Why all the Soviet art?
Why Pizzagate?
Why Soros VS Israel?
Was Pizzagate like The Hunger Games?
Was it a Test upon mankind?
Was it to see who is worthy to live and who to die?
Who is Evie? Who is Eve?
What is Chapel Perilous? Where is the Secret Soda?
Why Luxor?
Why Plaque Masks?
Why target over Antarctica on the UN?
Attached: walken.jpg (650x438, 37K)
Is there an answer sheet? No brane sells available
HE DID DO 9/11
Can we get this meme going
> why the constant e-celeb shilling
Maybe don't clean your room.
Attached: 1482178177634.png (1080x755, 363K)
*opens grinder finds weed*