Movie depicts crude reality: Offended

SJW's are at it again, this time they are triggered about latest Lars Von Trier's film.

For liberals all movies must be propaganda about what they consider pleasant, otherwise they get outraged or offended. The most subtle way to censor freedom of speech and a critique of the status quo? Discuss

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But they openly lust about doing this to "Nazis"

The most recent movie I saw was District 9.

So this is disgusting, but the new Netflix show about a woman killing men who won't date a fat girl is brave?


Its art. Like some sick bitch that paints with her period blood or some shit like that. Thats empowering, but this is trash right? Fuck SJWs. Wouldnt be to bad if they constantly didint try to shut shit down they didnt agree with. Cunts.

Whatever you do not watch the trailer, it gives everything away.

This is the trailer.

reminds me of american psycho, looks great

I watched the Trailer earlier today...I dont see this as any worse than Natural Born Killers. Fucking 2 faced Hollywood Elites I honestly dont give a fuck what they think. Look at the movie the Professional where they totally pushed pedo shit with Natalie Fucking Portman. It will probably be a box office hit.

Looks like arty Saw.

It's current year now. Violence against women is not ok, especially by a cis het.

Will watch it thanks for the tip.

Actually Von Trier is a faggot and I trust anyone who says they walked out of one of his films because it was too (X).

Well, at least they're doing this to Von Trier instead of someone actually good.

It must hit a little too close to home. Many of those who walked out talked about graphic depictions of child murder, which is suddenly taboo in Hollywood.

None of those cunts have ever watched Game of Thrones then?


Well he kills women , kids, and minorities in the film so I would say he is totally on board with Diversity.

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Viral marketing faggots pls go and stay go

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That's Matt Dillon btw and Uma Thurman also in this film, so it's not such an unknown cast.

Looks pretty soft.
Fucking lefties.

Violence is so edgy anons! Wow this movie looks great its violent and raw. Gosh I love seeing the murder of innocent people depicted on film, especially when they are tortured. It’s art, anons! Can’t you see? Wow the way he shot that guy chopping up a body my god what a film maker. This movie is going to go down as one of the best and most inspiring ever! It’s incredible. The violence in it is like none other , I really empathize with the paychopathic serial killer, what a film! You mean people did not want to voluntarily see all this murder? Ha! What hypocrits! They should choose to watch it because I like it. Typical, imagine not wanting to watch violent depictions of murder of innocents over and over? They are such hypocrites, typical liberals.

I hope you realize you're still a worse poster than all the 14-year-old nine inch nails edgelords itt.

Fictional violence is just fictional violence.

Walking out of shit is common in Cannes. It happens all the time and more often than not people do it because they want to make a public statement. No idea why, any publicity is good publicity and controversy is great publicity for a film.
For what it's worth it got a 6 minute standing ovation from those that stayed.

Are you a fucking shill? Why are you posting pajeet's article while browsing tumblr? Explain yourself!

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>post all over social media that they want to see conservatives murdered slowly
>boohoo this movie is too violent for my delicate self
>Director: Lars von Trier
>Writers: Jenle Hallund (story), Lars von Trier
>who was brought up Jewish, and only found out in later life that his real father was a non-Jewish German
>He joked that since he was no longer Jewish he now "understands" and sympathizes with Hitler, that he is not against the Jews except for Israel which is "a pain in the ass" and that he is a Nazi.

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Sounds like it has potential. Of course, Elephant had potential too until the shooters started making out like faggots.

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Update your non-incognito mode Chrome browser, you massive faggot OP.
>also wtf Tiny Girls

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>Jow Forums
>Viral marketing

Pick one. Also yeah Lars Von Trier hires Costa Ricans to promote his films at mongolian basket weaving forums. Geez you figured it out user!

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Von Trier is an actual Nazi sympathizer, plus his films have always been like this. It was bound to happen at some point

Grab a tampon, Francis, you're gonna get through this.

boohoo! Leftist fragility, out on display.


Yeah nah, fuck off OP.

Looks great, fuck SJWs

Haha its all fake anons! Seeing violent raw depictions of murder has no effects on your consciousness, what are you stupid? You can stomach seeing innocent women and children being brutally murder? Ha, what a pussy user, grow a sack! There is absolutely noneffect on your mind and thoughts and conciousness from watching incredibly violent things, stupid! I let my children watch it every day! Its perfectly normal for healthy brain and attitude development. It's fake, dummy! Every person realizes that, even if they are a moron. Wow I cant believe they didn’t want to sit through 2 hours of brutal fake people violence, it’s so artistic and edgy! Such hypocrites. Seeing murder doesnt do anything to your mind, are you stupid and crazy? Gosh you are dumb it's all fake! Its perfectly normal to like seeing people being dismembered and tortured and shot, that is just so artistic I really empathize with that psycho serial killer, its so good anons, Im bout to pop in 120 days of sodom for my kids there is nothing wrong with watching it, its fake stupid! Its just art! Violence is perfectly ok to watch and those people who couldnt handle the murder and dismemberment of innocent people are just spineless losers.

Tarantino shit.

I like them petite user

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You mean the show everyone loves? The one that glorifies incest, crucifixion, war, murder, child killing, castration, rape, rape, and more rape?
Everyone knows liberals are hypocritical assholes that deflect that accusation like its their job. They don't give a fuck about their pet cause, they just want power, glory, and control in all forms.

>tiny girls

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Glenn Gould , a man who truly enjoyed the beauty of life , would be absolutely horrified and would be rolling in his grave to learn that his music was used for the trailor of this glorified snuff film.

Lets just say that Costa Rica is a neutral country with no army user. And all the screen is there to see with some interesting information.

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This applies to literally every Lars von Trier film tho.

lol von trier, you cheezy overwrought cunt

So it's like American psycho 2 or something? Why are they so triggered? Figured theyd be holding it up as an example of evil white men

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Is that a pitbull story?

Looks very funny and maybe beautiful too. Would like to see it.
>being scared and cowardly of fiction/art

>"If you stand up and walk out then you have had a thought process before for a long time you think, 'I'm not gonna stand for this' or 'I can't take this,' or whatever. So anything that makes people think, I believe is sound."

The silly little cunt thinks guttural reactive revulsion constitutes "thinking."

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We will need to face hard, violent times ahead. If one cannot finish a movie or an animal they're just dead weight.

pure kino

Surprised he wasn't boycotted sooner desu.

murder is completely natural it's not edgy

HAHAHAHA amazing

Jake Gyllenhaal already made this movie in a music video some years back. He portrays psycho killers quite well.

I'll be sure to see it

Pfft too old.

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You are placing trust in a lot of faggots, FYI. Good luck with that...

Before and after parties are different!!

Von Trier was literally banned from Cannes for 7 years because he made some jokes praising Hitler at a press conference.

>male protagonists in horror movies soon
oh god yes thank you

New Bateman?

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>what is saving private Ryan

my dick moved

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Mutilation of children is not "art" or entertainment it's degenerate.

>go watch a movie by a fucking edgelord like Von Trier
>know in advance that it will be about serial killing
>be "offended"

Those people knew what they were walking into and just love to pretend to be offended and disgusted by it.

jews depicting their daily crimes as a movie


More likely just edgelord being edgy for media attention. Lars von Trier has previously done things like getting briefly banned from Cannes because he stated in interview that he sympathizes with Hitler.

man this looks so fucking good

I can see some glorious meme coming from this. This is gonna be gud

R A R E!

looks fucking awesome

>Natural Born Killers
>the Professional

Movies like that could not be made today, as we mark the passing of time, the SJW is getting extreme really fast

Just think even 10 years ago, trannies having their special toilets and children "chosing" their sex, was inimaginable

He got kicked out of a festival a few years ago because he told journalists to fuck off

You couldn't even make Borat today ffs. A Central Asian Muslim man singing about killing Jews, oh noes

holy shit stop crying like a retard

>''''''''''art'''''''''' nonude
Hello /tv/

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I still remember when trans lunacy was just an absurd skit in British comedy movie.

Fucking fag, it's a FUCKING FILM, it's FUCKING ACTORS, get over it

KEK can't wait to see it.

Has it been that long already

yeah, if they made this skit today the actors would never work again

>latest Lars Von Trier's film.
Thanks for sharing I'll have to check that out. I guess there is also a 2009 version of The House That Jack Built but I've never watch it.

>doesn't know where he is
>t.xer, don't forget to dilate your stinky pus filled ax wound

oh shit, that looks great.

even if you don't like his writing, you can't really argue that lars von trier isn't a great director.
given how much I liked antichrist and melancholia, I'll probably end up watching this as well

Moot? Is that you?

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Don’t you ever talk shit about the good Danish man.

They're literally shabbos goys.

Von Trier should have locked the doors and burnt the theater down.

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Didn’t people walk out of that new movie ‘Hereditary’ because it was too scary/gory. I saw articles using that as a fucking selling-point to go see it.

Nymphomaniac or whatever was absolute shit, I actually got angry several times during the film. Trier is a hack who serves warmed up Ingmar Bergman leftover but with added sleaze and gore to appeal to modern edgelords.

I thought that was a barbie doll for a second, but then I realized it wasn't. What the fuck

Walking out of movies is kind of a Cannes thing where people love to say "I didn't like it" by pretending to be shocked and offended.

what do you think they would think if irréversible were screened today?

>makes furry (or beast, depending on how you look at it) love film about how a disabled woman and her black female coworker rebel against the ebil white man and his nuclear family unit
>wins best film, people praising it for it's messages of diversity and overcoming hardship presented by white men
>makes torture porn with self-insert commentary riddled throughout (unless the lines from the trailer aren't in the film)
>has the total opposite effect of his previous film
it's almost like he's a hack or something

hmm did they not watch the Antichrist? bitch cut her own clit off with a pair of scissors