chileans like 400 later.