A Warrior's Weapon

>0 to 18th century
The Sword

>18th to 20th century
The Gun

>20th to 21st century
The Computer

I propose a simple observation. Those knowledgeable in the construction of, and use of various types of Computers are the only skilled Warriors of the 21st century.

You call yourself a Warrior. You say your "ready" to take on corrupt governments and defend your people's freedom. But all you know how to do is take apart, clean, and shoot a pistol.

Sorry but that was valuable in the 20th century.

Look at how the Jews are recruiting social media shills, and for the ones who are techies, they are scouring Jewish communities for "computer wizards" to stay on top of advancing technology. They keep all of us focus on the "gun debate", but then secretly do everything to train their own people to use only the REAL weapons of the 21st century.

The U.S. Air Force already has ANTI-PERSONNEL drone swarms not unlike you see in these videos.


Are you going to be able to "hack" a Sex Robot to become a killing machine when they come on the market?
Do you know how to gain access to information that was once kept secret to Deep State members?
Can you program facial recognition software to discriminate based on race, so that a weaponized device now only targets non-Whites?

What can you do with a computer? How legendary of a Warrior are you?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The spear. Only in movies people use swords. The spear has been the main weapon since forever.

don't mind me, just destroying all your drones with my anti-drone cannon before I breach the door to your faggy little computer lab, take you as a prisoner, and torture you for every little bit of information you possess about your drone army.

>computer warrior

Attached: emp cannon.jpg (1600x900, 1.61M)

>the progress meme

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1) Develop a popular android app that can be installed on TV boxes to quickstream and seed torrents.
2) Wait for adoption.
3) Push an update with specific backdoor capabilities.
4) Form a massive botnet to DDOS websites and internet services of your choice.

The army has been unable to develop proper countermeasures against drones.

What are you gonna do when 100 of those are swarming at you?

Also I am not saying dont have gun I am saying be competent with the "new weapon", the computer.

Nick Land did an entire lecture series on this issue. Face recognition and autonomous drone swarms are the force paradigm of the future. Guns will be almost irrelevant as butthurt as that prospect makes some people.

>electronic warfare weapons don't exist

Disrupting electronics will be big business in the future.

Good luck using a computer to defend yourself from men who trained with guns you onions-drinking cuckold.

Artillery and machine guns too.

Jets, tanks.

Certainly, but that has it's own drawbacks. It's interesting to imagine a scenario where modern electronics are almost entirely removed from warfare as EMP and jamming technology disables basically everything, functional thrusting battlefield tactics back to the WWII.

ai algorithms are the electronic warfare equivalent of drones. algorithms probably going over this thread and all others right now scanning for keywords and context. the surveillance state with modern technology they probably already have and arent telling you about can likely countermeasure and detect anything you do.

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They have radars that can pick up objects the size of a frisbee.
Combine that with a missile system that uses RF homing.
The only advantage drones have is volume, they can be produced quickly and cheaply. Drones will only become a viable weapon when their production beats the cost and production volume of missiles to take them down.

Picture this scenario

You grab your gun to come shoot me. Your a 2 hours drive away.

I have your facebook, instagram, and cell phone GPS data open in multiple tabs. I click and send a drone from a mobile distribution center (a straight line through the air) to "check" on your house.

Your putting on your cowboy hat and grabbing your keys to your truck. My drone points a laser at your head and fires a cheap 9mm round. It flies off back to the distribution center for "refurbishing" and getting rid of all evidence.

Your death is ruled as "gang violence" and I am some Jew.

I don't want this to happen to you. Start being educated on technology. Program. Build your own drone.

Maybe instead someday it will be you attacking a JIDF center with these weapons.

and I'm saying a computer is not a weapon and never will be, at least not in the "warrior" sense that you are making it out to be.

>disable power grid
>no juice for the drones
Now you have to stockpile batteries.

>destroy drone base camp
Now you have no place to service the drones. You will need many redundant control/service centers

I just increased the cost of your drone operation several times over with no increase in effectiveness. Meanwhile my guns n bombs army is fucking up everything in site.

Here's an automated cannon that tracks and destroys multiple rockets and mortars that are moving much faster than any drone. youtube.com/watch?v=w4PXou0aGiE

I'm not saying drones and other high tech shit aren't useful tools, just that men wielding actual weapons will not be replaced any time soon, if ever. Why do soldiers still carry knives if they have guns? Aren't knives obsolete?

>a small drone
>flying for 2 hours
Confirmed for never flying a drone ever.

lol. my microwave can wipe out your drones

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better battery tech, like a graphene supercapacitor fast charging. will really open up drone possibilities. they probably already have the designs and the plans worked out and could start building a factory to mass produce them whenever. tiny little drones and larger charging station drones that hover and perch like a nest to charge swarms of smaller drones. whatever we can imagine someone looked into and built it if possible somewhere and top secret for now.

And also that is only if Whites get enough infrastructure (3D printing, Mobile Factories) to create their own drone weaponry that isn't regulated by big Tech companies that pass through controls. We either building the whole thing, or from separate manufactured parts designed to be integrated together and mass produced to create a Drone Army.

Think what Defense Distributed did - only instead it is for the personal construction and use of Drone Weaponry

Computer, Drone and AI ownership is the 2nd amendment of the 21st century.

>any private corporation is going to make a profit paving and maintaining public roads
Missin' the fuckin' point retard.

>c. 1600
>and I'm saying a firestick is not a weapon and never will be, at least not in the "warrior" sense that you are making it out to be. It separates the Man too much from mortal combat, and will never replace the viscerality of the sword.

you dont seriously believe you can do that do you? this isnt watch dogs the videogame. you would never have access to the skills and if you tried to develop them it would be noticed. thats a fun larp. building and flying the drone that fires the bullet, as a human pilot alone seems infeasible but maybe with ai. and im not even talking sci fi level self aware ai, just algorithms

The most overlooked (and best) weapon of the future.
Weather control. Weather has turned battles. It can devastate an enemy's production, wipe out food sources, level homes and buildings.
Weather can even make drones useless.

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Okay in a complete information blackout Guns would be the best weapons. But thats not going to happen.

The Jews WANT a high tech, high information driven world because it gives them the chance to kill Whites slowly. In the informational world, if you try to kill a Black who is race-mixing with a White girl, then it can be caught on camera, you can be prosecuted, people can witness it and the liberal culture can ostracize you.

However in a Blackout scenario, all rules are off the table and you can kill as many Blacks as you want before order is restored.

This entire society is designed to entrap us - so we only have two choices. Destroy all infrastructure and have a low tech revolution with White people, Guns, Trucks and American Flags.

Or adapt to the high tech world and use Drones as the new Weapons of the Post-Westphalian world, where governments are no longer in control, Violence is king, and separate groups fight each other with high technology.

I like the videos. Those would be effective weapons.

>that filename
Are you retarded?

>pic unrelated

and it has plausible deniability. You could perform the first strike of a battle, and simply blame it on the luck of the weather.

Apart from the fact that it's technology that we don't have, it would be suicidal to use on our planet:

>modify the weather so that it rains for weeks on the battlefield
>the rest of the world gets an unpredictably fucked up weather

Persuasive language

It's the HAARP array facility. Theorised to be the early R&D centre for potential weather weaponization, funded by the US military. The centre currently studies the effect of electromagnetic manipulation of the ionosphere.

I have done research on this topic and these will be "field ready" in the military in 5 to 10 years, and certainly available to citizenry in 10 to 15 as computing power gets cheaper and more available.

Yes theres alot of programming involved, but I just have one word. Amazon. Also Boston Dynamics.

Monkey See Monkey Do.

I seriously feel there has been a purposeful attempt to suppress technology in order to decelerate the scenario independent agents developing drone manufacturing facilities in the United States.

You can easily weaponize these devices.

op will just whip out his laptop and hack the weather i would assume. probably while wearing sunglasses and theres 80s electric guitar music in the background and a couple hot chicks just sitting there looking impressed as his fingers flash across the keys of his ibm thinkpad and... hack complete, we have total weather control. the hottest chick starts blowing him immediately as he cracks open a mountain dew secure in the victory that his greasy fingers hacked out in the span of a few long minutes.

I love shitty weather.

>the government has incredibly advanced, top secret technology at their disposal
>let me put on my Nintendo Power Glove so I can access the mainframe
Thanks Crash Override I knew we could count on you to fight the powah

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Memes are the modern warrior's weapon. Peaceful, provocative, insidious, contagious.

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Not yet viable to *turn* weather, but it can intensify current weather patterns.

I would say right now it is worlds most subtle weapon. A lot of people don't even believe it is possible yet.

>0th century
>nobody calls this out

Jow Forums has hit a new low

fucking nanobots though
whats the defense. more nanobots? is that the next arms race?

>not söy or race war

>muh facial recognition and AI drones
amateur makeup artists will destroy that billion dollar tech with spiritgum, silicone, and some color to match

This is already happening today. All the most expensive modern weaponry is only useful for fighting third world savages.

Wait. You're saying there's no way a guy could purchase drones, equip them with firearms, set them up with semi-autonomous piloting software and use them to kill people?

When the war really goes hot I think you're going to realize that the gun hasn't really lost it's edge quite yet...

to 18th century
>The Sword

th to 20th century
>The Gun

th to 21st century
>The Meme

Fix that for you, no need to thank me.

well that was screwy

>Can't do battle against drones
Find the operator's wife and kids

Have even ONE of you ever read a book on guerrilla warfare? Partisans? Insurgency vs COIN?

I agree this is a factor too. But you have to have a powerful EMP aimed at drones for it to be disabled, and it is a short range weapon, which the drone could take advantage of.

Hell the new F-35 for all of its drawbacks, has the ability to use its radar to send an EMP to disable other planes in the air.

But what electronic warfare may not prevent is what I would call "standalone AI"

That is, AI that does not rely on a network but is fully programmed to operate independently with all of its hardware. Its equipment can be shielded, preventing the effects of electronic attacks.

That of course is not viable, especially not to civilians for quite some decades, unless there is this big privacy push to have commercial robots - but not have them connected to a network.

servos and raspy pi cannot render petn/rdx

What do you mean?

anti-drone drones with flak burst payload designed to destroy rotors and servos

In all seriousness, yes, its called cyber-warfare for a reason. Without a doubt, whichever nation secures a hefty lead in cyber capabilities will have a card over other nations.

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Desu the number of anti-drone drones or anti-drone guns you'd need is just fucking ridiculous. There's no way to provide sufficient coverage. Let's keep in mind drones can fly like 2ft above the ground no problem.

>public roads

uhhh retard, they wouldn't be public.

>unable to develop proper countermeasures against drones

Your country failed to use them in Syria because of Russian jammers.

Are you suggesting a hacktivist movement to take on the joos?

Yeah, but Americans can't use jammers. Their Wi-Fi would stop working.

computer is mightier than the pen

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>1 emr bomb. Shut down the whole world mfw.

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Bows were actually, then spears.

Almost all casualties inflicted on Medieval battlefields were with arrows.

r*ddit be gone

>that EMP bomb myth

pretty picture

Depends on the target acquisition and execution speed of the system.
I could probably make a rudimentary targeting system that identify and track multiple targets pretty fast. All I'd need by then is some kind of weapon. I could try making a prototype with just a laser pointer or something.

>Implying that jammers and solar flares are fake. Says that emrs and emps' are fake as well.

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This is actually a very solid post. I'm surprised to find it here on Jow Forums. The problem is that the far-right is almost entirely comprised of disgusting, low-IQ, anti-education, blue-collar white-niggers. While the world is racing ahead, they are racing backwards and to the bottom. It's why they sit here and virtue signal about shitty trade jobs like plumbing and mining coal.

So unfortunately this well thought out post will be lost on almost everyone here, and in truth, the majority of people that will take this advice and invest in technological capabilities will be leftists, many of them Chinese.

So when the white race is finally BTFO, white men should look in the mirror and ask themselves, "Was the trades meme worth it?" And as they look at the ashes of 800 million dead white souls, the answer will be crushing silence.

You want to protect a van? Sure, that works.
You want to protect a building? yeah, that's doable. You want to protect a district? I don't think so, pal.

True warriors fight with bombs.

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Sounds like you've got some issues bro.
I consider myself pretty far right, and I'm an engineer.

>plumbing. shitty trade job
Perhaps in the US. Here they are all rich as fuck.

Form a massive network to break bank account's encryption is far more useful than DDOS.

It's just a matter of scaling up at that point. Just calculate the effective defensive perimeter of each unit and either have them as stand-alone units or connected to a central command.
But at that scale, an attack will most likely be in the form of an airstrike, and not a mass-drone event.

Thank you. I don't want the Technocracy of the future to be ruled by leftist. I don't think it will, simply because White males tend to be conservative, and are the majority of innovators in Silicon Valley and other places.

Whites are innovators of civilization.

But these White males need to take that understanding seriously. They need to learn that the most important thing they possess is technology, and to GIVE it away to places like China or Africa (like we have been doing willingly or unwillingly for years) only makes non-Whites empowered and ungrateful.

There are no rights, only ability. Technology is the expansion of ability. Whites should control the technology they gather and create and use it to defend their ethnostate if they want to survive the 21st century and beyond.

Oh yes, the extravagant wealth of the $125k a year successful tradie. What wondrous things will the glorious white-nigger tradesmen do for the glory of white people with their enormous wealth? Better, yet, what have they done before? Because from where I sit, the white-tradesman community hasn't done a fucking thing ever for the benefit of the white community.

In stark contrast, the increasingly non-white billionaire class spends extravagantly to pursue their agendas. It's okay you don't have to convince me. I know I'm right and I know the white race will continue to ignore the sage advice of their more intelligent peers, only to their doom. I'm actually enjoying watching white countries collapse as idiot white men double and triple-down on their terrible policies, ideas, and institutions like: Christianity, "muh ancestors" worship, and the worship of the blue collar white-nigger worker.

Nigga u gay.

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you know he's right

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Good post, but white men are the ultimate cucks. It's why they love Christianity so much because it's fundamentally based on cuckoldry. White men have also always been slaves. The few times they had any measure of freedom they managed to fuck everything up by being greedy, stupid, shortsighted, cuckolded cowards. Just look at all of white history. Every time white men get a taste of freedom they fuck up society and it burns to the ground. Just like what we are seeing today. White men allowed Jews, women, and non-whites to run wild. They could have stopped them at any time but they didn't because they were too busy with their "based" hobbies, comfort-seeking, and endless entertainment. This time is different though. Now white societies aren't collapsing with just whites, they are being replaced. This is a first and it will be the last time white men are allowed to make these stupid mistakes.

I for one am enjoying every minute of the collapse. I'm literally watching Rome burn in slow motion before my eyes while idiot white men run from the battle and beg to be re-enslaved by some new monarch or by a resurgent Christian theocracy; both of which are untenable solutions based on wishful thinking.

Well its a new challenge. I don't think Whites will go extinct, but there will be great struggles due to confusion, apathy and a lack of purpose. It is tragic, but I won't be apart of the collapse. I will try to invest in things that should outlast it that will be apart of the new civilization.

When the collapse does come, the criminal element will be there to prey upon you. There won't be cops, judges, jails.
You will be hunted and robbed or raped.
Or better yet we'll just sell you drugs, which you will abuse constantly as you wallow in filth and despair. Killed for sport, etc.

>you would never have access to the skills
Do you underestimate us, newfag? Remember Tai?

Sounds like you need a therapist m8. Seems like this is an unhealthy obsession or something.
Can I ask what race you belong to?

Spear is cheap. Mostly wood and a little metal. That’s why plebs used it. CHAD warriors used KILIC and Scimitars and MACEs of Damascene Steel.

I'm white. 100% non-Jewish European. And no I don't need a therapist. I'm mentally stronger than nearly all of you. But by all means, continue to live in your reality distortion fields and ignore the facts that have been clearly laid before you.

As I said once already, I'm enjoying the collapse. I'm exceedingly amused watching white men make the worst decisions imaginable in the face of their destruction, such as more Christianity, more trades jobs, more "innawoods/survivalist" bullshit. The real battle is just like OP said: for technological supramecy, and shitskin, false-desert prophets like Jewsus have no place on this new battlefield. And plumbers and electricians don't fucking matter either.

You'll see. I've been predicting this sort of shit for years and white men always cry and scream like children when presented with the facts, and then half a decade or a decade later they wallow in their misery as reality once again shatters their worldview.

>And plumbers and electricians don't fucking matter either.
Listen to yourself you idiot.
>technology matters!
>electricians don't!
Oh my fucking god. You're adorable. Yeah, let's see a college graduate with a master's degree pull service into his house or place of employment.
What if someone blows up your local substation or water pumping station? Blow up local cellular towers...
Technology only exists with infrastructure and geeks don't build infrastructure.

The robots took over long ago.

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Not quite, though people who are easily mislead by negro corporate newscasters are apt to entertain this fantasy. The reality of the intellectual/political divide in the neoliberal power structure is a bit more complex.

This is an oversimplification, but lets say we divide the human population into 4 degrees of intelligence;

1 representing the lowest 39% of IQs;
2 representing the middle, 40-79%;
3 representing 80-98;
and 4 representing the top 2%

Generally in modern progressive democracies, the left is a coalition of 1 and 3, while the right has 2 and 4.

1 are largely native low IQ groups like the sub-saharan africans or imported mestizos, arabs, and other developing world, globsl south populations. These groups vote ovewhelmingly leftist and are the backbone of the entire movement; without them, leftism wouldnt exist (if the US were all white, for example, Trump, would have won the election with over 500 electoral votes).

3 are the people running the leftist show; they excel as lawyers, politicians, lobbyists, CEOs, diplomats. Smart enough to keep the lights on but also pro-social, extroverted, and good organizers.

2, by far the largest group, would include most of your "retarded tradeies" types; most skilled labor as well plenty of low and mid tier white collar workers. Mostly conservative, but typically standard Fox News conservatism (i.e., trying to preserve the progressivism of 15 years prior). Conservative out of instinct.

4 includes the intellectual force driving the conversation on the "far right", as well as libetarian and reactionary elites not yet purged- your Herman-Hoppes, Nick Lands, Jordan Petersons, Moldbugs, James Watsons, Peter Thiels go here. Many engineers.

1 and 3 is a remarkably resilient coalition. As the 2s drift away from leftward shifts the 3s can simply import 1s by the millions; theyre largely insolvent and completely dependent on the subsidies that the 3s provide them (with the taxes of the 2s)

Ah, so a blackpilled NEET?
Checking out of society doesn't mean you're not part of the problem, buddy. Either try to make a change or end it.

Post your address.
>Completes online "IQ test"
>Takes the inflated scam result as fact
>Talks down to anons on Jow Forums
Oh Nigger. I would take your face as a mask, wear. Every time I shit your mouth skin will be around my arse hole. In death, as in life shit will flow from your mouth.