Askin be rayciss n shiet

Attached: rayciss questions.jpg (1080x960, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This guy is being satirical, right?

ever heard of mass schizophrenia?

>don't make us take a position that we know will turn out to be wrong white boi

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>Don't ask
>Don't think

the left is so afraid of people learning, no wonder kikes love communism so much

The intercept is owned by (((Glenn Greenwald))).


Attached: GreensWaldKike.png (1701x908, 217K)

Let's archive that

>the thing I don't want to think about is racist

Every single time.

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I am so glad these people keep pushing. PLEASE DON'T STOP!!! Every time they make another post, they piss White people off more and more.

Every day more normies wake up.

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But are they?

Most are as brainless and emotionally driven as the dumb cunt in vid related:

Cisms are just tisms for blacks.

What happened before the video started recording?

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your id says gay

Attached: al1.jpg (300x168, 8K)

GayO. It's much more offensive.

fucking kek. They are literally all shitholes. Trump for all his faults is truly the greatest thing Jow Forums ever memed into a reality.

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@ShaunKing – The wokest white man in all of Amerikkka

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>article is by talcum X himself
It’s literally nothing

stop spreading this shit. everyone just STOP fucking clicking these fucking tweets and pages and all this obvious RETARDED fucking horseshit. just stop giving this shit attention its that fucking simple let it starve

Good point, I should have archived it. My apologies.

I'm so disappointed by The Intercept, when Glenn Greenwald came aboard I thought it might turn into a quality new source but then they filled out the rest of their staff with mindless shit tier leftists like Shaun "Crypto Honky" King.

Its a shame Greenwald is still a quality journalist even if he is a jewish faggot.

Attached: GLENN-GREENWALD.jpg (1536x764, 136K)

>Only 1% of Syria shits in the open

Here I was thinking that they had no buildings left thanks to ZOG bombers. Colour me surprised.