Anyone read any books that made your brain grow real big? Keep it Jow Forums related obviously.
Anyone read any books that made your brain grow real big? Keep it Jow Forums related obviously
It's written by a Canadian with questionable ethnicity, Jow Forums just calls it a kike book and hate it because it reveals the way minorities are beating whites while they'd rather shitpost and play Civ V for 2K hours a year.
pic related. Also, requesting book share links. Any philosophy would be greatly appreciated!
maybe in ((america)) and ((canada))
That book was fucking stupid by reason that it only motivated you to become better, but didn't actually make you any better.
It's no different than the self-help drivel that authors pour out every year, and so many people get caught up in the cycle of it rather than improving their lives.
honestly if he just took the self help label off of the book it would have been fine