>RoadToPower.com sends a /VIRAL/ message to Californians
@CensoredKandid8 (twitter)
@Patrick_Little (gab)
>Spitting on the flag of the the Oppressor
>Supporting 2A at a Gun Grab March
>Nationalization of Twitter at their HQ
>Message to the German Embassy with a Bullhorn
>In front of jewHQ in Washington DC
>VideoHamza Alawal (5/13) (Arabic)
>Wayne Lambright (5/4)
>Allison Heartson (She is running against Pat) (5/1)
>Nordfront interview
>JFG Livestreams Pat vs. Halsey
>Radcapradio (5/13)
>jewish Weekly of Northern California (5/11)
Cleveland jewish News (5/14)
>Patheos (5/13)
>The Yeshiva World (5/13)
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Patrick Little General /PLG/ - VOTE LITTLE WIN BIG Edition
Top neo-Nazi shock jock grew up in the N.J. suburbs - and had a Jewish wife
Ahahaha this is a joke right?
haha nope for real
Love these, look great
No nigger he’s for real
(blair cottrell)))
have a little bump
fuck off moarpheus
Bumperu Bumperu
Sorry angry kike shill, there's no hook in this gentile's nose.
>yes, Patrick, good job, your check is in the mail!
controlled op can have straight noses
yeah, 1/100 have straight noses, you think that automatically means they aren't Jewish? he looks mixed Jewish at the VERY least to me. Look at his eyes. Case closed.
holy fuck look how desperate they are LOL
This is what jews do when they're not busy thieving, murdering, or drinking blood from baby penises. VOTE PAT!
this kills the shill
Head on over to the Unnoficial Patrick Little Dank Meme Stash Discord server!!!
What a shitty cursed existence it must be for the parasitic kike shills whose only recourse is to accuse a gentile of being what it is, a jew.
Can I get an unbiased rundown on the Levon Affair?
If he wins i'm going to invest in menthol cigarettes, malt liquor &cough syrup
Aren't you feeling sleepy shill-kun? all those edits sure makes one tired
This is the one pic that completely BTFOs the whole (((Patrick Little))) JIDF lie. That is the whitest fucking mustache I've seen. Jews don't grow facial hair like that. Also Patrick Little has a chin cleft which is an incredibly white feature. The only people I have ever seen with a chin cleft are European whites or blacks with very high European admixture.
In 16:9 in black and white with the camera distorting the proportions of his face he looks a little Jewish but in this pic it is very obvious that he is white. Jews just don't have facial hair like that but I've seen thousands of good ol boys with a mustache like that.
Hey i have a useful idea let's report this shill for spamming
nah, I'm not sleepy but I do have a real life and can't keep this up all day/night. unlike you Feinstein funded shills.
here's one last edit just for (((((((((you)))))))))))
It's worth studying more because you can never be too safe but IMO the pictures that show PL with facial hair and that show his chin cleft make it very obvious he is white. I have never once seen a Jew like that.
He's gotten a little paler and a little fatter since this campaign has started but he's still clearly the same person. He's just starting to look a little bit more like a very online person.
haven't you seen the black cube and the gold star ?that's enough of a proof for an hebrew parasite like izoZvyHT why won't you accept this spam of gold star as evidence
Can't wait til your entire bloodline is wiped from the earth. sleep tight.
Yeah when he is a little more tanned and you see that he turns an Aryan bronze and not a Semitic brown and that his hair is very dark blonde and not black he is very obviously white. His facial hair pattern and chin are also very obviously white. He really only looks Jewish in the stretched webcam pictures that are turned black and white to make him look paler and his hair look blacker.
You aren't memeing here, this is exactly what Jews want -- to kill whites.
No shit and thanks to kikes like you, the feeling is mutual.
Explain Pat Little's chin cleft and facial hair pattern if he is Jewish
Sure. Jews have been mixing with Europeans for 1000+ years. Any real JQ ponderer would know this. Instead of looking at individual features, look at the whole face. Look at the eyes.
>Look at the star i mean he's jewish r-right fellow JQ ponderer
its afraid
This is the only pic you have to suggest "Jewish eyes" and it looks like this was taken when he first entered bootcamp and was underweight.
It's true that some rare Jews will have a facial feature that is almost exclusively European but Patrick Little has multiple. The dark blonde hair is very Germanic as well.
>Dark blonde hair
>White facial hair pattern
>No unibrow
>Small ears
>No hook to nose
>Turns bronze and pink when he tans
>Widow's peak
Having one strong signal of true Aryan blood is one thing but Patrick Little has multiple to the point where it's likely statistically impossible a Jew would have all of them. Looking at a lot of pics I think it's actually possible he might have some kind of mild facial paralysis, possibly from being at war, that makes his expressions look a little abnormal sometimes. The left side of his mouth seems more animated than the right side. But considering his background it's likely that's not genetic if he has some kind of injury or issue from exposure.
cool video
hey Halsey
Been seeing folks like you for over 25 years. Utterly and completely useless faggots. Yes, I realize you're saying he is white. You're still utterly useless people. You are the lowest IQ among us. This is why you travel down that road. Because your brain isn't capable of actually understand what is going on. There are too many factors in play. So your brain becomes overwhelmed with it all. Essentially, you give up attempting to understand and resort back to the most primal ape cognitivity there is to make sense of your world. Your type inside our crowd is also the most emotional and highly offended. Because you're dumb. You're the ones that shit up forums for decades accomplishing nothing. You're the ones easily manipulated and trolled by (((them)))
You are dumb... you will always be dumb. Regardless if you're white. Regardless if you think Pat is white. You're just....... dumb, bro.
Vote Patrick
Yeah he was in the sandbox for a while, and is a little emotionally stiff because of his experiences it seems. If you look at television broadcasts from an older time, back when it was common for men to experience being armed and in enemy territory overseas, you'll notice most are the same way.
Patrick is not a soft guy, which freaks soft guys out. He's well-adjusted to life back home, though. I think he's used to having a low-level amount of stress at all times so is drawn to doing things like proselytizing solo during the gun march, delivering speeches to the German embassy etc..
If he were really a Jew there wouldn't be so much shilling against him on platforms that would normally be tolerant. P Lit is the real deal.
Why didn't he hide his power level and run as a moderate republican? He could have a serious chance of winning then.
Because we're moving the overton window and normalizing the JQ. Learn about it sometime.
RIP, Mr. Teeny
>Mr. Teeny
Giving up your shekels is what stood out the most did it? You are going to pay one way or the other, Morty.
bumpity bump
You know what fuck it, if we give israels aid to the blacks and finally call it even i dont even care.
Are you calling me a Jew?