Anti natsoc thread; nazis viewed slavs as subhumans

As part of the policy of harshness towards Slavic "sub-humans" and to prevent any tendency towards seeing the enemy as human, German troops were ordered to go out of their way to mistreat women and children in Russia.[31]

In October 1941, the commander of the 12th Infantry Division sent out a directive saying "the carrying of information is mostly done by youngsters in the ages of 11–14" and that "as the Russian is more afraid of the truncheon than of weapons, flogging is the most advisable measure for interrogation".[32] The Nazis at the beginning of the war banned sexual relations between Germans and foreign slave workers.[33] In accordance to these new racial laws issued by the Nazis; in November 1941, the commander of the 18th Panzer Division warned his soldiers not to have sex with "sub-human" Russian women, and ordered that any Russian women found having sex with a German soldier was to be handed over to the SS to be executed at once.[34]

A decree ordered on 20 February 1942 declared that sexual intercourse between a German woman and a Russian worker or prisoner of war would result in the latter being punished by the death penalty.[35] During the war, hundreds of Polish and Russian men were found guilty of "race defilement" for their relations with German women and were executed.

31, 34: Bartov, Omer (2001). The Eastern Front, 1941–45 : German Troops and the Barbarisation of Warfare

7:40 woman raped and left on the road

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Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-3342999,00.html,_1933–Soviet_Commercial_Agreement_(1940)

Examples of mass rapes in Soviet Union committed by German soldiers include:

• Smolensk: German command opened a brothel for officers in which hundreds of women and girls were driven by force, often by arms and hair.[82]
• Lviv: 32 women working in a garment factory were raped and murdered by German soldiers, in public park. A priest trying to stop the atrocity was murdered.
• Barysaw: 75 women and girls attempting to flee at the approach of the German troops were captured by them. The Germans first raped and then savagely murdered 36 of their number. By order of a German officer named Hummer, the soldiers marched L. I. Melchukova, a 16-year-old girl, into the forest, where they raped her. A little later some other women who had also been dragged into the forest saw some boards near the trees and the dying Melchukova nailed to the boards. The Germans had cut off her breasts in the presence of other women.
• Kerch: imprisoned women were raped and tortured; breasts were cut off, stomachs ripped open, limbs cut off and eyes gouged out. A mass grave full of mutilated bodies of young women was found after Germans were driven out of town.
• Lviv-Germans soldiers raped Jewish girls, who were murdered after getting pregnant.[83] It is estimated that over a million children were born to Russian women, fathered by German soldiers.[84]:56 [85]

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Other sources estimate that rapes of Soviet women by the Wehrmacht range up to 10,000,000 incidents, with between 750,000 and 1,000,000 children being born as a result.[84][85][86][92]

84, 85, 86, 92 in order
Gertjejanssen, Wendy Jo (2004). Victims, Heroes, Survivors: Sexual Violence on the Eastern Front during World War II (PhD diss.) (Thesis). University of Minnesota.

Kehila Kedosha Janina Synagogue and Museum. "The Holocaust in Ioannina". Retrieved 5 January 2009.

Zur Debatte um die Ausstellung Vernichtungskrieg. Verbrechen der Wehrmacht 1941–1944 im Kieler Landeshaus (Debate on the War of Extermination. Crimes of the Wehrmacht, 1941–1944)

Grossmann, Atina. Jews, Germans, and Allies: Close Encounters in Occupied Germany. p.290.

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>not subhuman

we wuz empire in 1600 bc bro we matter

Slavs are subhuman though.

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Nazis sure loved Slavs huh...

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>two Wikipedia sources
>one (((YouTube))) video
>and a thread picture that attempts to meme and fails horribly
Your just plain wrong about Germany and Poland
>pic related
Also sage and kys OP

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