>ADL has started a thought crime snitch line >report normie friends/enemies to better deliver the red pill >try to use plausible scenarios oh I was at this guys work and I overheard him talking about how the world would be better without jews
Please help fight against the jews subverting the constitution and their efforts to turn the USA into the UK.
oh and if you just want to shitpost they have >a link to website box >an image uploader so you can actually shitpost with youre kike folder
>This is a great idea. No consequences for false reports either, ADL only pretends they are cops. Report your boss, report your Leftist professors, report your homo brother.
Use a proxy, tor, vpn, or other means of hiding your true identity. this will prevent them from trying to trace you so they can add you to some list. Also, it will allow you to create more false flags without them knowing it's you again.
Fail. You just confirmed to them that they are in the right. In order for this to work you have to feed them leftists. Once they target people sympathetic to their cause, their supporters will start to see how retarded this whole thought crime bullshit is.
John Myers
This is what I thought the thread was about upon reading it for the first time, but then I realised Jow Forums is braindead and merely wants to saturate their tip line with BLATANTLY false reports which are incredibly easy to discard without even reading the description. If you truly wish to damage their cause, you have to make the reports look real, and, ideally, target leftists. Bonus points if they're real and you go after anti-Israel leftist professors to cause internal turmoil whilst simultaneously cementing aforementioned Marxist brainwashed professors' """antisemitic""" stances. You kill three birds with one stone: 1. You will saturate their tip line 2. You will cause internal divide amongst leftists 3. The professors are better positioned to spread anti-Israel views, which will in turn give us common ground with the leftards and further shifting the overton window to the right
Just do it right Jow Forums. We should go on cooldown for a week so they don't suspect a thing. Even if they do, if the reports are in fact real, they'll be powerless to stop us.
G O !
Jeremiah Collins
... And what's more is that you will create internal strife amongst the professors and even their students, which will in turn negate their Marxism, or disseminate antisemitic views, or simply destroy said professors' careers.
Thank fuck someone gets it. Start making it appear as a leftist front and attack innocent people who are not as hardcore leftist as they are. Create strife in the division.
if you aren’t listing your email as [email protected] you’re doing it wrong.
Christopher Garcia
Make it look real and don't use the same fake info over and over. Makes it easy for them to filter your reports. Using a VPN would also be a good idea.
Jose White
roger dodger, kek
Hudson Davis
can't the ADL see from what country we're posting? I want to do it but if they see some frog is reporting (((hate crimes))) of leftists looking wrong at kikes in NYC they might not fall for it
The ADL is very international so while I think having an American VPN could potentially help, if the report is real or sounds believable, it shouldn't matter. Specially if they pertain to Jews and not other minorities. You can also claim you're abroad, that your semester at *insert Marxist professor's University* ended and that you went abroad and would like to report him anonymously.
>international still, we got our own LICRA and CRIF here idk if they do that kind of thing, I'll check >abroad might work but I should wait a day or two to claim it had to do with the embassy move massacre >VPN wouldn't they see it's a VPN if they can see where it came from?
Daniel Cruz
Kek is with us boys
Christopher Baker
they only take (((internet hatred))) reports unfortunately >crif.org/fr/signalement >licra.org/signalement would have been fun to report antisemitism in barely populated places
Charles Jenkins
Yeah, use your own channels if you want to report your own leftist professors, but you should also use the adl because why not.
>Wait Yeah, we're on cooldown. Good thinking though. Blame the Marxist professors' hatred on the embassy move.
>wouldn't they see it's a VPN No. Unless, 1. The VPN in question leaking your IP through a WebRTC bug, in which case they'll know your real IP and thus general location of your ISP's hub OR 2. The VPN in question is not very exclusive and will appear in some sort of blacklist, in which case unless 1. also occurs, it won't expose your real IP
>VPN, WebRTC On this note, only about 20% of VPNs are affected by this and there are demo pages that test if you're protected against the vulnerability.
Alexander Johnson
SO I take it we report any instances of "kill whitey", or general bigotry thats targeted towards heterosexual white males
might have some success with roastie, or thot targeting.
Carter Sanchez
No, you report Marxist professors that have criticised Israel. It doesn't have to have happened, but if it sounds believable and/or the professor is known for being pro Palestine, even better, specially if you can find online proof of the latter, perhaps in the form of a publication. If you find liberals badmouthing Israel on jewbook, by all means also report them. I'm the same user, the only Portuguese person ITT. Just hopping between places.
>cooldown I doubt Herschel doesn't have his nose on this bread already let's just be sneaky and maybe slip some obvious trolls in there so they'll let their guard down when other ones seem credible >VPN even if they don't see my IP, could they see it's a VPN? because that'd be suspicious enough imo would it be credible to say some professors denied the holohoax? also >liberals you know there's nothing liberal about them, why not just call them what they are?
Jackson Bailey
>let's just be sneaky and maybe slip some obvious trolls in there so they'll let their guard down when other ones seem credible This makes no sense. If anything it would make them more wary and distrustful, even if you plan to do this "by contrast".
>even if they don't see my IP, could they see it's a VPN? because that'd be suspicious enough imo Only if the VPN's IP is part of a blacklist. Otherwise, they VPN traffic doesn't differ from normal traffic.
>would it be credible to say some professors denied the holohoax? Yes, albeit less so and they would probably require hard proof.
>>liberals >you know there's nothing liberal about them, why not just call them what they are? Because I'm not using liberal in the European sense (which is akin to a libertarian in the US), but rather the American perversion of the word. I can refer to them as progressives however.
Logan Bennett
>This makes no sense. If anything it would make them more wary and distrustful, even if you plan to do this "by contrast". unless they're already aware of our thread, which is highly likely, in which case they're already suspicious and if they don't get troll messages they'll be more careful although they might just class those as antisemitic hoaxes, they're really hungry for persecutions have you seen Defamation? they'll take anything
>blacklist all right then, needed to make sure
>hard proof. yeah I might not then, unless I find a specific target that could be credible
>Because I'm not using liberal in the European sense (which is akin to a libertarian in the US), there's no "European sense", only regular people and ignorant burgers
> but rather the American perversion of the word. that's my point, they call their leftists liberals and it used to be somewhat accurate but this was merely a (((trojan horse))) for cultural marxism they've now completely abandonned any connection with liberalism so we must also do away with that word to describe them burgers are the most guilty of this but sadly a lot of euros have taken the habit from them
>I can refer to them as progressives however. yeah progressive, commies, faggots all these work and accurately describe reality 1 misnomer = 1 handrub
Carter Harris
Keep doing this for prolonged periods of time and watch them eat themselves.
>unless they're already aware of our thread, which is highly likely It doesn't matter if they are, if the reports are either true or properly fabricated/likely to be true.
>yeah I might not then, unless I find a specific target that could be credible That simply means you have to tone it down and not make outlandish claims. Believable small claims are better.
>there's no "European sense", only regular people and ignorant burgers Jow Forums is populated by Americans. The root of this evil is in the US. Why not use language that they can understand? I'll just call them leftists/marxists then.
>It doesn't matter if they are, if the reports are either true or properly fabricated/likely to be true. I'm pretty sure they'll use anything to inflate their numbers youtube.com/watch?v=qf9oHq1hzmo around 11min, they show how the ADL takes their reports
>That simply means you have to tone it down and not make outlandish claims. Believable small claims are better. sure, but if they don't get outlandish claims while expecting some... at any rate, they'll probably still take them
>Jow Forums is populated by Americans. not exclusively, and Jow Forums burgers are supposed to be better than the average lardass so they should start using the proper denomination too
>The root of this evil is in the US. exactly, that's why they need us to make them correct their shitty (((language)))
>Why not use language that they can understand? because that's exactly what the kikes want they're always playing with words and confusing the goyim with different degrees of nonsense >1 misnomer = 1 handrub I can't make it clearer
>I'll just call them leftists/marxists then. cool, I wish burgers would start realizing they're talking absolute shit when they're equating liberalism to communism sadly, a lot of them don't seem to see anything wrong with that
Xavier Cruz
>I wish burgers would start realizing they're talking absolute shit when they're equating liberalism to communism >sadly, a lot of them don't seem to see anything wrong with that That's because they have another term for that, stemming from the word 'liberty' to libertarianism, whereas american liberalism stemmed from the shitty progressive movements which were often referred to as 'liberation movements'. The liberation of slaves, the liberation of women, and so on, so forth.
Too busy today. Can someone make a thread there and copy pasta part or all of my post that got quints?
>That's because they have another term for that, well then they turn around and call communism socialism so we've got several layers of retardation that's true
>stemming from the word 'liberty' to libertarianism, liberalism still has lib- in it but burgers just can't into etymology and call the worst authoritarians there is liberals it's baffling
>whereas american liberalism stemmed from the shitty progressive movements which were often referred to as 'liberation movements'. The liberation of slaves, the liberation of women, and so on, so forth. none of this matters you can just take a quick look at the ideology they're pushing and see it's obviously communism, whether they admit it or not leftist faggots will call themselves liberals like traps will call themselves female no reason to pander to either of those delusions do it and paste portubro's quints I would but I need many more posts to bake there
Josiah Bailey
I am getting sick of this "attack the father, attack the son" bullshit that the globalist elite fucks are pushing. It's all over mainstream media and it is social justice warrior bullshit. Just disgusting.
>well then they turn around and call communism socialism so we've got several layers of retardation that's true Actually, communism and socialism were used interchangeably by Marx and Engels. It was only later that it became a gradation from social democracy -> democratic socialism -> socialism -> communism. I agree with what you're saying though, I'm essentially just saying they're not that insane for dubbing the progressive movement the liberal movement considering their history.
John Thompson
>Actually, communism and socialism were used interchangeably by Marx and Engels. It was only later that it became a gradation from social democracy -> democratic socialism -> socialism -> communism. true but there's no reason to use confusing terms nowadays we all know what communism is but we never know what burgers refer to when they say socialism
>I agree with what you're saying though, I'm essentially just saying they're not that insane for dubbing the progressive movement the liberal movement considering their history. no they're not insane for having done it but it's clearly outdated and very troubling for anyone in any way concerned with semantics
Jayden Brown
I remember the first manifestation of this thread. Some subversive fliers were presented and people loved them. Then OP's pic was presented, and everyone agreed it was over the top and not subtle enough. Funny how I only see that pic. Almost makes you wonder if OP is a kike trying to poison the well with an overtly hostile meme.
The point of the original versions of this meme was to false flag the left... Now due to the incessant KIKERY on this board, it's evolved into yet another flier portraying right-wing butthurt. They are literally false flagging us now.
Anyone in this thread who didn't already realize this is way too stupid to be here and needs to go back to plebbit
Mason Allen
tf you on about?
Jackson Clark
should get a list ADL board members and report them
Julian Myers
This is what I put:
My school made me read a book called "On the Jewish Question" by Karl Marx, who wrote that Jews can only be equal if they give up their Jewish identity.
I was shocked by this, and when I approached my professor he said: if Jews had listened to Marx the Holocaust would never have happened. USSR/Stalin was good to Jews. Jews were better off under Ottoman rule and Israel is a white supremacists nation whose sole purpose in the middle East is to kill brown people.
He also smiled and said "Israel will be destroyed" and pulled a Palestinian scarf from under his shirt. btw when he said this all the Arabs in my class shouted inshallah brother and started ululating.
Goddamiit autismos, stop trying to interact with society. You know you suck at it and now the whole thing is ruined.
Michael Watson
Look at . This is one of the original fliers. It's believable. It looks like something you would see on a college campus. The only thing on it that is out of place is the "Friends, relatives, coworkers,.." part. EVEN SOME LEFTISTS WILL BE DISGUSTED BY THE IDEA OF ENCOURAGING PEOPLE TO REPORT THEIR OWN FAMILY FOR THOUGHT CRIMES. Of course right-wingers will see it as confirming what they already know, but some lefties will see it as THEIR OWN PEOPLE GOING TOO FAR. They will oppose it (at least internally), and this will create division and drive them away from the diehard lefties who support it.
Now look at . This was created by a kike shill. It's extreme. It's obviously a satire of the Left and Right-wingers will resonate with the message. Some of them will post it around social media as satire, but if it picks up traction the most it will ever accomplish is making right-wingers look like screeching autists who shamelessly misrepresent the Left. A leftist would look at this feel hostile toward the right. Even some conservatives may look at it and be ashamed of their own party, because it basically defends racism in one's own family, not to mention morons will try to pass it off as a leftist flier when obviously that's a lie.
The former false flags the left and divides them. The latter makes the right look like childish liars.
Leo Collins
Ah, the Judas Hotline.
Jordan Young
oh right you meant the flier sorry I thought the OP pic was just a random meme to take the piss, I didn't think anyone could be retarded enough try to false flag the left with it the point here though is to report antisemitism to the ADL and get them to attack leftists
I think the point of the OP pic was for it to be catchy and attention grabbing on pol. I don't know that anyone thought that it was an actual poster. In the old threads, the op pic was the same, but it was followed by a bunch of the posters
g-guys, my grandmother is a Regional Director of the ADL in the US. >won’t say which region to avoid dox ama
Brayden Sanders
By the 9!
Grayson Clark
do they take these seriously?
Austin Wood
>what is it ?
The Toxic Masculinity agenda being pushed by globalist elitist liberal fucktwats in the media and at the university and college level.
This "Racist Dad"nonsense is just another attempt to get future ANTIFA members an attempt to attack their parents for voting for Donald Trump.
There is also a controlled attempt at undermining boys for showing any masculinity at all. Of course push of s-o-y products is also part of that.
Leo Powell
I googled it but couldn't find anything, is it a # or something? >liberal no
Parker Barnes
also, are they currently monitoring this thread?
Ethan Evans
if I say some leftist cunt yelled " fuck Israel! ", will it be registered as antisemitism?
Ayden Brown
I remember the Homer Simpson version coming up in the original thread where this flier you posted was presented as a serious false flag. I agree that only an idiot would think the Homer version could be taken seriously, yet someone in the original thread presented it as a viable option. It was obviously retarded, and whenever I see it I feel like (((someone))) is trying to push that retardation on Jow Forums yet again, in hopes that the next generation of Jow Forumstards is stupid enough to print it out and post it somewhere (which they probably are).
I don't see the benefit of presenting it here. Even as a joke, when OP could have posted the more serious (productive) versions, which he didn't. It made me very suspicious of OP... but then again here I am taking Jow Forums too seriously like a faggot.
Camden Rivera
our fight has been blessed we must call all brothers to arms
Why do they use a picture of Homer? He's not the brightest man and does stupid things sometimes, but he genuinely loves his family and does the best that he can for them.
Kayden Hall
Poster designer here. The homer version is an obvious parody and probably less effective - although it's still scary because it uses their logic and applies it correctly. So even if it's a parody, it shows the absurd conclusion of their logic.
I made the even more subtle ones too, those ones are supposed to slip under the radar and not be an obvious parody.
Both could work, I'm not sure which is more effective. Just throwing out ideas and trying to contribute.
>The point of the original versions of this meme was to false flag the left... Now due to the incessant KIKERY on this board, it's evolved into yet another flier portraying right-wing butthurt. They are literally false flagging us now. Very true. The purpose was more or less what was outlined in my previous post (the one you quoted), but it devolved into obvious shit flinging.
This is believable and a good example, but you shouldn't post them in the thread, because that destroys the credibility of your report (which I assume they google or check the chans for, just in case).
Scripts defeat the purpose, since each complaint should be unique, from a single IP, and preferably not done at VERY similar times. I assume they get a couple dozens of reports per day, mostly on tweets, so space them out.
Thanks leafbro. We must create internal strife WHILE establishing a common ground. DIVIDE AND CONQUER.
Anthony Ross
Someone report Diane Shekelstien
Isaac Garcia
1. He's extremely recognizable and will grab people's attention / he's part of pop culture. Will get the posters attention. 2. He's an iconic "dumb dad" character. He's supposed to make people think of their dad right away. 3. The fact that he loves his family and does the best that he can for them, and is still being targeted with 1984 style snitching, is supposed to be scary and chilling. It's supposed to expose how terrifying leftism really is, how Orwellian it is, how it victimizes innocent good people. Just like it did in the soviet union with kids snitching on their parents.
But there could be a better way. I made lots of versions, and people can make more too. The best will come out on top in an evolutionary manner, survival of the fittest design.
Camden Scott
Landon Stewart
Parker Hernandez
Jow Forums can't even count to 5 without messing up. They can't do it. lol
Brayden Hill
remember to use #noplaceforhate when sharing any of this stuff on social media
Well thanks. Maybe I have it completely backwards. The thing is, a college-aged leftist would be repulsed by the Homer version, but a teenager might think it is funny and cool. I always try to fight the left with logic and reason, but I'm not sure that has ever actually worked. If I always respond to the left seriously, then I am taking them seriously, and maybe others will too. Meanwhile some people will probably be better convinced by making an utter mockery of the left.
Jackson Turner
>quality post with good advice >everyone cares more about quints