What the fuck? Can they seriously do this? Requesting a gestalt and rundown asap.
I thought we won on Korea. Repeating urgent request for gestalt. Was it a trick or did something happen.
Only thing more surprising is retards who didn't think NK would do this lol, even though they do it all the fucking time
tldr: If Trump fires Bolton, Noko will accept to denuclearize.
what? it's just the usual posturing, when you want to do a deal you pretend you might not want to in the hopes they'll offer more
read the art of the deal, it's what trump would do. it's even what trump said he would do if he'd been the negotiator on the iran deal
>those guys didn't even threaten to walk out once! dummies
Kim is really ourguy then
that text has a typo, is it real? if it is it makes sense though
basically they're going to pull out of the summit whether trump fires bolton or not. Fuckin norks pull this shit every time.
*Based Norks
If Trump fires that neocon faggot, he gets the nobel prize
>Trump hires Bolton as bait
>NK promises to denuclearize if Bolton is fired
>Bolton gets fired purposely by Trump
please please please be real
north koreans doesnt want an iraq or libya 2.0
gee what a surprise
Even if that wasnt true, he has no choice but accept Noko requirements.
>keep bolton: fell in disgrace, no nobel, no world peace
>fire bolton: going down as the best prez in modern history of the US, nobel, peace and Jews triggered that his "guardian of zion" got btfo
Yep exactly, they are just trying to position to get a bit more out of whatever negotiations are going on. Also nice that he called out neocon bolton.
I wouldn't worry too much yet as this is likely expected since more or less the entire goal of the people in charge in NK is going to be to save face.
Why should they trust Trump? He made turbo-goy Bolton an integral part of the process, he fucked Iran and Syria because his Jewish masters told him to, he's literally a kike puppet at this point. Why would anyone trust a jew?
no matter what happens it will have been DRUMPFS FAULT FOR BEING MEAN (and dumb :DDDD)
9/11 truth after the summit
kikes BTFO. ALL HAIL EMPEROR KIM. NOKO wiser than western pig dogs fucking mongrel hookers with herpes. Kikes celebrate too early with all EAGERNESS. Shame befalls hooknosed vermin!
It's because Trump pulled out of the Iran deal.
Why would DPRK make a deal with the U.S. to denuclearize in exchange for normalization of relations when the U.S. just wasted a bunch of Irans time by breaking a deal to make that trade?
>Trump accepts
>Now Noko wants Kushner & Ivanka out
>Trump accepts too
>Noko demands the return of original cabinet, including Bannon, Flynn & McMaster
>Trump accepts
4d chess.
if that were true, Iran & Syria and also Noko would be a Nuclear Wasteland Right now,
That's because Trump is RENEGOTIATING
The old one was shit, it included holding 31 billion of Iran's money for no good reason.
exactly, just like if you want a raise, get a job offer with a new place then see if your boss will match it
>Blackmail of the United States
Kim Slim got the goods on Bush's, Clinton's, glow in the dark moon crickets?
Digits and Trump launches a pre-emptive strike on these Mongoloids.
I don't think he's gonna get around to renegotiating with Bolton around
sounds reasonable