We should get Manning running for 2020.
Chelsea Manning 2020
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Did he go trans because he's a manlet?
what a wierdo
smart move desu
That was the word around 2 BCT
He thought he'd get preferential treatment in prison. Probably thought he could get sent to a woman's prison so he didn't have to be around big strong men
You mean be around other miscreant POGs.
When he was first in the news for leaking and so on I never could have imagined a few years later him to be a self-important tranny faggot spewing bullshit online like a cartoon. This timeline really went haywire somewhere.
Hopefully through a minefield
>Probably thought he could get sent to a woman's prison so he didn't have to be around big strong men.
Trust me you don't want to be in women's prison or in PC in a men's prison for being a tranny. I hear women's jail/prison is just nasty and even crazier than men's jail.
>Have someone who was tortured so much they depersonalized into a female personality leading us.
no thanks, but thanks for the cables dude.
Oh god its the mexican jiren fag again
Guess Manning doesn't know that.
Look into his platform. It’s pure guano. He thinks he’s running for President.
>mexican jiren poster
What if I was in a women prison as a 6'2" white bearmode
Those crazy cunts would likely stab you, throw piss and shit at you, etc. I guess eventually they would come to accept you and probably suck your dick if you were allowed to keep it.
stabbing doesn't seem bad
i wonder of there's a japanese cartoon about this
Stay mad gringoys.
I've heard about bonecrushers, I don't know if the ladies make them. But they apparently suck to get stabbed with.
Running behind the truck to keep from being dragged down that old gravel road? Hell yeah! Run FAGGOT run!
reminder that manning is a traitor to the united states and his legacy will always be "that piece of shit faggot who joined the military just to steal some shit"
they should have let him kill himself while he was locked up
C'mon now...show him you care
Degenerates like him belong on a cross