You see them in public what do you do/say?
You see them in public what do you do/say?
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nothing because i mind my own business
good goy
Ask if she has sister
ask her if shes #teamslave
Exwife is black, mexican, and white. I talk to her all the time and am going to fuck her this week. She has the best pussy I have ever had, by far. I am not a chad but I have had enough to know hers is top tier. She has had two kids and its still glove tight every time I fuck her. One of the first times we fucked she nearly broke my fingers squeezing so hard when she came. She squeezes my dick out involuntarily when I make her come. In short I love me some black pussy.
How about that Kanye West guy?
I ask her why the fuck she is not in my cotton camps in Cuba
Nothing, because they deserve a moment of silence.
Pull him around by his beard.
>"I see it's bring your slave to work day, how much cotton can she pick per hour?"
This. If pushed on a comment, laugh.
nothing, bleaching is fine. Ask any slave owner.
black guys glare at me at the gym all the time when im with my gf lol
I only give Muslims and white women who race mix the evil eye. White men are allowed to own conquered women
nice tits
your son is going to be la criatura
That basedboy manlet actually got lucky in landing that woman. She looks pretty good, and I’d say she’s at least a 7, whereas he’s a 3.
lmao fag
That "beard" is atrocious. I will never get these guys who look at their patchy pube faces and think "yeah, I look cool"
shes getting her tubes tied this summer
the doctor tried to convince her otherwise.
and his last name is kramer. is kramer jewish?
You don't own cuba anymore.
Why would you let your girlfriend get her tubes tied? Doesn't matter what race she is, you'd be a massive fag to let go through
its german
literally means "knickknack-dealer"
Nice, you’ve been fucking a used old cumdumpster crib that’s already had two kids in it.
> tight
Okay pal
this is the wokest response in this thread
for satans sakes she has no other friends besides me and had severe social anxiety when i first met her as a freshman in high school.
Literally nothing *faps on Tinashe*
She probably worships him and isint an entitled brat like white women are.
I had a dating profile about a year ago and ignored all the non white women who were messaging me. I pursued only the white girls and it got me no where. White women care about money and that is about it.
>your son is going to be la criatura
I love these comments when they come from Spain seeing as they're responsible for la creatura.
Nothing because I'm not a retard
I ask her if she has any friends who want some white dick.
Spain, chill. Cuba isn't yours anymore.
t. seething virgin shitposting on his computer
Why'd you stick your dick in crazy? Never do that.
He's right though. Raising kids is for boomers.
Damnit Vlad! Can't take you anywhere.
Which site did you use? All of the ones I use have sucked.
usually when I see race mixers I don't say anything . I usually treat them as if they have a contagious disease.
One of the kids is mine. I won't deny she had a phase where she whored around, thats why we are divorced and won't ever get back together. Sometimes I regret not having more white kids, and I do consider myself damaged goods for a nice clean white woman, but I don't want to date or marry again. So I contentedly fuck my ex every now and then and go on about my life.
Meant for you.
My son is going to be alpha as fuck and pull mad bitches. He is very fair complected, has fine hair, and has that delta shaped body.
This nigga knows whats up. Thats why me and my ex split. You can't fix crazy, fuck and move on.
I don't see them in public since im not living in muttland
Sounds like you stomped on a goose, user
She looks very cute, he looks very beta. He def has the lowest social value of the pair.
unironically the most homoerotic and pedophilic post i have ever read on pol
These people make a huge mistake. Race mixing is a crime against nature.
>White guys creating more mixed qts for me to fuck
Sounds good to me.
Too bad he will be a cock smoker like his daddy.
I say nothing and then contemplate the fact that I'm 24 and still alone.
The only black girlfriend I had, we were together for two years. I remember we were at some board walk type deal, food vendors and what not. These fags (literal homos) said how nice it is to see an inter-racial couple. It was then I knew I was a degenerate. Thankfully this is when I was in high school. At the time I was a skinny, pimple faced awkward fuck who wore skinny jeans and a emo haircut. I scored all these hot chicks. I don't know why. Now I'm good looking, hit the gym and can't bring myself to get another girl after my fiance dumped me last year. Probably reaping karma for being a prick to all the girls of my past. I wouldn't mind another good looking oreo, but I love white women too much. Plus, the majority of the time, inter-racial babies look like Goblins.