Women In Charge

In all honesty, what would a society completely run by women look like and how would it function compared to America in its prime?

Also, feel free to share stories about working for or with women.

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it would look like africa


Well you can just look at all the great matriarchal societies as examples.


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It would look extremely paleolithic.

That’s me and my cousin.

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>That's me and my cousin

t. faggot in pink dress

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Which ones the girl?

Niggers do you not understand that the best orgasm is one you keep to yourself because hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? This is the best timeline you fucking faggots don't make me post some material for you to make bitches jealous over your wasted precious pearls of seeds of Mankind you fucking niggers I'll show you a cuck I'm going out for a walk around the park.

If quads, I summoned the Queltron Machine.

>run by women

pick one.

Societies run by Africans collapse and they butcher each other to a degree but eventually reach a point of stability where they have no civilization left and just revert to being scavanging natives.
A society run by women would not stop killing each other so long as there were two or more women left alive.

This is why you never date let alone marry a "party girl"
Always pick the ones who are happy with simple lives

The OG Red Ranger says it's okay to masturbate sometimes but only if a woman is angry that you're doing so, do you not understand? She doesn't even have to be real. Cuck your waifu. You'll feel the hatred coming off your monitor as you wipe away your own 'come' from wherever you planted those pearls.

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>what would a society completely run by women look like and how would it function compared to America in its prime?
Come visit and see for yourself

And remember all that about 3d piggu: "pearls before swine" as they say in the Bible itself.

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>tfw no black queen that makes me her slaveboi

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Despite feminist screeching, civilization would fall apart -- as it now is -- with women in charge. Civilization require cooperation. Women are far less likely to cooperate amongst each other, as evidenced by numerous studies.


Whenever I see pictures like these I have the strong urge to see the women who dress like raped.

Probably a worse Sweden.

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Read the Greek play "Assemblywoman" You'll have a very good idea.


Someone have that image about the Danish survivor saved?

They had a male and female island and the comparative success of each island was about what you would expect.

There was never a state funded by women. State is a masculine invention by definition. Women are naturally fit only to maintain their role of reproduction, domestic affairs and to find victory on the sexual/marital market.

A society that is RUN BY WOMEN would look like:

- A society where being a single mother is seen as "heroic" and healthy

- A society where the public schools are dominated by women, and the women openly engage in relationships with the students

- A society where their version of cancer would get all the cancer, where breast cancer would get the most research money, where male football players would have to wear "pink" to bring attention to breast cancer

- A society where the courts and family courts openly cater to the demands of the women/mothers

- A society where a woman can marry a man, cheat on him, divorce him, then walk away with 60% of his money and his house and 25% of his future earnings until he dies

- A society where women would outlive men

- A society where women would decide they don't want the dirty jobs, they don't want to be volunteer firefighters hopping out of bed at 2 o'clock in the morning, where they aren't coal miners... they instead take all the safe easy jobs (teachers, secretaries, nurses, daycare workers)

oh wait.... we already have all of that

Women would only breed with top 1% of males.

Would the other 99 percent of males, who consist of many dirty jobs such as sewer work, electrician, roofers be ok with working 50 hours a week to get cucked?

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That's exactly how I like my sluts.

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Quit sticking your dick in the dirt.

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Economies function in accordance with the consumership.
Well, 80% of the economy is driven by women, as they are 80% of the consumers.
So, certain aspects of our society are already run by women. This includes the sexuality of a society, the education, etc.

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>how would it function
It wouldn't.

>- A society where a woman can marry a man, cheat on him, divorce him, then walk away with 60% of his money and his house and 25% of his future earnings until he dies
This is pretty much our current society already

it wouldn't last very long, because women would hand their power and responsibilities over to the men at the first chance they get.

Please notice that I am not denouncing women, but rather that their responsibilities for rearing and raising children will be more appealing. Women are nice when they are raised to value themselves.

ask sw*den

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check the trips, but for once the leaf is right

also I was in the military in Afghanistan working on a FOB. We were conducting airfield operations in black out conditions. the C-130's would land down load pax and cargo, all the while the engines would be running to save time. These planes are on an extremely tight schedule, and visit multiple FOB's a night any delay has a domino effect on other operations at the different bases. We download the pax and cargo no problem, like usual. A female soldier runs up to the loadmaster says she has to use the bathroom, he points her towards the honey bucket. she says no "its female related problems" she needs a real bathroom. I have to take this soldier a couple hundred yards to a porta potty then wait ten minutes for her to do her thing. this useless cunt got us a delay because she had to change a pad and couldnt wait 45 minutes until she got off at the next FOB

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There has never been and will never be a human society where females are in charge.

That's like asking what would an ant colony look like if a male was in charge. It simply doesn't function that way, and trying to force the queen out will only lead to destruction.

Women have simply been sold a bill of goods that they can be like men, and not only That, but they should actually desire to be like men. This is all based on the idea that women were or are treated as inferior citizens. But this is erroneous.

Women used to be cherished and loved, seen as the pillar upon which a family was built. Her job was to raise the children to become productive upstanding members of society, a job the modern feminist scoffs at but which is in fact the most noble and rewarding job a human can conduct.

It is truly sad to see the way women's minds have been twisted to see men as oppressive when men have always wanted their women to enjoy life and be free to pursue a less stressful and carefree existence than men have to deal with. It isn't because we want to Lord over them, it is because it is in our nature to take care of someone.

a socialist nanny state I think. High taxes , regulated 'fair' wages for everybody , legislated morality.

NRA promotes psychotic, and misguided origin MYTHS!

NRA is an absolutist, theocratic and fascist civil religion of prejudice and discrimination.

NRA promotes psychotic, and misguided origin MYTHS!

NRA is an absolutist, theocratic and fascist civil religion of prejudice and discrimination.

NRA promotes psychotic, and misguided origin MYTHS!

NRA is an absolutist, theocratic and fascist civil religion of prejudice and discrimination.

>In all honesty, what would a society completely run by women look like
plenty throughout history
they all sucked

Something needs to fucking change, and the men aren't going to fucking do it for them this time.

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Just take a look at Europe. That's what happens when you put women in charge, they invite an invasion.

a society run by women looks like a society run by foreign men

You just need to have children. Let the degenerates kill themselves.


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What was that show called when a group of men and women were dropped off an island separately and told to survive?

>In all honesty, what would a society completely run by women look like

women hate to keep schedules, so nothing would happen on time

women also hate to pass judgment, so shitty employees would get away with murder and there would be no organizational accountability

every decision would be driven by emotion first and logic second, so we would see policies that feel good but fail to solve any real problems

leadership requires a heirarchy, and women loathe the idea of anyone being over anyone else, so there would be constant infighting over the maintenance of some horizontal command structure that does not work at all

men would also be relegated to roles that have nothing to do with their natural strengths, as women truly believe that they can do everything better than their male counterparts

who the fuck knows how they would handle mating and childbirth due to their hypergamous predispositions

it would be a complete fucking disaster of biblical proportions

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Stop colonizing my vagina!

Are you sure they are really women, user?

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so basically communism, gotcha

so you are saying i should write them another check then yes?


>tfw no womyn with power to make me her boislave
feels bad man

Mankind has never seen what a true patriarchy can accomplish but pure matriarchies never go beyond hunter gatherer societies.

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Feminism is a bio weapon

Take it

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lmfao it would be / is a disaster. look at how women are shitting up the tech industry. they are borderline retarded.

>women hate to pass judgment

Confirmed for never having worked with women. They feed on judging and belittling others, it’s like a drug for them. Nobody hates women more than other women, which is why I always laugh in their face when they try to say that men created the “standards” that they’re “expected” to meet today. The only standards most men have is that they not be completely obese and have no STD’s.


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do even have to ask? just look at some EU cuntries

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In a world run by chicks, there would be no wars. Only one war - the War to End All Wars. Because women don’t know when to quit. They would go on and on until literally everything was wiped out. And it would probably have been over a pair of shoes or something.

A world run by women would look like today's Sweden, then in ten years all those chicks will be wearing burkas and men will run everything again.

As far as working with women, they’re lazy. They hate physical effort. They only want positions in Management or HR - easy, but with lots of “power”. Either that, or being strippers, or bartenders - TIPS TIPS TIPS !!! - Tips for Tits!

This is because women are constantly spoiled as opposed to men "having to man up" which basically means carrying your own shit.

Carrying your own shit results in agency and a person developing a drive abd self-determination, uncoddled women are capable of this but generally take a fuck load of time and work to get there in comparison to males.

Every place I've ever worked at where a woman was in charge was shit and noticeably mismanaged.

>Women hate to pass judgement
Are you fucking kidding mate? They just do it when your back is turned.

>womyn pursue careers in shaking tits or tyrannizing productive people at work
>children are raised by the government and television
This can't last...

Hate doing this but this.

Heres your >you for very redpilled reply.

thank you user, going to the redpill folder

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Ayse Pinhar Saygin on the right, OP.


I don't think you know how this works.

I bet that latin chick has a lot to talk about.

>how would it function
it wouldn't

Open borders, planned parenthood, equal pay, and non-stop hormonal screeching. Pretty much the same way things are now.

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She's got issues, notice how she always covers her right arm?

Look hard enough you'll see the scars.

And look where it's left us

The Purge happens every 28 days.

Like a whorehouse fucking niggers and demanding safe space

Oh wait. That's Murka rite

>In all honesty, what would a society completely run by women look like and how would it function compared to America in its prime?

Rural village or network of rural villages, never able to reach city-state or kingdom status.

There would be no society.

Purple hair chick the cutest

There are a few matriarchal tribes throughout human history. And that's as far as they got. Tribes.

Look at predominantly black areas. Single moms or sometimes grandmothers raising kids with fleeting male presence. The children grew up with men coming and going out of their lives. The girls emulate their mothers, becoming single mothers and giving into their hypergamous nature. The girls hit the wall hard at around late twenties, by late thirties they're all used up, by the time the forties come around, they pretty much look just like their grandmothers.

The boys never learn how to channel their energy and motivation into anything positive. They equate fear with respect so they intimidate others. They never learn how to control their emotions so they react emotionally to everything. Look at how young black men respond to encounters with police, it's like a hysterical woman reacting to authority.

I'm glad I was sold this bill. I can have autonomy and get to live a good life.

There's a reason the world was ran the way it was for thousands of years.

And I'll bet those who keep it together get as far from their original communities as possible. How much of the problems of black people do you see in the South?

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I don't have kids, am female, don't have supposed female nature and have a male digit ratio. Any suggestions?

And why should I support myself getting the lower hand?

just do what all the other degenerate white women are doing

Well we live in a society 51% run by women and look how this is turning out....I'm going to assume if they had total control as a matriarchy we'd have all of their vices and none of their virtues for at least 100 years until they got some experience under their belt and dealt with male issues.

Democracy was a mistake.
(We've had queens but these female voting habbits are fucked)


This is what the "good girls" who don't stand up for themselves will have to depend on. You decide to watch that type of porn.

Anyone that does porn is fucked for life, it's like a virtual scar on your life except you'll never be able to hide it.

A small handful of women are actually quality like Grace Hopper and Roberta Williams, you seem a little different so maybe you could succeed at something meaningful.

College Park, Georgia is really shitty. Used to play "gunshots or backfire" every night in middle school.

Knew this black dude, good grades, now an engineer, hated black women since they mocked him mercilessly for "acting white". Married a white girl, now lives in Maryland.

Every time he's drunk he'd call back women "nigger hoes", all one word. AFAIK he never had any kind words for people who look like him.

>"gunshots or backfire"
Sorry to hear that, I hope you're in a safer environment, I heard gunshots at night when I lived in Puerto Rico.
>"acting white"
Makes more sense when you look at it in terms of their not wanting to succeed.

Every 28 days there would be severe SEVERE negotiations.

Are you cute? If so, lets talk.