Jewish Hate General-
Point out Jewish racism and hypocrisy in this thread. Post your best "fellow whites" memes. Drop redpills on America's so-called "Greatest Ally" (you know, the one that SUNK one of OUR ships and tried rob blame the Egyptians).
Other urls found in this thread:
There is literally nothing wrong with being jewish
why would yoy make a thread about hating your own race you uncle tom
pol is and always was a board of peace you fucking kike
Why am I not fucking surprised?
Your post isn't worth those trips, you worthless retard. Go suck Netanyahu's tiny, shriveled Jew dick, you cock gobbling faggot.
Ruin a thread somewhere else.
Checked. wtf i love jews now
Legitimately good redpill- never seen this one before
This is almost like a mini USS Liberty
and that's a good thing!
>female becomes fat
>accept my fat
>gay person
>accept me I was born this way
>male born
>don't be sexist
What gives?
First day?
fuck off
leave the jews alone
they are not the problem
So many kike shills in this thread. You all will actually get the oven one day. The holocaust will actually happen one day you snake kikes.
fuck you shlomo
The Jews spread all kinds of shit about the Syrian refugees because Syria has always been Israel’s No.1 Enemy, and the last thing they want is a bunch of raggedy-ass Syrians running around the West telling all of Israel’s dirty little secrets.
“Thread Archived”
kys schlomo
Thanks for the quality material my man
And never forget- we may be ethno-nationalists, but the White man is not the enemy of the Black man, or the Arab. We are in this fight together, against the Jewish Oligarchy seeking to dominate the earth and oppress us all. They murder Palestinian Arab children just as they organize Ethnic Cleaning against Native Europeans.
When the (((True Threat))) is eradicated once and for all, then, and only then, can we return to our respective homelands in peace.
im not an ethnonationalist.
You know the Internationalist Jews are the ones responsible for your country's ongoing ethnic cleansing, right??
Basically all your media is owned by a single billionaire Jewish family
Oh yes they most definitely are.
What race exactly are you?
Holy shit.
Dear fellow Jews: all of us are responsible for the crimes or Israel. Palestinian blood is on our hands.
Anyone else remember that time Al Jazeera literally tweeted a fucking MERCHANT MEME?
Many keks were had
Breddy gud for a Canuck.
Turn the kikes' (((white privilege))) horseshit on its head.
The JQ - Medieval Edition - (reading E. Michael Jones) Hypocrisy of Jewish people throughout the middle ages and being expelled throughout the regions over the passage of time.
What is the JQ - Greg Johnson explains
sorry meant to post this
Except for being jewish
>we don't live under a ZOG
Wtf I love CNN now
Seriously though, how did CIA sanction this interview? Are the big jews trying to take out Netanyahu?
Goddamn. Look at this obese Jew.
I need a blowjob. Send your mother over
Fuck jews
I honestly was asking the same exact question. Only thing I came up with is they are desperate for ratings.
Shut up, you filthy subversive kike.
>Assuming being racist and sexist is a bad thing.
Kikes arent white. God damn I hate me some kikes. Niggers #2 then spics. Shitskins are surprisingly #4.
Is this now a Jewish redpill thread? Went from page 1 to 5, let's stop the sliding, boys. Bust out the big ones.
I smell a jew.
Have you ever wondered why they are pushing for immigration into white nations and weaponizing white women via propaganda?
Those who own the media have been lying to us for long enough. It's time for it to end.
They like to hide in plain sight. Queue the cartoon with the "Jewish Name Game," If anyone has that one
I wonder where their loyalty lies?
Really? I guess it is time to bust out the rope and burning crosses.
Let's talk about Purim.
Have you heard of Purim? Purim is literally a Jew holiday celebrating crypto-Jews secretly putting one of their own into a high political position and using that influence to revenge themselves against their host nations. Revenge because Hitle--I mean Haman wanted to kill all the Jews. What's the Torah-provided reason? Because a single Jew refused to bow to Haman (seriously).
And in two thousand years, Jews will celebrate "Shoahfest" with the same pride and gusto, except instead of King Ahasuerus and Haman, it will be King Roosevelt and Vizier Hitler. With Europeans as the "enemies of the Jewish people" that were righteously exterminated by the gullible King for potential crimes against the chosen people.
A must watch for all newcomers here. Dr. Pierce was, and still is, a champion for our people.
This is how they operate. It is time to expose this behavior and bring back white tribalism. Let's make sure this thread doesn't get slid.
Inshallah I will hunt you to the edges of Leafland and beat you into the ground like your descendants ashes in Dachów.
Thank you. It is VITAL that we expose their blatant racism to the normies. Nothing triggers a normie like racism.
We must fight this fight together brother. To all newcomers, were you aware of this demographic dominance in the media?
Whichever user wrote that, 5 stars to you.
jews arent that bad come on guys
That jew hat looks so ugly. Why did he wear it?
>Hitler was the aggressionist goy!
> So are you a racist?
> Oh no not me though, because I'm telling you that you are for being white
>d-don't look at stuff like this, goy!
Why does the Jewish hate general take off but my women hate general not ;____;
Because we need to retrain our women. Jews cannot be retrained. They must be removed like a cancer.
Because kikes are little bit bigger problem right now.
Every Jow Forums thread should be a Kike hate general
He's right, there's work to be done. There's niggers that need hangin' and jews that need a good cookin'.
Wakey wakey
Har inte du något artikel att skriva, Peter?
Judaism is inherently racist. And I'm talking about the real kind of racist, the "we are genetically God's chosen people" kind of racist. Not the scientifically literate kind of "racist" which recognizes openly that race exists. Judaism is the genocidal kind of racism. It's built right in.
the fact that people in this era have this much dedicated hate towards jews proves that jews have done some fucked up shit. no one is making posts like this about hindus or mormons