Pull up form

>Do pull ups
>Go all the way to dead hang, but feel like I'm cheating because of the small rest at the hang
>Switch to just short of a dead hang
>Feel like I'm cheating because of the extra momentum I get by doing it this way

What's Jow Forums's opinion on this?

Attached: pull up pic.jpg (500x375, 20K)

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No idea, go ask them

Isn't going full dead end harder?

>What's Jow Forums's opinion on this?


Oops, accident. Well I'll leave it anyways since some people seem familiar with the topic anyways

dead hang and do a few extra to compensate for the "rest"

Ahh, gotcha

Dead hang is the only way to officially count a pull-up. Chin has to come over the hand line and then back down to bottom.

Attached: hlxjgwy.gif (434x347, 497K)

U want a challenge faggot

Do one pull up
Rest 20 secs
Do 2 pull ups
Rest 20 secs
Do 3 pull ups
Rest 20 secs
Do 4 lull ups
Rest 20 secs
Do 5 pull ups
Rest 20 secs
Do 4 pull ups
Rest 20 secs
Do 3 pull ups
You get where this is going


at the bottom your shoulder blades/ shoulders shouldn't move, that's the proper form. Don't let your shoulders come toward your ears at the bottom if that makes sense. It's not extra momentum if you go slow enough. You can slowly come to the bottom position without looking like this Basically just keep your shoulders away from your head at the bottom, and don't release too fast. Do slow and controlled movement

Full hang, go slower and it wont feel like a rest

I typically go to dead hang, I do this to get the lower traps more involved. Lower traps are neglected by most.

Attached: TrapLowerHalfSmall.png (301x366, 17K)

dead hang



you know if you're doing them the bitch way or not, you can feel all your muscles tensing

i swear it's like people work out just to tell themselves stories

A better question.
What would Hitler's workout routine be?

Attached: moshi moshi.jpg (480x364, 33K)

get out

Hey chill it was an accident. I'm getting replies as good if not better than Jow Forums would give and at a much faster rate so I'm not complaining

Chin ups or pull ups? Wide grip or close grip?

we /fitpol/ now

When you're going to dead hang, don't just fall down, fight gravity and go down in a controlled fashion. Keep doing these dead hangs until you can actually do 1 pull up. Rinse repeat.

The guy in this picture will be dead before 45.

go all the way down, then all the way up.
make each way last 5 seconds to get time under tension

Im about to hit 20, feels good, just dont KIP

Why do you say that?

How many can u do in a sitting
Fight me

if the "short rest" is "Cheating", then wouldn't the pace of the pull ups equate to varying degrees of cheating? ie: faster is less cheating, slower is more cheating, at which point a rest is ultimate cheating

wish i could do pullups. i can only do chinups because labrum tear

slow your momentum and pause just before your dead hang so you aren't resting and you aren't using momentum

by rest you mean dead hang right? this would be easy as fuck if not

I already have a thicc ass and legs so I think I'm going to replace the squats everyday on 5x5 with chinups.

Good strategy or retarded?


Just follow this.

What the fuck does this guy think he is doing?

Try it, nake a pyramid of 6 or 7 at the top

Rest means actual rest and fhis is hard as fuck. They do this a lot in navy seal training

Pull-ups are god tier

walking around Vienna in consternation 3X5
Reading Jewish newspapers 5X5
Watching the Volk starve in the street 1X1

Well, we've got "self-improvement general", which is basically Jow Forums for Jow Forumstards most of the time.

IF you’re not Kipling’s and you take a strict form you can yield good results and honestly anything with high repition will be fine my dude

only if they're weighted

Attached: 1510874356535.jpg (433x650, 31K)

Honestly would be an improvement

>tilting your chin

well I've worked up to doing regular chinups from assisted, and I'm doing weighted dips already.


Sorry I don't talk with subhumans

Best thread on Jow Forums rn

FOR real

good job, you'll crush those bodyweight ones after a couple weeks.

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Not doing Circle Bars

Dont lower traps get worked enough by rows?

where the fuck am i?

politics or go back o /b you rate my dick faggot

Le 56 mutt

>lower traps
They wouldnt be lower traps if they wernt.

>gets banned by faggot mods anyways
jannies can suck my dick

I know you posted here on purpose and I don't blame you

Attached: 3574095043257.jpg (300x225, 19K)

Maybe mid traps.

>what's /fit's/ opinion on this?

Hey, guys, should we tell him where he is, or let him keep making an ass of himself?

Attached: Pepe Laughing Tears.jpg (248x189, 18K)

/fitpol/ here
This kind of question leads me to believe that you are infact a autist
Just do the fucking pullups don't cheat and don't be lazy

You must have missed the 2 times I already addressed my mistake

You maximize time under tension doing them your way. Going to full dead hang reduces TuT. Same goes for any exercise, never lockout.


Well if you don't have at least a little momentum the body won't swing with the breeze, and I think we can all agree that the gentle swaying back and forth of a corpse really adds some "oomf" to the "Niggers stay out" sign. So generally speaking I encourage people to leave a little bit of rope.

And of course you always want a dead hang. When they keep kicking for a bit it does add a nice little touch to things, but too long and your rope will fray.

if you get your chin over the bar you are doing nice job, slowly you will be improving doing pull ups is nothing everyone can achieve everyday

Yeah, I can do about 15 already, I was just concerned about my form

15 dead hang

Pull ups, wide grip

keep your legs angled in front of you. Don't let them hang like a jackass.

weighted chin ups > pull ups > chin ups

>4 10 pound weights instead of 1 40 pound weight.

Fucking christ I hate these people. I wouldn't be surprised if those weighed 5 each. Pure ego lifting "look at me" faggotry.

Reliving his childhood.

start with chin ups, whatever grip -> pull ups wide grip. ideally you should do only pull ups wide grip if you can but you can work your way up to it.

I cant even do one pullup

If you don't dead hang, you're jewing yourself. This is the only officially Jow Forums approved answer.

Bent over rows helped me do pull ups and chin ups

All the way down to dead hang for 1/2 a second back up until you chest hits the bar. Rinse, repeat.


While you're here, take a redpill with you op.

Attached: WeDon'tLiveUnderZog.jpg (2000x4972, 1.62M)

Record is a set of 24, but I only hit 14 or so after deadlifting.

Am I cheating by doing pull ups underhand?

well, its not fit, but I was told to do the full hang. It maximizes the actual Work that you do... which is the fucking point of working out.

It reflects.

I want to vomit

That's called a chin up

Go watch Jeff Cavalier or AthleanX on YouTube he has some of the best pull up techniques out there.

asking about fitness info on a board where people look like this

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Working out is fucking gay, it's a waste of time for insecure brainwashed faggots
If you can't pull pussy without working out just kill your self

I want to call you a giant faggot but at the same time I want to know what you entered for that trip

^ This. The fact you'd actually pay money to the exercise Jew is bad enough but you're wasting time you could be spending playing basketball with a hottie.

>not preparing for the race war
What happened to Jow Forums?

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