I think I am entitled to a peaceful suicide for being a 5'5" male.
I believe that assisted suicide should be a thing for degenerates.
You are forced into existance. That shouldn't mean you should be forced to stay too.
I think I am entitled to a peaceful suicide for being a 5'5" male.
I believe that assisted suicide should be a thing for degenerates.
You are forced into existance. That shouldn't mean you should be forced to stay too.
Other urls found in this thread:
sorry but you're being retarded by not addressing your depression. The entire Hispanic/Asian race is composed of manlets. Shut down twitter/Instagram and stop reading the opinions of cake makeup 4/10 whores with inflated egos, delusional expectations, maxed out credit cards and stretched out cooters. Care and value yourself and in time you may find a woman worthy of your time who feels the same about you.
Don't fall for the memes so easily bro. Cheer up. Sex is not an entitlement
Chances are you’re not an attractive person for reasons that have nothing to do with your looks/height. Try starting a murder cult. It worked for Charles Manson.
>sorry but you're being retarded by not addressing your depression.
Sorry, but you are being retarded for making baseless assumptions and not even knowing the full story. (Mental hospital 3 times, therapy for 3 months and counting, suicidal for 6+ yrs, mentally tortured about this since I was about 6-7, 23 now, etc.)
>The entire Hispanic/Asian race is composed of manlets.
>Shut down twitter/Instagram
I don't use social media
>and stop reading the opinions of cake makeup 4/10 whores with inflated egos, delusional expectations, maxed out credit cards and stretched out cooters.
Again, you know literally nothing about me. I am not depressed over some fucking slut. This isn't even about attracting a damn mate!
>Care and value yourself and in time you may find a woman worthy of your time who feels the same about you.
I don't want a women.
Here suicideproject.org
People ALWAYS assume it's about women when it has literally nothing to do with them.
And ya, being a midget makes me a degenerate scum. I deserve a peaceful death. Society shouldn't force me to live UNLESS they are willing to straight up give me 50k for the 10cm heigh surgery in beijing so that I can fix my deformity.
Baseless assumption
Walk into a lake and drown.
Whatever is on the other side is better than 70% nitrogen.
I suggest you take this anons advice. Suiciding is the ultimate bitch-out.
You know having shekels makes you tall in the eyes of the opposite sex.
Read this
If it makes you feel better OP, you're still taller than me.
but charley had absolute charisma
something op has never even sniffed
It doesn't... but I do like that pic.
Read this and this
Nah mate, it's all about your dong length and money.
Just look at the bright side. At least you're not a nigger. R-right?
just remember
No matter who you are your actions still have meaning
some get lucky some does not
Opinions.. every person has a different reason for living.
i will not read that
i will make baseless assumptions based on you being too unmotivated to live
i dont care about your mindframe or enviroment
neither has anyone else in your life
hence where/who you are now
you wanna die
do it
you too much a bitch
then shut your mouth and stop shitting up this board with your faggotry
stol shitting up the world with your faggotry
and pretend
not to be a huge faggot from now on
Baseless assumption? You’re clearly a pompous dick with no sense of humor. Bitches don’t like that, friendo.
Sheeeeiiiit na jk kek. I still have bad genetics though. Terrible height.
>i will make baseless assumptions
I stopped reading there.
Aaaaand I even stated hoe this had nothing to do with women...... wew
clearly you're being dishonest in absolute. Dishonesty in therapy is the main reason why people don't have breakthroughs and waddle hopelessly through different treatments therapists and breakdowns. Secondly you're also being dishonest about lamenting your perceived small stature and claiming it's not about attracting a mate. How does height prevent you from accomplishing great things in life? Millions of 'short' men have accomplished wonderful things throughout history. Scientists, artists, generals, you name it... and even if glory and admiration isn't what you crave, there's always the route of personal private adventure, exploration, taking wild risks, GIVE YOUR LIFE MEANING AND STOP SITTING AROUND TAKING YOUR SITUATION FOR GRANTED. If anything you should off yourself already for being a weak willed lil bitch nigga
I'm 6'1'' so whatevah
what is your actual goal in life?
yeah life is not fair and never was
get over it because in the end nothing really matters
Everything has something to do with women
Then what? You’re upset that you can’t reach the top shelf? You want to be a fighter pilot? Stop being such a fucking baby.
It could be worse user, at least we don't have to duck for low hanging tree branches. You're not some abhorrent genetic freak, other than people belittling you it's not like they stare.
If youre gonna be such a cock about people trying to be nice then you should just neck yourself ya fucking faggot. My dogs 3 week old cum loads dried along the edges of my 2003 honda civics exhaust pipe are of more value than your nigger ass. Die.
The best, coolest, most top shelf guys I have ever known have all been manlets, you just gotta nut the fuck up
You are like a little baby, at least wait till you're 30 and do it in Thailand balls deep in a dark elf
>clearly you're being dishonest in absolute.
Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. I am 100% honest to the therapist. I am 100% open. I've told them I've wanted to kill myself and why.
>Dishonesty in therapy is the main reason why people don't have breakthroughs and waddle hopelessly through different treatments therapists and breakdowns.
Read above
>Secondly you're also being dishonest about lamenting your perceived small stature and claiming it's not about attracting a mate.
You are being stupid here. Read the damn link I cited. It has to do with my obsession with physical power AND dominance in general.
>How does height prevent you from accomplishing great things in life?
Read above. It was literally the prereq to MY particular dream.
Not bitches,not prestige, just the most dominant form in all of existance.
>Millions of 'short' men have accomplished wonderful things throughout history. Scientists, artists, generals, you name it...
Aaaaaand I don't care about those things. Every person cares about different things. I don't care about science or engineering. I just cared about training and financial security.
>and even if glory and admiration isn't what you crave, there's always the route of personal private adventure, exploration, taking wild risks, GIVE YOUR LIFE MEANING AND STOP SITTING AROUND TAKING YOUR SITUATION FOR GRANTED.
I had meaning before I was 100% defeated by this height. It was training for hrs on end.
>If anything you should off yourself already for being a weak willed lil bitch nigga
Weak willed.... after being able to curl a 20lb dumbbell 1800 times per arm withiut stopping as a 16 yr old... once every 2 sec. You probably wouldn't even last a minute. 1 hr without stopping.
Try it and let's see if your will power could surpass my 16 yr old self.
you want to end your life just because you are short atleast you are not me
I am born in India
not very rich and poor as fuck
I have no friends and have a sister who is autistic and have never talked to me
My parents hate me because I am not a religious freak like them
But I still keep moving forward Because my actions still have some meaning
Shutup and be happy you are alive
In the link above to the suicide project
Nope. Not even 1%of my issue has to deal with women.
Ur right. Stop jerking off your dog btw
Stop jerking off your dog and we have a deal
For real tho, that's the fucking point of my thread topkek. I WANT to die but I want a peaceful death ministered from a syringe.
100% peaceful AND reliable, not "try this lol, I'm an expert even tho I'm not"
That is what a roastie WOULD say
you are still very lucky
stop complaining
go read some books and sort yourself out
you legit have some kind of body dysmorphia and hella low self-esteem. You associate height with power, in today's world? That's only an illusion in fashion magazines and in the entertainment industry. What gives a man power is his willpower and resolve. El Chapo wielded great power over many while being a literal beanlet. You're very very ill and 3 months of therapy isn't even the beginning. Did you grow up with a dad? With an emasculating mother? Doubt you grew up in an emotionally supportive environment. Also not all therapists are high quality and it takes a while to realize that, and resources of course. You won't find self love and healing here, pal. Sorry for coming off as rough but it's tiring to hear excuses or trolls trying to destroy lonesome young men. A 'short' man is bringing joy to my life for the first time. I understand being suicidal n shit because among many other hardships I was forced to eat dog feces as a kid by a relative. I'm sorry, and get help :(
One of my buddies is basically a gnome and he has like 14 kids.
Also he makes a great living owning/working at a roofing company.
Roofing is fucking hardcore. I'm a bricklayer and I wouldn't roof again for twice what I make now.
The only real downside to him being so short is remedied by having friends like me.