Cultural enrichment on the way

Hello all americans! I will be flying to the USA in the following days with a tourist visa (Overstaying ofc..) to give your country the much needed cultural enrichment it is said you people need!

Any tips or advice for when i arrive? Im heading to Chicago and am very excited :D

Attached: 2018-05-15 13.41.41.jpg (657x302, 112K)

are you white?

>heading to Chiraq
Enjoy your horribly high prices and niggers. Museums are legit but thats about it.

Englewood is beautiful. Dont goto the Northside. thats where the murders happen. Stay South of Roosevelt

>Im heading to Chicago
Good luck with that.

45% Italian (mostly north i guess), 30% German, 25% Spanish

Do i look white? If you think spaniards and italians are white then def yes


What do you mean? My visa has already come through

who cares, look at his stubby thumbs, he has the Megan Fox genetic disease.

Dwarf Thumb kiddies coming to America from Argentina

My tip is to stay in Chicago and be with your own kind.

Cala boca, vc e macaco

Stay home if you're going to be a prick about it.

Pretty sure he meant good luck in chicago

I got normal got the stub, bro.

brachydactyly type D is an inherited condition in which "the end bones of the thumbs are shortened but all the fingers are normal

You are a genetic defect

call it in folks.

They can meet him on the tarmac down to the seat number and send him back to that shit den they call Argentina.

If he gets in he'll promote socialism that ruined his nation.

Blocks your path

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You are the one who's going to be culturally enriched. Go to the South Side, lots of enrichment going on down there.

fuck off, we're full.

You're whiter than 85% of the US, enjoy your stay

Clubbed Thumb Argie actually included his ticket number (bottom)

You can cancel the ticket

Not only does he have a genetic defect in his thumbs he also has trisomia.

You're not white, but you'll bring our average up I guess so that's good or whatever.

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He means you gonna get shot by some of the blackest niggers you've ever seen.

>Willingly entering a conflict zone

come home white man

Chicago gives away drivers lisences without seeing if you're actually a citizen or not. I know a couple of South Africans who went to Chicago and walked out with a free ride to never being heckled over citizenship.

don't listen to other racist anons like this guy: Chicago is a great place and has many gun clubs operating at night as a part of the local american gun culture. That is why you will hear gunfire from time to time during the evenings and night.
There are lots of very attractive white ladies and young women for you there and I'm sure they will all be very wooed by your foreign charm.

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I'm pretty sure nobody would be stupid enough to claim that they are illegally immigrating while holding up an actual ticket they will be using.

That leaves this as a forgery for trolling, or somebody trying to prevent their friend/brother/boyfriend from getting on a plane.

Lol good luck getting through customs posting your ticket and stating you plan to overstay.
t. concerned citizen

>Any tips or advice for when i arrive?
If you intend on committing violent crimes come to California. The California government LOVES violent felons.

Attached: Commiefornia_felons.jpg (600x488, 170K)

If you need a cop call 911 and ask for Robert. He's the most experienced cop on the force and will do you right.

Attached: Officer_Robert.jpg (1120x1868, 1.17M)

Attached: Robert.jpg (3900x2540, 947K)

If you see anything wrong in this picture you're a flaming white-supremacist kkk cracker racist.

Attached: Chicago_niggers.jpg (1576x1131, 1.26M)

Of course he wouldn't. That is actually a picture of our Argentinean OP friend during his last holiday to Sweden.

Screen capped ICE informed, have a nice day.

Stay in the 100s honestly

Nice boarding pass info. I'm sure some folks would love to meet you at O'Hare for a greeting party.