Assange General- reputation proofs?

>Link someone to wikileaks
>"I'm not believing Assange information... who knows what's been done to it."

I tried bringing up their 100% never been proven wrong reputation, but it's still not (((enough))).
Anything more I can add to verify Assange's legitimacy in the clinton emails and other things?

>just completely immune to reason
Yes, but I want to be absolutely certain they've gone down the path of this before I call the judgement. A lot of us (myself included) started out as SJW filth incapable of seeing reason.

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if assange was legit there never would have been such a media circus about him. they would have disposed of him quietly.

also the notion that he was allowed to exist in london as a wanted fugitive for that long is preposterous as well.

Ecuador is known for harboring persons like this. By your reasoning, is snowden not legit as well?
They're both in exile in foreign countries, and if they were to mysteriously die it would implicate the deep state.

Not a great post from leafy.

no, i'm sure snowden is a plant as well. again, if he was what they say he is, he would be dead. and we probably would never have been told about him in the first place.

>the ecuadorean embassy

this isn't a movie user. they have ways of getting to people inside embassies.

You don't want to overestimate your enemies. Like assuming the CIA have time travel or anything else.

But if your theory holds and he's a plant, what does he get out of this?

And yes, they can get to him inside the embassy. But they can't crack his SHA-256 crypt signature. Not even with quantum computing.

what does any controlled opposition get out of it?
probably a pretty sweet setup for them and their family when they inevitably slip from the spotlight after their shelf life has expired. perhaps the satisfaction of knowing they were part of advancing the agenda. who is to say. but, they wouldn't need to crack his signature in this case.

See what living indoors does to you? God that man was hot at one point. so sad.

Anbody here live near where he is at to take pictures to prove he is alive?

If he was a plant, why would he tank Hillary?

This is why they must pay for what they've done.

What possible prize could be worth living in a bedroom for 6+ years, with only a treadmill to exercise on?
The only way he goes away out of the public's eye is by death or "death", but he already damaged the reputation of the Clintons 2 years ago.

Or was that part of their master plan as well?

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I have my suspicions as well. Podesta's tweets spooked me.

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why not? she was never intended to win. having him "tank her" gives him more false credibility.

you are under the impression that he was actually confined to that building for 6 years. he wasn't seen for weeks at a time. there are tunnels to and from those buildings all over london. he could easily have been brought in and out covertly. who is to say he wasn't going out to some private island in the south pacific or some shit like that every few weeks to fuck children with the rest of his occultist friends?

Assange grew up in a child sex cult

You have no idea if it's russia or Snowden when Snowden leaks now, he should have gone to a neutral country.

So is Assange dead or what?

Are you fucking retarded ?
"She was never meant to you"
Gtfo you glowing nigger

you're like a child that wanders into the middle of a movie and expects to know what the fuck is going on

You're doing it again.
Jew donations to HRC were 10 times that to Trump. Don't have that pic saved but it's out there on this hellhole.
She was clearly the favorite to win by (((media))) and (((companies))). The left wing media is still going apeshit over Trump, 2 years later.

Some evidence would be nice.

And ur a nigger.
She was completely favored to win but ur head is too far up your own ass with these dumbass conspiracies that all the good guys are actually plants

That moment no one responds to the most knowledgeable post

The CIAniggers finally beat him
>the left believes their psyop about muh russia
>the right believes their 'he's dead you gaiz' psyop
>perfect time to strike and cut him off from the outside world with basically zero resistance

How could they have killed them if they had no warning of him doing what he was about to do?
Or they had warning, and let him conveniently escape to Russia, where he remains most wanted?

Really suspecting you're a schizo or just a glowing nigger here.

It doesn't prove Assange or his claims legitimate, all it does is indicate we'd know if he disappeared.
I want to know what proof exists of his claims and his credibility, as we all know his objectively perfect reputation been tarnished.

>the good guys
what good guys, the ones who lick israel's sweaty nut sack and do whatever they tell him to do? good guy trump?

you fucking retards don't understand reverse psychology in the slightest, do you? by making it seem that hillary was the favorite, they were able to make you retards believe that you had struck a victory by actually electing their guy trump, thereby you let down your guard and they have been able to have him carry out their agenda without any kind of questioning or suspicion, because now you fucking retards just chalk it all up to "4d chess"

the mental inarticulacy of the average pol user is stunning

>implying the united states government is incapable of tracking someone down and murdering them if they really want to

what a coincidence, i'm beginning to suspect that you're a total retard.
what you fail to suspect, is the extent to which all nations are controlled by the same master. america and russia are different arms of the same beast. they are the opposing hands being used to reshape the proverbial ball of clay. make realize that reshaping the ball of clay requires both an initial and an opposing force. a "boogeyman", if you will.

Where can a brother get the snowden files that he stole? Asking for a brudda

>by making it seem that hillary was the favorite, they were able to make you retards believe that you had struck a victory by actually electing their guy trump, thereby you let down your guard and they have been able to have him carry out their agenda without any kind of questioning or suspicion
that is insane even by tinfoil Jow Forums standards

They could kill him now, he's already done the damage and there would be no point. Risk/reward is against them.

Yes, no question US and RF are connected on some level, it's why all peace attempts were scorned.

If you're going to say it was all a reverse psychology psyop, it would be retarded to expect Jow Forums to win Trump an election. Even for the goal of neutralizing their opposition movement. Unless that was all part of their master plan as well. Ackam's Razor doesn't exist?

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I'm forced to agree with these concerns.
I hope he communicates again soon. We need more like him.

The snowden files were run in Mayne Streem Meteor when they leaked. That's what got the US to go from 0 to 11/10 tilt to get him.

The Snowden files were gatekept to fuck by the Guardian (and others)
You weren't actually allowed to look at them goy

>Exiled WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange may be about to get the boot from Ecuador’s embassy in London.

>The country’s foreign minister indicated Tuesday that her government is actively seeking someone to take the outspoken refugee off its hands, given the “untenable” situation.

>Assange has been taking refuge at the embassy for the past five years. But he recently landed in hot water with Ecuadorean officials for speaking out against some of its allies, including Spain over human rights issues.

>He sought diplomatic protection over potential prosecution in the US for leaking classified government documents. He also was fleeing Sweden amid rape allegations. Although the rape investigation was dropped, he violated bail and faces a rap over that.

>Ecuadorean Foreign Minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa said her country is seeking a “third-party mediator” to figure out a way to settle the situation

it was hardly just pol. it was all the gullible boomers who have been lead by design to distrust the news. to by default, they voted for the candidate that the news took (or appeared to take) a stance against.

>tinfoil hat pol standards
this comment is retarded even for sheep fucking kiwi standards

you think that is insane? what, have you been researching for 2 days? if you think that shit is farfetched, you had best go back to bed, my friend. the truths that are out there to be found and learned will literally blow YOUR fucking mind. i mean you in particular. you will not be able to comprehend.

>you think that is insane?
Yes, blatantly
Post your proofs though, I'm willing to keep an open mind.
I'm sure you have more than just your feels, right user?

His proofs being that Trump is a zionist who does what Israel wants. In theory.

You didn't answer me here

It is a massive leap to state that because Trump is a zionist that the elite's wanted and had planned Trumps victory

i can't teach you how to think critically, user. if you had the pertinent base knowledge in these fields you would understand by the power of your own thought process why all western elections are merely rigged dog and pony shows now. if you knew about the science of propaganda you would understand how public opinion is manufactured. with matters like the POTUS, stakes are too high for anything to be left to chance. we're talking about people who manipulated the world into 2 all out world wars against their own brothers and have successfully disguised the whole affair for almost a century since. you honestly believe the capacity isn't there to rig an election?

>it's totally farfetched to think that these people had anything to do with one of their pawns being elected to the highest office in the world

are you sure you aren't wearing a tinfoil hat user? i think microwaves have fried your brain.

Ok, so what can be done about this group?
We are thinking of the same group, yes? Or is my group a subset of yours?

just use logic.
you really think hillary could have handled being president? she's pulled around on strings already as it is and almost coughs herself to death every other time she gives a (totally controlled, flashless because camera flashes give her seizures) press conference.

>muh feels
exactly what I expected

i honestly do not know. have you seen yuri bezmenov's lectures?

where did i say anything about feels, faggot? i don't have time to list you the 10s - 100s of books and documentaries and various other material that i've seen that has allowed me to come to these conclusions.
i'll put it to you in clearer terms since i guess you didn't get the gist of my last post: learn to do your own research, you fucking dimwit. it's not my job to explain to you how reality works.

>not my job to educate you shitlord
Sure bud, there's only one faction at play in the entire world, and they always win flawlessly, that's just how basic the world is.
Sounds like a nice easy belief system

I'm thinking of ((())), specifically reform zionist talmudic ones.

I'm imagining you're thinking of those in conjunction with others, or those who are influencing said group listed, hence a subset.

Why don't you stay calm instead of insulting each other?
This is a friendly thread. We're all friends here.

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in case you were unaware (seemingly), we are at an unprecedented phase of human history. in the past, the world was not "that basic". but that was in a time when countries were still independent and not beholden to today, there is one force guiding all other sub forces towards a common goal. if you can not see how close western civilization and indeed all of humanity is to a total collapse you are more naive and moronic than i already thought.

i just treat others the way they treat me. i always give people the opportunity to be cordial and the benefit of the doubt, and behave in kind when they are. but if they choose not to be, well..

well, talmoodism is arguably the source of the anti white anti western (anti christian) under(and over)tones in today's western societies.

What a turd.

I completely sympathize with his goals and perspectives. But, what's the point? No one cares?

You swayed an election or two but, what's the point?

Enjoy your fucking room dumbFuck.

How are we heading to a total collapse? I don't deny that it could happen, but I don't expect it to happen until at least 10 years from now. How is it very close now? Why?

>How could they have killed them if they had no warning of him doing what he was about to do?
The media chose to report on it on a huge scale. That alone should be a red flag. Don't tell me you believe the myth of the independent media, user.

>i just treat others the way they treat me. i always give people the opportunity to be cordial and the benefit of the doubt, and behave in kind when they are.
What? You were a condescending cunt from the outset, just be yourself leaf there's nothing wrong with that
>today, there is one force guiding all other sub forces towards a common goal
That's where we disagree, that perspective goes against the basic human nature of backstab and climb over the bodies to the top.
I mean maybe if you mean 'force' as in an ideal that they're striving towards, but even then many people have different ways and means to reach that
I'm not saying there isn't coordination amongst the elite but the kind of simplistic notion that literally all of them are pulling off a perfect master plan is not realistic
Humanity is fucked tho, I'll give you that

>10 years is not very close

>condescending cunt from the outset

i wasn't even talking to you, cunt. you piped in that what i was saying was "insane even for pol standards"

are you taking the piss

Well, I mean, it's not really very close. 10 years gives you a lot of time to prepare. If we're talking about 2-5 years then that would be very close.

Oh shit you're right
I was the cunt all along

at least you can admit it. maybe you're only half a cunt. really though, keep digging. the levels of manipulation are truly shocking. so much of what we see is planned out to the finest detail. read the paper "the longest hatred" by a woman who called herself jane birdwood.
also, there is a documentary called "the goy guide to world history" that is excellent.

It seems an awful lot of links relating to this jave been shoahed.

Ive no idea what you mean when you adress the second d point, its obvious that ANY intrl agencey would use the chance to put thisr disinfo in amongst the legit leaks, if they were handed a defector.

while they deep state could be quite immensely powerful, you clearly don't have all that much experience of what organizations are actually like. Everyone sucks at their job, I'll just put it that way

I just thought that was how you posted, I didn't notice it was a reaction to the burger
Thanks, I'll check them out

well, i mean, relative to the age of western civilization which has not catastrophically collapsed for quite some time - 10 years is fairly minimal. think of it this way, if the release of the iphone signified 10 years to the total collapse of western civilization, it would already have happened by now. think of when the iphone came out, it doesn't feel like that long ago, does it?

>wikileaks before
>wikileaks now
>"the government and *insert mainstream media news network* said that it's been compromised by *insert country YOUR country's government doesn't like here*, it's obviously fake news"
I hate people more often than I should sometimes

government incompetence is just a meme to maintain plausible deniability. i mean, it certainly does exist at some levels - there is no doubt about that. but again, when the stakes are that high, things get done the way they need to be.

I see now. Thanks. Why do you think a collapse is coming relatively soon though?

Give me the rundown, is this guy dead or what?

i think the current trends are unsustainable. the moral fabric of society is unraveling. the world is also massively economically unstable. there are a lot of people in debt. it all feels a but unprecedented, especially spiritually for lack of a better word. people have never been more disconnected from their own humanity.
