Guy in fissure 18 stream is saying fissure 17 is spewing lava!! DOOOM!!!
Ryder Jackson
Successful ones don't, that's for sure.
Lincoln Hill
PROOF SHIT IS GOING DOWN >Lava in the caldera evacuated overnight.
Why is that important? >Prelude to the eruption – a draining lava lake and a swarm of earthquakes
>A lava lake drained out of Halema‘uma‘u in February 1924, followed by a severe earthquake swarm in lower Puna, 50 km down the east rift zone. The seismic activity began building in early April, reaching its peak on April 23 with ground cracking, faulting, coastal subsidence, and hundreds of felt earthquakes. These events indicated the transfer of magma from the summit to lower Puna, either the same magma that left Halemaumau or stored magma that was pushed ahead by that which drained away.
>The explosions were powered mainly by steam, generated as groundwater came in contact with hot rocks. At Kīlauea, volcanologists think this happens when lava drains from the conduit—probably a few meters wide— connecting the lava lake and a deeper magma body. Below the water table, a conduit filled with magma keeps water out, but, once the conduit empties, groundwater can flow into the still-hot conduit, where it quickly flashes to steam.
>No matter whether Kīlauea is in an effusive period, as it is now, or in an explosive period, as it was between about 1500 and the early 19th-century, it should be considered an explosive volcano.
CONCERNING THE QUAKES >Totally depends WHERE they are occurring, not just size. The fact so many have started to occur in the CALDERA itself is extremely alarming bc, there is no fault in the caldera...where quakes typically occur. So a 3 or 5.0 in the caldera means A LOT of shit is moving around. Just like the last time it went off...
8+ quakes in the caldera TODAY
code red in effect.
Xavier Myers
Carter Nguyen
There are not 21 fissures yet, you stupid nigger
Henry Richardson
You're going to some nice cliff diving spots after this.
Sebastian Harris
If quads, eruption opens the gates of hell. Weirder shit has happened right?
Don’t know what to do with tossed calderas and scrambled isles
Zachary Stewart
Nobody mentioning the geothermal plant? Even the wikipedia article for them mentions they are known to cause earthquakes and subsidence and shit... What happens if Lava decides to mess with the wells at the grithermal plant? Some of the fissures are obly a fes hundred feet from the plant.
The conspiracy redpill out here in hawaii is spme foreign agent funded the geothermal plant decadea ago to cause the slump collapse to fuck america.
>spme foreign agent funded the geothermal plant decadea ago to cause the slump collapse to fuck america. Soros did it
Jack Lewis
nothing will happen you stupid faggots, this doesnt have shit on prior eruptions
Aaron Green
>Frasier for SNES Excellent fucking taste.
Jayden Lewis
Me and some other guys in the last thread decided conclusively and definitively that in the aftermath of this happening, what's left of Hawaii will be referred to as
Dont know how to edit off her top so ill leave that to the drawfags. Should probably make her hair have streaks of red like lava pouring out her volcano black hair.
William Perez
Soros built the plant to cause a land slide to take out calli which ended up the majority of his fan base. The entire left is a fucking wile e coyote catoon
man, this is fucking true and the fact he bought up all those voting machine companies gave a lot of people legal grounds to get the state to pull them Soros is their Abu Hajar
>Earthquakes=Eruption >Eruption=Earthquakes >Earthquakes=Floor moves >Floor moves= Island slides away >Island slides away= Mega tsunami >Mega Tsunami=Pacific West Coast along with all the other countries surrounding Hawaii coastlines will have a Mega Tsunami disaster >That the massive shift in land mass on the west coast could trigger mega earthquakes around yellowstone and the Cascadia Subduction Zone causing it to explode
>Tsunamis carry sand and dirt and rocks which make the mass even greater than just the density and mass of water hitting the west coast
>If this happens anyone on the west coast of the united states close to the water needs to be ready to leave you'll most likely have 5 hours to leave if you can because of the mass panic so prepare now
>If it triggers yellowstone you better pray
>Yellowstone is just as active as the Kilauea Volcano this is a very bad sign because Kilauea is already showing major red flags of exploding and Kilauea might just trigger yellowstone if this 3m (100ft tsunami hits the west coast of the united states)
Drawfag here. Like the hair idea. Not gonna bother drawing anymore though but anyone else here can have at her if u like the base design. Might i suggest making her shorts a hula skirt and her top a petal necklace?