Q is Real

Things are heating up.
Israel about to go down.
Warrants issued.
New Conservative alliance forming to kick out the Dems.
Big news for Trump doubters. He's about to make some major moves.
Israel and Syria are just a smokescreen for the war in DC.

Attached: payattention.jpg (3000x3000, 1.3M)

Other urls found in this thread:


We need Israel
Trump is good
Praise kek

Q predicted this

I am real guise

Fuck reddit and fuck your larp

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Well if satan says it true it must be.



Q predicted this

Boomer tier newfag

I knew it. Thanks for confirming!

Me and my family are safe!

All will reveal itself in due time.


Bull-$hit. Q is a disinformation operative.

Hello I am a 50 year old tea party activist with diabetes who treats Jow Forums like deepweb underground info tunnel. I have over ten confirmed retweets on Twitter. Lemme just tell you kiddies something: big stuff happening in DC next month.. Really big stuff

EU Q is a LARP

Aussie Q


Why do you hate reddit? They are an information source and have distributed a lot of Q leaks.
More people have been red-pilled on the Zionists through reddit than here. Jow Forums is just a backup.
You'll regret not following these leaks when the pieces begin to fall. Watergate is nothing compared to what is about to happen.

If I would be larping according to you then think so. I like the confusion. Makes it easier to relay information to the others.


Hey goy, I have an idea! Let's blindly follow a coup of fucking NSA spy hunters to freedom!!

>The directorate, sometimes known as “the Q Group,” is continuing to track Snowden now that he’s outed himself as The Guardian’s source, according to the intelligence officers. Snowden began final preparations for his departure three weeks ago, The Guardian reports, copying the final documents he intended to share, telling his supervisor that he would need time off for medical treatment, and his girlfriend simply that he would be away. "That is not an uncommon occurrence for someone who has spent the last decade working in the intelligence world," he told the paper in his interview from Hong Kong.

>The security and counterintelligence directorate serves as the NSA’s internal police force, in effect watching the agency’s watchers for behavior that could pose an intelligence risk. It has the authority to interview an NSA contractor or employee’s known associates, and even to activate a digital dragnet capable of finding out where a target travels, what the target has purchased, and the target’s online activity.


I can confirm this statement.



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Trust these patriots.

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Dutch are cucks
Stay alert
Don't smoke
Praise KEK

I am Scottish French and German. But ok.


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Most Dutch are indeed cucks.

Dutch can't be German
Side with Israel
Temporary Ally
Praise Trump

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You moron. You can be but live somewhere else. Take your shilling ass somewhere else. Newfags like you are just not funny.

>Israel about to go down.
>Warrants issued.
how you gonna arrest Israel dumbass

How is he disinformation? All he is is the equivalent to John Edwards(the TV psychic). He reads the news, makes vague 'predictions' then when anything happens during the week his stupid audience believes he knew about it.

Q is disinfo

t. T

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I don't trust shit leaf. Trust is built on past actions. To this point all that has been provided is a bunch of interesting speculative writing that has yet to come to fruition.

I look to no one but myself to dictate what occurs in my life. Think for yourself, make your own determination, and let the cards fall where they may.

This one is the biggest fucking stretch. Is the implication that he somehow got the fire truck to put Q74 on the side because he made the 74th post? Or that he purposely made the 74th post in that thread as some kind of proof? This shit is mindbogglingly stupid.

Separate events.
But connect.
In the end.

Agreed. Stay vigilant and trust No one. Like that you know that (((they))) don't fuck you over.

yeah, rite

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T is not disinfo

t. user

Attached: (((q))).png (991x312, 63K)

Fake and gay

Proof of his power.

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tachyion transmission #39710ut64i-0wnU-year 5629
m here
Outbreak Outbreak
The freeman needs a Root Kanal.
option class="level-0" value="543115753

Outbreak Outbreak
Virus contained at Nova Prospekt.
The poo is in the loo.

Outbreak Outbreak
Time, is it that time again? Time,

M out
end transmission

Anyone can do that. So no proof.

Attached: q2.png (1000x312, 82K)

Attached: q3.png (995x245, 47K)

Attached: q4.png (996x147, 15K)

Alex Jones? That you?

When the geese don't sleep.

Massive faggotry afoot.

Happenings will happening.

When the athritis sets in.

Four score and three more decades of seasons will pass.

Boomers will wait until death.

Massive dicks will be sucked.


Grindr mistakes

Things that cannot be proven but trust me they happened.

Did I mention the massive dicks all around me

Black guys are my fav


it's schizophrenic boomers connecting dots that aren't there.

Q is Jerome Corsi

It's not Corsi. He was just calling Q fake on twitter wasn't he?

Jow Forums has always hated Reddit and for good reason. It’s the bottom of the barrel for intellectually impaired zombies who post about their normie-tier hobbies and have virtually no sense of humor.

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What if the Palestinian campaign is just a cover for the counter-coup?

Why is it so popular if it's bad?
Q supports it, so he sees the value.

It doesn’t matter if Q is a larp or not, meme magic is real. Once enough people believe it’s true we can make it happen

it could be, HRC's take down seems to be coming soon. so it wouldn't be impossible for the interests she represents to strike back.

Because the majority of the earths population consists of literal retards. Of course a site for bottom feeders is going to be popular.

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You idiots could be leveraging it to red pill people further.. but no.. you listened to the major shill operation that went into shaping the narrative that it was a LARP early on when it was on this board.

Q threads are full of things that touch on the JQ and demographics, the Boomers try their best to have cog dissonance over it, but you can see it slipping.

There's a reason this shit got bullied off of Jow Forums. The double secret military tribunals nonsense should have just done it in, "something percentage can never be revealed to the world so we're going to let these people just go about their daily lives but when you don't see them in public they are totally serving time."

A Jew says I can't pay you this Friday but I'll pay you next Friday

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Not even the biggest stretch though. He said "Blunt & Direct Time" and then tried to say he predicted the Bangladeshi car attack in NY... because the Bangladeshi currency is BDT. And the Q-tards went "Holy Shit! NO COINCIDENCES!" hahahaha... I got called a Clown for pointing out this massive stretch.

? what ya got there

>Israel about to go down.

Shut the fuck up with this shitty distraction, you fucking leaf.
Browsing Jow Forums these day is unbearable, the israelis shill are ovverrunning the place, and adding the autistic LARPers to the bunch is just adding the turd cherry on a diarreha pudding.

Zionists are dog shit

Q hates boomers

>Israel about to go down.
Keep dreaming. (((Q))) is run by a clique inside the US military intelligence community for the benefit of Israel.

Search the 4plebs archive for "modified limited hangout".

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Shadilay my fellow based Kekistani.

Q predicted this

IIT faggots mocking Qfags.

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Deep state data intelligence VS humint.

Both Griffin and Porter now work for DOD R&D.

Q here. Which cup wud u fug?

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This should be a bannable post on Jow Forums

Q is no LARP.
The info being posted in most cases is before the msm can report.

I won't believe any of this boomer LARP shite until Israel is a smouldering hole in the ground.

Q is pro-israel, like every boomer goy.

what did this QAnon predicted anyway? except mistakes in Trump's tweets?

>We need Israel
In the gas-chamber.


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Q is just another Zionist PsyOP to rally the "Murican Patriots" for the new comming War,like they did it before and like A.J shilling non-stop for Jizzrael pointing fingers at EVIL IRAN.

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shakah, when the walls fell..

show us pics of those so called massive dicks surrounding you or you are a larp...can you not? totally surrounded? like a wall of dicks? can you climb them?

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>he posts in Q threads without sage

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