Why does Germany have the highest GDP of any European country?

Is it their work ethic? Collectivism towards a greater goal? Their serioussness? I was talking to a Kraut user and Nip user and they said they share a lot of similarities like showing no emotion, working too much and drinking to hide sorrow

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it's because they have the most immigrants user

immigrants = gdp

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Have you been huffing the petrol? Unless they have a job (which many don’t) they achieve the exact opposite

I'm just approving the (((company message))) goy

Because it has the biggest population.
Per capita our GDP is shit.

Prepping black bulls is counted as part of gdp. It aldo cures female depression

The economists do not distinguish between liabilities and assets. You could have a 20 trillion dollar deficit and the (((economist))) would say you have a 20 trillion dollar economy.

>they said they share a lot of similarities like showing no emotion, working too much and drinking to hide sorrow
All true, those trait are even stronger in the Japanese than in Germans tough.

France has more.

As long as they spend my tax money they do increase growth, but at too high a price.

Apart from being cucked beyond reason it is still easier to conduct business in Germany than most other European countries(Apart from switzerland and the micronations). We also have the highest population (apart from russia) so it would be embarrassing if we didn't also have the highest gdp.

>to basic and factual
nah its because ze germanz

It's a combination of economic protectionism, not paying for a military and excellent vocational education.

That's it. It isn't some national character thing like national autism or pride.

Because the economic and monetary policy of the EU is rigged in their favor. For the past 30 years every country in the EU has seen how successful the Germans are and because they want to be like Germany they pass EU policies that favor the German system under the mistaken impression that doing so will make them like Germany when in reality it just makes the Germans more successful while stripping them of the tools they need to fix their own economies' (See Greece).

It will be interesting to see how Germany fairs as the EU implodes around them. Their economy is strong and relatively debt free; but much of that strength stems from the EU funneling wealth to them.

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>Why does Germany have the highest GDP of any European country?

because they are the biggest recipients of EU funds.

>germany contibutes about 1-2 billion into EU every year
>in EU law, shop owners building in foreign countries dont pay taxes
>tax-evading german shops (Lidl, Kaufman etc) in Poland leeched out around 20 billion just in 2017 alone
>just Lidl alone sucked out 11 billion due to tax evasion in 2017
>for comparison, Poland, since it entered EU in 2004, recieved a total of 24 billion in loans/subsidies
>so basically the EU is leeching out the equivalent of the money it loaned to Poland in the last 15 years in just 1 year
>summed up, german income from tax evasion in the EU can total even 30-40 billion

i pray every day that the EU will kick us out thanks to our no-niggers allowed policy, and all our jewish death camps shenanigans, but they just cant afford to kick us out.
we could go right now on national TV and tell everybody else to go fuck themselves with a rake, and the EU would say "thank you".

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- hard work
- analytic approach to reality
- order
- obedience and the respect for the state and its authority
- Protestantism (wealth=God's grace)

on the other hand as we know with those traits
things can go terribly bad

>Because the economic and monetary policy of the EU is rigged in their favor.

understatement of the century.

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>Greece becoming more like germany
Last time I checked they still had the most people employed in the public sector out of any EU country. They deserve what they've got because they brought it up on themselves. You can't just spend all your money on welfare and then be pissed about it when it is gone.

>analytic approach to reality

merkel is on her 4th term



>obedience and the respect for the state and its authority

total, absolute mindless obedience, of course.
merkel on her 4th term, and 85 yo grandmas getting jailed for denying the 6 gorillion.

man, i still remember meeting a raging, red-faced german yelling his face off in a border gas station that Poland is a nazi right wing racist dictatorship and our fascist country will get what it deserves.
i think me laughing my ass off made him rage even more.

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Definitely work moral and the worldwide unique Ausbildungssystem. Our last generation is competent, eager to work and reliable. This is currently heavily changing due to cultural marxism and partially americanization.

Germany will sooner or later collapse under these changes.

they are situated in the centre of europe and surrounded by other nations

that is simply it

just as the uk is situated between america and europe that is all it is,germany is a hub to pass through thus makes money

nothing more,the hard worker thing is a meme

Right the Greeks are dipshits. Their government spent money it didn't have to keep employed and dug itself a hole.

But once they were in that hole they couldn't get out of it because they lacked the economic tools to revitalize their economy. They didn't control their own currency and their control over their economic policy was highly limited so in the end they had little choice other than to come begging for EU gibs.

This is why surrendering control over your country to foreign bureaucrats isn't a good idea.

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>hard working

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Would really like to see the actual numbers with sources. Not that I doubt what you are saying but it would be really good to have as an infographic.

Weird how a inferiority complex Pole pops up anytime Germany is mentioned. Your like Niggers complaining about wypipo.

Germans are your superior, literally everybody in the world acknowledges that. Get over it.

the average german salary is like 700euro.

they are just accepting their chinese level work condition to support for their government.
They have the most firm policies in economy thanks to merkel, who is just here to milk the more money she can to pay back the bank and tell grece to just kill itself.

as we all know they attacked us not one but twice, and is now choosing to end all european life again by welcoming a milion migrans a year. Truely a great nation. as autismal as japs in a way.

That is France

a german, actually, made a nice post about it with numbers and sources, i didnt save it though, was phoneposting.

>Weird how a inferiority complex brit pops up anytime Poland is mentioned. Your like Niggers complaining about wypipo.

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They had the most advanced financial sector before the EU, and a currency with a higher value than €.
So when the € kicked in they saw a devaluation of their currency (huge boost of export without internal inflation) and they still had a good private capital market to sustain growth.
Also, they bailed their banks with public funds.

They also rule the EU, so another huge boost there.

>Slav Shit
>Doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're".
Of course you would try saying shit to bitch bong when clearly they're your new masters. It's almost as if any opportunity you have to shit on your masters (Russians, etc), you'd do it without hesitation but the second shit goes against your favor, you'd cry for help.

Why two clocks in one room? Thats dumb

Why is one German ball floating on top of the other in bed?

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Poland lost economic war and it has to rebuild its economy (and sanity) like after WW2

idk why?

I don't think he was setting up a joke user

damn it, i was sure of it this time

you know i copy/pasted the brit post along with all his mistakes, right?
oh wait, of course you dont, you're retarded.

>they're your new masters.

hahahahaha a master can do something about his subject, germany cant do shit.
example? america is israels subject, they can do everything with you, from declaring war, to making you bankrupt.
germany, on the other hand, cant do jack shit, besides saying "words of concern" in TV.

what a poor, mentally disturbed american slave you are.

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I was trying to think of one but not only is it almost 4:00 A.M. here but I'm a retard at making creative jokes. I'll think of one later, maybe.

Typical Germans

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Found one about Lidl:
> The research team was able to uncover the partnership agreement between Beteiligungs and Lidl Holdings, which discloses that there is a profit sharing agreement sees 99.99% of the profits of Lidl in the Czech Republic diverted to Germany, with only 0.01% remaining in the Czech Republic.
> In 2014 the two partners paid CZK 504,694,930 in taxes to the Czech government which is equivalent to a tax rate of around 19.5% on the profits of the partnership.
So the 99.9% that were missed are equivalent to an additional 19.7bn €.

Polands economy is roughly 2.5 times that of the Czech republic, so one could expect about 49bn (30-60bn) € being evaded by Lidl in Poland if they act the same way as in CR.

But there aren't many good sources. Either way. If I can shit on the Germans I will do it.

US has higher GDP and we're lazy af
well at least we're supposed to be...
a lot of Americans seem obsessed with their careers

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awww man, this is a sweet piece of info!!
oh crap, so its even worse than i thought?

i dont expect the germans to be sharing this information easily, they'd lose their leverage in a second.
this is great, im googling it now, too.

man, i still remember meeting a raging, red-faced german yelling his face off in a border gas station that Poland is a nazi right wing racist dictatorship and our fascist country will get what it deserves.
i think me laughing my ass off made him rage even more.

Strange the ones i am around think Poles are Subhuman apes on tier with Africans

Lidl is a German company, of course the profits go to Germany.
And if you think Lidl evades 49bn€ of taxes in Poland (which is about 10% of Polish GDP), you just showcase your idiocy.

Wtf, how did you find a picture of me with all my based™ white friends?

While it is true that we are slaves to the Eternal Ally, you guys are not only shitskins but you create more problems for everybody as a whole while not fixing anything.

when europe has collapsed so bad they are now acting like niggers

heart breaking

if i recall this was over strikes

that was actually pretty funny for a kraut.

>you guys are not only shitskins but you create more problems for everybody as a whole while not fixing anything.

are you talking about america.

>Meme fag

It was the G8 (or G12, forget which) meeting in Hamburg. Antifa burned shit down while the police watched.

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cuz they have 20 more million autistic people than 2nd biggest euro country, russia doesnt count

We're relatively the same but the difference is that you guys claim to be based while boomer fags here say the same, the others don't.

i just like the confederate flags aesthetic. not even from the south

Kek whats quite funny Germany at it's worst (right now) has actually a better living standard than your Country ever had and by the way you can take your Polish whore Merkel back to your shithole

They have a small black market, so their reported GDP isn't undervalued like it is with countries with a large black market economy (like Romania).

>you guys claim to be based

do the same thing, then.

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It's decent I guess, too many shills using it which make it pathetic.

That is what the numbers round up to. You didn't react to the ratio being the same for the Czech republic.

your definition of a "better living standard" is different from actually normal people.

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We got something going on.

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yes, a gigantic web of millions of tax-evading markets is easily capable of leeching out the equivalent of almost 10% of a countries GDP, that is not a surprise.

lol Sweden and Denmark are richer per capita than Germany even Ireland is..

honestly your average normie will be turned off by the jewish supremacy and white genocide taglines. needs to be a little more subtle.

But the central banking cartel tells us that the economy is driven by debt so it must be true!

We do have a better living standard i agree the Niggers and Arabs have to go also the huge amount of Polish gibsmedat niggers also have to go just years ago you were Germanies Refugees

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why would anybody even bother with germans? they are about to disappear and even before, most people consider them repulsive, with a shit eating fetish, creepy, degenerate, dirty, smelly and so on

The absolute state of Cuckmerica.

Because they maintained their industry. It won't last though. Britain is predicted to be the biggest in a decade or so.

>>In 2014 the two partners paid CZK 504,694,930 in taxes to the Czech government which is equivalent to a tax rate of around 19.5% on the profits of the partnership.
>So the 99.9% that were missed are equivalent to an additional 19.7bn €.

If you want them to pay 19.7bn€, that would be a tax rate of 19500%.
Are you dumb?
(Rhetorical question)

Suppose a tax rate of 33%.
Then Lidl would have to generate 33% of Polish GDP to pay 10% of Polish GDP in taxes. Absurd beyond belief.
The reasons for your country being shite are 1) communism 2) Poles being uncivilized.
Lidl ain't the reason, babe :^)

>gibsmedat niggers

you mean germans?

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I mean just remove white supremacy and just say no more fighting wars for anybody; America First would probably be the best bet of getting anything.

Leftists are crypto anti-semitic despite them trying super hard to hide it. They're very open, and when I say open, they're fucking open, about being Anti-Zionist but try their hardest to say they love Jews and whatnot but Israel is shit and whatnot. If we can somehow make them align with us on those sensitive beliefs, we can radicalize them much more easily.

They're all in there in leftist groups just waiting to be activated and for Anti-Semitism to be more acceptable. It's better than Kike loving boomers/neocons are.

That's Hamburg during G20. They might as well be French considering the amount of civil unrest.

Nah actual Poles even the western territories that Poland now has was given to them by the Allies

Gibsmedat=Poland the Country

>Absolute Meme Fag
Show it Kike.

Hauptsturmführer here. wrong again downunderbritbong. We work less than others - but : we charge more per hour . WHY : because 98% of all cuntries need my product. I work approx. 30 h / week , my britbong counterpart works approx. 55h / week. Last time I have been I saw where the aussi problem is : you have no idea how to build up a modern industry - for that reason you will be assimilated & resistance is futile .

> gibs saved Poland

it is dying

Attached: Poland.png (755x566, 22K)

>If you want them to pay 19.7bn€, that would be a tax rate of 19500%.
>Are you dumb?
As I read it, that was on the 0.01% that they had a tax rate of 19.5%.
I'm going over the numbers, chill.

meh proxyshit, go back to eating shit and being disgusting

>2) Poles being uncivilized.

a german calling someone else uncivilized.

you niggers still had serfdom in the 20th century, and the myth of german efficiency is based on the stereotype of the prussian civil service, which was copied wholesale from the british model. you're literal fucking pigs.

you're not even people. fuck off and die before you destroy europe yet again.

I guarantee you that it's a Pole they usually use Meme flags to praise their own Country and act as foreigners

Aw Goldberg, what happened? You used to put effort in your trolling. Are we not important anymore?

sagt wer ? der minderqualifizierte Untermensch aus Perth ? Häng dich doch einfach auf . schieb`dir deine Judengehirnwäsche in deinen roten redneck-Arsch du blöder nigger . Ohne deutsche Technik gäbe es deinen Staat gar nicht . und jetzt raus hier du blöde Kotfotze

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>Nah actual Poles even the western territories that Poland now has was given to them by the Allies

yeah, because it was fucking stolen by germans earlier. you got together with the austrians and russians and divided the polish lithuanian commonwealth between you.


You mad we be da numba ONE in Europe?
Yeah, u mad boiiiiiiiiiiiii :^)

Because they steal all the money from the greeks

There's this one Pole that always posts shit against the Poles such as how shit their country is and how pathetic they are and have always been. I'm not sure if it's a proxy, a Jew, troll, or actual self-hate. If it's the latter, he would probably be one of the very tiny handful of based Slavs.

Australia is a german profit center and we will sack all incompetent aussis in order to replace them with our japs or israelis . get over it - your are just a number in our planetary Konzentrationslager . Australia ( and New Zealand ) belongs to german real estate investors. Back to work nigger

Show flag

sorry faggot, i don't speak the language of the defeated.

if germany is so great why are there so many german immigrants in switzerland

>You mad we be da numba ONE in Europe?

that's like being number one in a pants shitting contest. who wants it.

you're not even good at this. 0/10.

I think, like most things, it's an incredibly complicated and multi-faceted thing and if you think you understand it well enough to explain it you probably barely understand a fraction of it.

If we're going to point to one root-cause, however, I'm in favor of assuming it has something to do with their unnatural affinity for scat porn.

hidden jew gold pulled straight from the mouths of rabbis 70 years ago

trolling? lol, sure thing

also your pathetic proxy samefagging only shows what an idiot you are, on top of being repulsive

You Kiwi yellow fags don't hold any political influence. What purpose do you guys have other than becoming more gooked? Super irrelevant country comparable to Estonia (also shit).

Because they dominate economically most of Easter and Southern Europe.