Why are white women fucking dogs these days?

Who started this fetish?

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White woman started it

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Trudeau can’t keep getting away with this

>these days?
If you think this is a new occurrence than I have bad news for you.

...but they aren't? why do you people believe everything you see on tv wtf

Young girls are taught men are pigs for decades, then the next gen comes and starts fucking dogs coincidence ? I THINK NOT! Also Jews.

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A Jewish porno producer.


why is it always white women tho? i knew white girls who would fuck theyre dogs.

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Excuse me

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They hook em while they’re young

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Why are some people stupid enough to equate what they see on porn websites to reality? Studies show that 95% or more of white women refuses to date black men. Yet y'all think white women getting blacked all over the place because XVideo? And now white women just fuck dogs all the time? Besides, most of the women I see fucking dogs don't look white to me.

"I wish to see a Roman women have sex with a baboon!"

Im gonna need some sauce on that shit

White people have been fucking dogs since they tried to domesticate it.

They were doing it always

Think about how many girls you know have big dogs? And post them on instagram?

They're all fucking them

>these days
when i was in middle school there was a rumor going around about a girl who fucked her dog. i told my dad about it and he said people at his middle school had those same sort of rumors going around. fuck, bestiality is outlawed in the bible because it's always been a problem

>these days

White "men" just don't measure up

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this is some satanic prapaganda

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Because most men are ugly and useless and Chad isn't always available.

White women have been fucked up degenerates for a long time. Remember all of those crazy-ass women who started worshipping serial killers who raped, murdered dismembered, sometimes even ATE women? The women who wanted to marry guys like Ted Bundy or Charles Manson? Overwhelmingly White women. I recall watching documentaries on these insane murderers and the comments would be peppered with White girls talking about how hot these animals were, how much they wanted them inside of them. They're fucking insane, and it's no surprise at all that they're the most brainwashed women when it comes to nonsense like Feminism.

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Better doggos than niggers.

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Women have been degenerates since Eve

gotta respect the flag

Either way, it is beastiality

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Well if white women are fucking dogs then we might as well be fucking mares.

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FUCK why is it ALWAYS a LEAF?

im in year 12 and my friend knows someone who blew her dog

True, but no spawn afaik with doggos

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It gets cold up there in Canada
They need a hotdog

No other race of women comes as close to White women in terms of sexual depravity, however. They have a reputation worldwide for how loose they are sexually.

do you not have any better arguments against fucking dogs?

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lol that's not why it was "outlawed" in the bible. Those stories are put in there by insecure men. For example, when God murdered a bunch of children for making fun of Elisha for being bald, that story was written by a bald man.

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On it. Plus a study showing that white women who claim to be willing to date black men are lying and are just as race choosy as the women who refuse to. And another that says 97% of white men refuse to date black women. Though a couple of the sources might be the same study.

You know what? Here's a whole page of "hateful facts", and these studies include the studies I mentioned above. It's 0330 and I'm at work and don't have the time to sift through them. Super useful anyway:


Women of all races and ethnicity have been doing this for thousands of years but the internet has made it more public. From cave paintings people have estimated it's been going on since 40,000 BC or earlier.

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bible best book

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Get out

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Well the dog enjoys it and the girl initiates the contact through her consent. So I suppose morality is of no concern here. The same could be said about fucking a mare.

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Seriously though why do women do it?
Do they get bored of sex with humans?
Is it simply laziness?
Is it because they really like their dogs?

>he doesn't know

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It's because the dog is willing and needs nothing from you.
The reason why people love their pets more than other people is because they're functionally retarded and believe themselves to be an animal.

Yep, that's how STDs came about. Pretty much all of them.

Because it's stigmatized.Doing something inhumane gives a person indulging in sex a spike in dopamine.

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Dude. There's already plenty of BMWF porn.

You fist the mare's tight cunt with your hand while wearing a glove covered in soap.

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what is the age of consent to fuck a dog?
asking for a friend

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I'm not some sort of cuck-baiter, but in metropolitan/leftist areas the ratio of miscegenation is quite high - I'd estimate 15-20% for BMWF. Obviously this is counterbalanced by barely existing outside of these locations - but is still significant by itself.
When people tout studies about marriage ratios - they need to understand that the larger majority of blacks simply do not engage in marriage at all. One can claim optimism for beautiful and innocent white angels while looking at BMWF intermarriage rates compared with WMAF rates, but that isn't considering relationships that aren't marriage (baby momma, etc.).

TFW you can get 8 legions of roaches to invade your homeland just by showing him a slut fucking an animal.

/b/ did, 15 years ago

This is how leftists actually think...pure cancer

Same as human with the dog years rule. That was codified in our laws.

It's a movie line.

So it must be natural then, huh?

Because they're horny and want to fuck something. Why is this difficult to understand?
It's not like bestiality is a new thing.

Hurr durr leftist is not an argument .

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