Britain is a 1984 authoritarian police sta-

Mutts wrong as always. We're literally more free than the "land of the free"

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Why should I accept the opinion of that organization?

fake and gay

gotta license for that opinion?

Get BTFO by facts you fat ignorant fucking mongrels

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I'm higher then you and I can tell you they are more free then me or you.

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>Academia in charge of which metrics define freedom

Economics freedom literally isn't about liberty. Freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of association, the right to bear arms, and all other freedoms from tyranny are the real liberties that matter.

>Singapore is a 1984 authoritarian police sta-

>Having most of your paycheck taken away is economic freedom

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I'm genuinely surprised.

wouldn't economic freedom just be based on who has the lowest taxation?

Feast your eyes upon it, fascist.

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>economic freedom

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At least I won't get legally persecuted for years for making a joke.

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The UK is puthing people in jail for making jokes online, are you blind or stupid?

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>tfw people are too stupid to understand your country


Maybe because we're intelligent enough to realise that stirring up trouble with muslims leads to dead bodies? Just like to an autist, let him sit in the corner with his dinosaur teddy and do not disturb him.


Maybe because it's tearing relationships apart? Low birth rates are troublesome for any advancing society. Just look at Japan, there's literal hentai anime girls out in the open there, men can't even do it with their women because they've already beated off to so many lolis before they hit the clubs. Other than that, testosterone gets depleted from porn usage, it's literal cancer. We're a nation of great men, not a bunch of wankers. After all, ruling 1/3rd of the world could only been accomplished by the greatest of real men, such as us.


Maybe because anyone carrying a knife in public is.. most likely malicious perhaps? There's no reason to carry such a thing.

Get fucked, mutts.

>using ranked freedom from paid companies
also this was 2 years ago. things change quick.. you know like banning fucking knives? right.. "freedom"

>Maybe because anyone carrying a knife in public is.. most likely malicious perhaps? There's no reason to carry such a thing
I carry several daily and use them often.

>Hurr we don't insult islam because they'll hurt us
You've already been invaded and subverted if so, they own your country. The terrorists actually won, not even memeing.
And all that is beside the point. Having sour grapes excuses for why you "don't even want" things is not a reason your nation should ban them, that isn't how freedoms work.

People in the UK have the freedom to go to jail for carrying a butter knife

you heard the man, show him yore loicence mate or ur going in the big house aye

>have economic freedom
>still go to jail for roman saluting

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>more free than the "land of the free"
we can tweet out "nigger" or "go back to pakistan where you belong, you fucking streetshitter" while you will get arrested for it.

Wtf is economic freedom

Poor guy, you'll be free some day

>heritage foundation

Literally (((them))).

>conflating economic freedom and personal liberty

oy vey, goy! Your free to produce and consume but don't say anything we don't like!

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Do you have a license for that economic freedom?

There is a huge difference between economic and civil freedom.

Singapore and the UK are high on the economic freedom scale but low on the civil freedom scale. The US is mid-high on the civil freedom scale but middle of the boat in terms of economic freedom. Anything involving money needs a hoard of licensing and a massive reporting burden to multiple agencies, and our tax structure is too complicated for anyone who isn't a specialist to effectively operate a tax-paying business.

The references lead back to heritage you fucking clown.

>Thinking economic freedom automatically equates individual freedom.

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