Jow Forums, what’s life like on a native reservation in amercia? should a white person visit such a place...

Jow Forums, what’s life like on a native reservation in amercia? should a white person visit such a place? am i better off just going to an ancient settlement site instead?

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Ever seen a drunk person?
Ever seen a thousand?

you will be stabbed raped and
murdered in that order. it’s like an inner city ghetto but instead of niggers redman

Go check out Pine Ridge in South Dakota.

Why can't blacks just have "reservations?"

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drunk people at 8 AM, dead dogs all over the road, meth shacks, and pregnant teens

don't go through Chinle

My people hold the sacred liquor bottle in reverence.

I visited a Navajo reservation several years ago. It's like a third world country. The guide we had for the canyon tour was polite but all around there were signs of very serious social problems like alcoholism, depression, unemployment, and severe poverty on the reservation.

They do.
It's called a city.

that recent movie with hawkeye about fbi/police procedural in native rez lands was interesting.

lots of niggas vanishing due to feuds or crimes etc, corrupt police, etc.
friend said he drove through one while crossing America and there were a bunch of red man outside smoking joints and when they saw him drive by they threw rocks.

kind of reminds me of samoans for some reason.

I drove through one late at night. Everyone stares death at you. Someone tried to break into my car while I paid for gas, the gas station would not call the police. Drunk people wander the roads in the middle of nowhere dressed in dark clothes and no shoes.
South central Los Angeles, right off of Crenshaw was honestly less dangerous.

samoas are delicious

this x 100000000 Been there.

>Everyone stares death at you.
Ahhh...this one has been on a reservation.
That's what I noticed. If you're not Indian you don't belong there and they let you know it, especially the kids.

so much like innercity residential blocks

Corrupt third world countries filled with drunks and meth heads who rape their own children.

with lawn trash and feral to semi-feral dogs

What do you call an empty beer can on the side of the road on a reservation?
Indian Artifact.
What do you call a full beer, unopened beer can on the side of the road on a reservation?
Rare Indian Artifact. TCP

And this is because their spirit was broken woefully by your ilk. To OP the native americans of the past are no way the ones of you read about in the text books. Its so bad that they unironically call themselves Indians when they aren't. Most native american identity is lost to history. Just leave it like that...Such dark times shouldn't be revisited.

>not calling it the res

>so much like innercity residential blocks
Yeah, or extremely small backwater towns.

It's funny because the land is ours and we gave it to them out of pity when we wiped out 99% of their tribe.
Jackson should have finished the job.

To be clear I don’t want to go. Someone I know does. This is to get opinions on why not to visit; while being in colorado, where there are plenty of ancient sites that ARE impressive to see.

spotted the leftist. kill yourself

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>injun tribes been killing and genociding each other for thousands of years before white man come
fucking asshat

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I guess you are using a proxy? Because an american would already know the answers to your Q's.

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indians like metal

The "natives" you see are not the ones that were there originally, they are just a bunch of groups that had to move to new land across the country usually. The artifacts are from much older groups of Indians that don't exist anymore. At least in the SW USA the Pueblo all died a long time ago

i wonder, is there any revisionist history that explains what america would have become? surely the redman couldnt have progressed past tanned hide homes and “sacred feather” trades

>"Europeans" had been killing eachother and genociding each other for thousands of years before Roman man come
fucking dickhead

Rape and murder, sometimes not in that order.

no proxy
think of it as third party unfiltered answers for a friend to prevent them from possibly fatal mistakes

Native Americans are so rare now it isn't for from belief that OP wouldn't know so.

Fugg. Here’s a survival guide. If you go to the tourist areas or national parks, go early and leave by four pm. Don’t stay too close to the res when you sleep, don’t go to dark areas, stay away from local bars. Ignore anyone who is saying “hey buddy, come here for a minute”.
Understand you are in a different nation. Legally and physically.
I’ve been to most those parks a few times. It used to be you could actually take tours of the ruins. Now, most of them you can only get twenty feet from.
Just understand most of those people were raised to hate you and don’t want you on their land.


I for one propose a toast to our native brethren! >sips mouthwash

You'll find poverty, extreme substance abuse, general physical abuse, and crushing, hopeless depression on a cultural level.

So yeah, just visit some ruins, it'll be a much better experience.

What identity? They are a mix of tribes that fought each other and fought buffalo. Now there is no buffalo. They didn’t even create a fucking written language. “Native American” history is literally written by white men.

pisses me off that Jow Forums thinks just because a race is degenerate and not built for the modern world, they aren't entertaining. Indians are a kick in the head. You just have to get on their level

right on. i know they have their own police force, and that’s a huge red flag to me in certain situations. and by certain i mean all

>You just have to get on their level
Fucked up beyond belief on cheap vodka and cursing people out at a bus stop at 3pm on a Tuesday?


True. True. Please
*worships bird*

you don't want to be pulled over on a res, especially not if you have any weed

they take all the fine $ they can squeeze out of you

Nobody has done anything to Indians in their lifetimes. We had romans Saxons and Normans come here. Boo Hoo history. Nobody touched me. Doesn't effect me.
it's no excuse to sit around blaming all your problems and failures on history. Suck it up and live in the world you are born into instead of sulking at it.
It sounds awful. theres no reason or excuse for living like that,

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Well... yes. Then blow when the knives come out. Injuns love knives.

Probably not much. The native Americans were having genetic problems

helps to know someone on the rez. also, probably not a good idea to drink alcohol. shit can go south real quick. weed is the prefered substance.

Arizona fag here. There is no reason to go to a reservation unless you are going to a nice festival like the Hopi Kachina Dances. Other than that stay away. They are not nice places and e rule of law, as we know it, doesn't really exist. It's dirty, depressing, and just a bummer. Also, your pic is a national park. National parks with ruins are nice like Waipaki and Montezumas Castle, but even those are just kinda cool

It was the white cowboy ranchers who killed off the buffalo. You can't even into basic history.

North American natives were less advanced and spiritual. The central and south american natives could've made unique advanced civilizations if ever given a chance unimpeded.

South and Central natives were smarter than the northern ones.

..What..? In the latter parts of colonization Britain actually was more tolerant to Native Americans. It was your colonist subjects who did the most damage. The british even supplied the natives with more firearms against the colonists. Sure it was political in nature, but brits are ok in my book.

They completely lost their culture and merely act as a generic Chicano now

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lived in montana, don't go there. had a buddy get in a shoot out with indians on the res and shot one and neither party even reported it to the police.

Fish. Fish is a good reason.

I stayed on one for three months doing training in south Dakota and people here are really exaggerating the danger. It reminded me of a college town with a party school, no one has any responsibility and everyone is usually broke. They get their money at the beginning of the month then drink it away. Businesses don't start there because they'd have to pay double or more to get them to get off the welfare and work, but the government won't end the welfare away because there are no jobs. The more upstanding among them behaved more or less like regular country ranchers. Young people are kind of a weird mix of inner city ghetto and country.

I don't know why you would visit one if you didn't know anyone there.

i don't think anyone is exgarrating, literally if you wander onto the res you're probably at the least going get robbed, most likely by the res police.

It's like a fascist ethno state for natives

I like Indians.. I hope they are OK. If I ever see any I will help them . give food , water , some money..

Does anyone wonder what Native Americans think of actual Indians from the subcontinent?

Usual thread theme
'Run To The Hills' (4 mins) Iron Maiden

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Injuns are more beat down than macho beaners. they get the joke and play along. good people. mostly just hurt each other. perfectly safe people, often. you just need to approach them palm up, and flat, slowly

And yet I lived and slept there several months as a very white person. I mean I wouldn't want an unaccompanied woman to go, but there were done there too and it was fine. They were even pretty nice to me. Indian tacos are great if you go to a rez, I highly recommend.

Injuns have great hair

why were you there? was there some type of payment made or security provided?

anger... is a gift


what do elk have to do with anything?

It was training at a government provided hospital there. There were people you could call obviously but not really security on hand. It looked like the building had been broken into before so sure it's a good idea to be careful and armed, but it's not like you were in danger of imminent death. They have to bring in doctors and other staff on a rotating basis and pay them a lot or there wouldn't be any healthcare. Some white people there are permanent and live nearby. Everyone I'd interact with was nice enough.

As visitation goes of them are basically well-furnished tourist traps. Pueblo indians have decent “gift shops” and the American Southwest has memorable scenery. Also Indian casinos can have some great restaurants in my experience.

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That's Africa.

Theyre shitholes . I worked as a garbage man and we picked from the rez . I was young and legit expected teepees - Nope ! Shacks . Without utilities type of shacks . Falling down . Mile after mile of them . I felt sad that people live like that . Way worse than a trailer park or the ghetto (except for the nignogs) .

Free Leon Peltierberg

Do their squaws like white dick?

Abo theme park

I said Ilk, not elk you goblin

i would say worse than abos honestly

I've had native girls compliment me on my blue eyes and blond hair. I wouldn't fuck them but they were hungry and it was certainly flattering to some degree. They're mostly good people, generally speaking. It's the substance abuse that really destroys them.

depends on the rez

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The only thing broken was injun teenage girls hymens by drunken daddies.
Remember CIV 2? Sioux were the absolutely most shittiest civ in the game.
The only thing that could’ve been worse is if Ernie Dingo had a civilisation of abos where rudimentary spears and body odour added offensive and defensive bonuses


>Should I visit the land of savage retards?
Maybe if you want cheap gas/cigarettes and/or to gamble in states where it's illegal.

I once found a gas station while passing one of these reservations that sold this weird cuck porn comics. The comics were super small and had an average 20+ pages each since some of them were part of a series and the average copyright dates are from the 80s and 90s. They are all in spanish and look like paintings but with a comic format

Anyway what made it cuck was the fact that most of these comics featured settlers and native american girls. I saw a rape scene with said settler and native american woman.

Id say 60% of these comics had this setting and the settler characters all had stereotype personas. If anyone can name the comics Id be happy to get a name for this oddity.

You don’t know abos.
Desert abos wash maybe once every year or two. Not exaggerating. I was a teacher in central Australia for two years and I knew kids there that hadn’t washed once my entire time there.
Also rampant incest and child molestation and violence

Black people are the same way. They have different faces for each race. Around whites they act normal, hispanics, either they outright ignore you or treat you normal, same with asians. They seem to like indians for some reason.

Lived on a rez in NY, lots of drugs, lots of violence, LOTS of violence, arson, break ins etcetera, defo not safe, if you do work on a rez cash up front for material, if you drive thru a rez make sure your car has enough gas and is reliable to get you through, for real

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I don't think there are any attractive Indians left that aren't majority white.

2 words my man

Cheap cigarettes

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Sounds like where I grew up in Indiana

Anyone know of any reservations in or around WA that let people go on tours...safely?


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Don’t even think about it, I messed with clan mother’s daughter and they put some sort of hex on me, they would say ‘behind you’ and turn there was nobody there, haunted me for months, bad juju

This guy gets it

They are just too damn expensive in England.

you can just drive through them it's no big deal.

If you're really scared there are a few reservations that are right near white towns so the most you'd get is some dirty look.


It's filled with drunks and poverty. I once dated a full-blooded Lakota girl from Pine Ridge, and went there with her. It was like the third world. White people stand out big time.

I kek'd.

Canadians get it. Used to get em from a Lebanese pizza shack, which there are plenty of in NS. Fucking things made me quit cigs altogether.


what did her pussy smell like user

It's like seeing a stone age people given technologies that they equate to magic. Plus fire water

I've been on many reservations, since I lived in Arizona for 4 years. They're not all terrible, dangerous places, but they tend not to be great places. People there generally live in trailers, shacks, run-down houses, etc. There's not a lot of activity to be seen during the day, since many people don't work, instead depending on their Indian welfare checks -- and when they do work, they don't work on the reservation, but instead commute to white cities or live in white cities, working construction and other odd jobs. On reservations, you will frequently encounter "reservation dogs," which are semi-wild, non-neutered dogs that are somewhat friendly if you have food to give them. Indian Police are extremely corrupt and it's not uncommon for them to try to take your valuables on the roadside in lieu of pressing charges. Avoid speeding or breaking any of their rules and they won't have an excuse to pull you over.

>The "natives" you see are not the ones that were there originally, they are just a bunch of groups that had to move to new land across the country usually.
This is not true. Many reservations are, in fact, those tribes' ancestral homes and most reservations also restrict membership only to those who can demonstrate that they have a lineage with the tribe. They are so careful about this because all members of some reservations receive welfare checks that include profits from some of the tribal-owned businesses, like casinos.

>Understand you are in a different nation. Legally and physically.
This. I concealed-carry, and I'm always careful not to even stop for gas when I'm on a reservation, I just try to stay on the road and keep driving without stopping.

You have no Second Amendment rights on an indian reservation. It is literally a different country.

>Just understand most of those people were raised to hate you and don’t want you on their land.
Also this. Indians are indoctrinated worse than our niggers to hate whitey.

Man I've hung with a lot of Natives, had sex with Native women, they are fun party people, but holy fuck do they seriously have no self control

I live in Winnipeg and seriously, I would say the majority of them either have extreme substance abuse problems (by White standards), have one or more kids they are completely unprepared to raise, or often both together.

They are their own worst enemy but somehow... itz da fukkin White man's fault