can't you see he's a zionist pig? stop being stupid, I mean it.
Stop supporting drumpf
If you're against Israel you are a Muslim lover
>If you're against Israel you are a Muslim lover
says the mutt lmao
The white house has been planned to Trump's home for almost 4 decades. Serious strings were being pulled, this was not just happenstance.
I am 50% German and 25% English and 25% Irish.
>25% Irish
You're a quadroon, you should find the nearest gun to kill yourself with.
Proof that Isreal is the ultimate evil and these Zionist Jews need to be killed off.
>American snipers kill 60 border beaners in an afternoon
>country goes insane with race hatred, world implodes
those, heebs. you gotta hand it to them
Zion must be made whole to end this, but the completion of Zion doesn't mean (((they))) win; quite the opposite. This is unironically one of those times where to defeat your enemy, you must help your enemy.
Go home, kike. Go home, shareblue, Soros employee, DNC shill, or deep state cunt. Your psyop is not working. You're not going to get Pol to turn on Trump and destroy him. Pol knows Trump is imperfect. But Pol also knows that Hillary would have opened the borders and that he's the closest thing to Ein Fuhrer we have in office right now.
Go back to jerking off to your pictures of Karl Marx. We're not your goyim anymore. We know, kike, and some day, when you're riding the train to your new home at a special little camp we've built for kikes, knowing you might be getting "deloused" when you arrive (and you are the louse this time), if you're lucky, you should remember that the goyim warned you that they knew, that you were told to knock off the kikery, and that if you had just listened, maybe this all could have been avoided.
I want you to remember that Pol and the white man warned you what was going to happen if you kept fucking with us, kike or commie. I want you to remember that the white man never asked for this, that if it was up to the white goyim, there'd be peace. I want you to remember that you kikes and commies were the ones who started it all, who made the Shoah necessary.
Just remember, kike or commie (or both): you could have prevented this, if only you had stopped being such a faggot, commie, kike, treacherous piece of shit.
>telling trump supporters to stop being stupid
this is cognitive dissonance at it's finest.. OP says Trump is a Zionist, which he indeed is, and your knee-jerk reaction is to get mad and call op a kike.
if Trump is Der Führer, then he sure does have an odd way of practising his anti-Semitism, you gotta admit that.
>OP says Trump is a Zionist, which he indeed is, and your knee-jerk reaction is to get mad and call op a kike.
there it is trump niggers
It's my knee-jerk reaction because I know what these kikes are up to. They don't like Trump, even though Trump supports Israel, because Trump is causing trouble for other plans of theirs, plans like replacing white people with spics in America. Plans like TPP. Plans that involve open borders.
The kikes will never like Trump. And one of their tactics, now, is to come to places where Trump is popular, such as Pol, and find ways to sew hatred for the president. They need the alt-right and the white demographic overall to turn on Trump, because they want him out, desperately. They want to impeach him, and if they can't do that, then to defeat him in 2020, or at least make enough Trump supporters and conservatives stay home in 2018 so that he doesn't have enough power in congress to get his agenda done.
On Pol, a place known for its anti-semitism and racism, their tactic is simply to imply that Trump is a kike-lover, that he's betrayed the white man, and to try and stir up Pol to hate the president and attack him for "selling out". In reality, all we would be doing is the kike's work for him, because even though Trump is not directly anti-Jew, he's getting in the way of their plans. He is throwing a big, orange monkey-wrench into the gears of their machinations, and is slowly dismantling shit they've spent decades building so as to destroy the white race, this country, and the west as a whole.
And what's worse, they fear Trump is a symbol of the white agenda. He is a proud white man standing up for the white working class, a symbol. He is a nail that is standing up, that they have yet to hammer down. And so they have unleashed everything they have at him. Everything. They need him to fall, because if Trump is defeated, while it won't stop the pro-white movement, while it won't stop the alt-right or populism from rising, it will demoralize whites. And so they are hoping to stir shit here, to create infighting, so that you'll purity spiral and fail.
>meme flag
>le trump is zionist meme
fuck off cum guzzling shill
>They don't like Trump, even though Trump supports Israel
so you're admitting Trump is a fool, and you're supporting a fool.
QED motherfucker
This is your mind on the_donald.
It's working pretty well, if you ask me.
>Trump supports Israel
>but ackzuallyyh Trump is btfo teh kikes!
>kikes says they love trump but they secretly hate him!
magapeding of the highest order
>shooting up a canuck doc
lol they done fuck up now
Why do you even care about us? Don't you have your own issues? We don't think about you at all. So weird that goes for all you shills you look moronic. You hate us but you're on our board lol
You are the shill. Everything you say you just grabbed out of your ass.
Who says kikes hate trump? He just opened a embassy in jerusalem. He is not dismantling anything, he doesnt represent poor people. He is a millionaire who elected all his millionaire friends into high positions of office.
>Why do you even care about us?
about Canadians? I don't.
these trump supporters really think trump is playing some 6D chess by opening a embassy in jerusalem and being a pretty good goy.
ill give them points for optimism. Its hard to tell yourself you have been scammed.
you're right, but... what the fuck are you doing on Curaçao?
you dutch?
The embassy in Jerusalem is irrelevant. It's a mere token to his more evangelical followers. Besides, it's actually already been pushed by congress, and this move, outside of Pol, is pretty popular among his base.
You guys are really fucking stupid if you can't see this stuff. It's blatantly obvious the angles he's playing here.
He's a politician. Politicians have to play games. They can't just come out and start ranting about kikes. At least not yet. Maybe in a few years they will be able to.
I guess you guys don't see all of the parts of the kike's machine that Trump has upset. Why do you think the Jew owned media is constantly after him? Why do you think Jews in congress are so determined to go after him? Why do you think kikes like Rosenstein and Mueller (pretty sure he's a kike) are after him so viciously? Why do you think Jew-owned big tech firms are opposing Trump?
It's because he's upset their apple-cart. Just by being elected, he's fucked up their plans, because what they planned on was having Shillary, and she was going to usher in open borders, more trade deals, and probably start some more wars so that their businesses could profit. Shillary was supposed to push more gun control. Shillary was supposed to further the anti-white agenda, and inject feminism into the US government. She was supposed to continue what Obama, and Bush before him, and so on back to Reagan, started.
But they fucking lost. They also lost control of one of the parties, if not completely, then partially, as Trump has pretty much taken over the GOP, which used to be little more than controlled opposition.
Trump is doing the opposite of what these cocksuckers want, even if he is supporting Israel. If you can't see that, you're just fucking retarded and should probably drink a gallon of drain cleaner.
So, how much do you kikes get paid to shill? Is it hourly? Are you part of the military and work for military rates? You do know you little fuckers glow in the dark by the nose?
it's almost cute with how pathetic the pack of you are...or is it just one fucker changing VPN's faster than Bill Clinton changes underage hookers?
But he defeated shillary clinton...
From the Pale to Palestine part 2
From the Pale to Palestine part 1
Well, now, user, let's not be unrealistic. No one can change anything faster than Bill changes underage hookers. He's right at the speed of light on that one. Any faster and he'd go back in time.
>muh 6d chess
>the post
>So, how much do you kikes get paid to shill?
10 shekels each time you reply.
pls respond user-kun sama baka
FUCK YOU you racist pieces of shit. Stop colonizing my vagina!
at this point trump can give jews a BJ live one TV, say goys exist to serve god's chosen and his core base will still call it "899D chess"
nigga wat
pretty much this, desu.
>If you're against Israel you are a Muslim lover
Already did stop supporting him
Very disappointing no chaos, kike loving, neo con wars etc etc
White privilege means there is a power imbalance and POC cannot consent to sex with white people because coercion is not consent.
in the mind of trump supporters today, it's
>if you support Israel you're a good national socialist
>I'm 9001 IQ because i hate israel.
Man being a genius is easy these days apparently.
You can make all the 6d moves you can think, if you do not oppose ((them)) they automatically win. Maybe not this term, but the term after that. or the one after that. Who is to say Hillary wont be elected next time.
All trump has done is delayed their plans (open borders, white genocide bla bla), and actually accelerate them in certain cases like (Jerusalem embassy).
Hillary would be catastrophic but you are still sinking only less fast.
>Trump is zionist meme
His son-in-law is a zionist real estate businessman
He says he loves Israel constantly
He moved the US embassy to Jerusalem in solidarity with Israel
When Israel murdered 50+ palestinian protesters monday the white house response was "Hamas did this, ISrael a good country and din du nothin"
We must eliminate the ZOG.
ill stop supporting him when someone even more right wing shows up.
That'swhat most of the "whites" on welfare are, as well as filthy Italians.
Pic related
Why is /ptg/ still allowed to exist? They don't contribute anything to this board.
good goy
You're a fool
Dear god... seeing this zionist pig makes me want to become a zionist pig too!
>you failed OP
>implying saudi arabia isn't a friend of israel
who the fuck go it?
Neither do you.
You can be against both, you know. Unless you're a fucking Jew.