>This ape will join the ruling ranks of one of the greatest empires ever known to man.
Am I the only one who feels an sense a of intense devastation and impending doom over the royal wedding. This is it guys.
>This ape will join the ruling ranks of one of the greatest empires ever known to man.
Am I the only one who feels an sense a of intense devastation and impending doom over the royal wedding. This is it guys.
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This is what you asked for. The royal family is going to become a mongrel mixed race family in a few generations. This is the price of diversity; losing your lineage.
Yes this is very symbolic and clearly intended to demoralize the UK population even more heavily.
At this point 'Queen' Elizabeth is a traitor to the people and crown, and will be remembered as the person who not only helped deconstruct the British Empire but the British people themselves.
For any UKbros I hope one day we can help restore the dignity of your state.
Oh shut the fuck up you mongrel speak for yourself
She looks really black.
No one sees to notice that they didn't even date...
That is an aweful shop. She is 36, so there is potential that she will die mysteriously before a child is brought to term.
I speak from experience, fool.
why do u mutts give a fuck? worry about ur nation becoming a mongrelized which it is before worrying about ours which is 98.9% white english
Every kingdom falls eventually. It's time for a new reign .
No you don't, now shut the fuck up you dumb fuck ur making urself look like a retard.
Enjoy your mongrel nobility.
Keep your racist white dick out of POC. They aren't your sex toys.
Learn how the monarchy works you stupid fat fuck.
Relax, I just learned about this tonight. But unironically I dont think they will have kids. Shes 36. In the end its just some guy anyway doesnt really have much to do with anything. It would be spoopy if she got into an accident.
I am relaxed you ugly fat fuck.
You get to fuck niggers? Well, at least now you will have to serve them.
God you fatass fucks truly are retarded.
They are not his toy, that stupid boy.
>tfw as of 2018 WE WUZ KANGS is no longer just a meme
>98.9% white english
U wot m8
Do you realize England defined modern civilization?
Don't ever post here again until your country becomes civilized again you worthless fuck.
I am quite handsome, you pasty freckled treacle queened bitch.
Ur homicide rate is 10x higher than yours u fucking fatass piece of shit. Now go fucking eat urself to death u depressed insecure cunt.
The sun may never set on the British Empire, but it's about to get a whole lot darker.