Should prostitution be legalized (in the US)?

Is it in society's best interest to legalize prostitution or keep it illegal?

We may agree it is immoral, but I don't think a government necessarily needs to legislate morality.

Nevada is doing fine, France is doing great, as is Germany... why is the US so puritanical about such things?

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but user, prostitution IS legal in the US

all prostitutes and johns will be gassed

We cant tax you off it


>Should prostitution be legalized (in the US)?
>why is the US so puritanical about such things?
There's a certain part of the electorate that would be so butthurt about it that it's not worth it politically.
And it's not just puritans, you've got a large segment of feminists that also oppose it.
In Canada it's been made illegal for buyers but legal for sellers. And it's largely due to feminists.

Sure you can. Every hooker has to fork over 10% of her earnings, in exchange she gets free healthcare and dental (that's your side of the bargain)

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Attached: Dont tread Plz.jpg (870x600, 25K)

Yes, prostitution will exist if there is demand for it. If it's run like a normal business than it can be regulated(by the free market of course) like a normal business. It's better that whores get fired rather than beat and killed if they have bad work ethic.

It already is.

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