Google Honour Tamara De Lempicka Today

Google have honoured Tamara De Lempicka with a doodle!

I might shed a tear, how wonderful!

All of the media outlets have picked up the story as well. Soon everyone will know all about Tamara.

There is an interesting story involving Tamara and her visit to Versaille. I can't remember it but if any of you do, please share.

Applause for Tamara De Lempicka!


For she's a jolly good fellow!
Which none of us can deny.

Tamara was not afraid to live.

Attached: Tamara.png (507x220, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:Żydzi

literally WHO?

The Sun Newspaper are discussing Tamara De Lempicka lol

*slaps knee*

One of the Great Portrait Painters to ever live, that's all.

Attached: tamara-de-lempicka-the-girls_a-l-10487354-0.jpg (413x550, 36K)

Attached: the-brilliance-1932-tamara-de-lempicka.jpg (567x746, 78K)

Attached: La Dormeuse.jpg (275x183, 8K)

Attached: Tamara.jpg (299x168, 9K)

She sounds like a degenerate but her work's not so bad. Most of her relevant works seem to come a little bit before everything became truly fucked as the potential of modernism and neo-classical art fizzled into the garbage that came after.

She paints with such a sympathy towards women that it flirts with a potential homoeroticism

Is that Art Deco style? Beautiful work.

Died: 18 March 1980,

Who is hiring crooks as curators?

Who is inflating the art bubble? It's not the Jews.

See art critic David Hughes for details - he's past now but find him on youtube for the con of Modern Art -

He doesn't oppose it entirely, I have seen him praise Robert Crumb for goodness sake. However he does criticise the economy of art and very clearly Andy Warhol and the burgeoning commodity invasion.

I'm finding it really hard to side with Jow Forums butthurt. Very interesting art work to say least.

who's butthurt?

Yes Art Deco. Isn't she fabulous?

It's the eyes and hair which really draw one into the piece and transfix.

Attached: bc229e9c19d19500b1185d902edf965e.jpg (1035x1396, 318K)

Artwork by Victor Skrebneski, Homage to Tamara de Lempicka, Made of Gelatin silver print

Attached: Victor Skrebneski.jpg (520x520, 60K)

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Imagine being so buttblasted by the existence of another human that you create a thread like this. Just imagine it. Absolutely disgusting, right?

Attached: 56_TdeLempicka-pintando.jpg (200x249, 13K)

Attached: Tamara-De-Lempicka-Paintings-1929-nana-de-herrera.jpg (454x900, 186K)

You give me the creeps

Attached: de lempicka.jpg (1920x1080, 104K)

So she was good at Corel Draw 3.0?

Another degenerate feminist jew celebrated by google, what a srurpsie.

If we could show a slice of your daily life, like the fat useless slob you are - you would be far exceeding in degeneracy - for you have accomplished nothing with your life.

Attached: 2018-05-16_023156.png (1260x1200, 332K)

>28 posts
>20 of them are from this fag

Attached: 31bbc0aa07ecbcdbb727cdee10e61d99afa00a7626783d73e8a97b13c7e4c478.jpg (206x236, 6K)

I'm not of this world :)

Attached: goddess.jpg (1175x412, 59K)

Żydzi – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopediaŻydzi
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Żydzi (dosł. „chwalcy /Jahwe/” lub „czciciele /Jahwe/” z hebr. Jehudim, יהודים, jid. Jidn, ייִדן, ladino ג׳ודיוס Djudios) – naród semicki zamieszkujący w starożytności ...

"Jewish People"

You will notice she is Greek by her profile.

Tamara and Nasim are one

Google have bowed down

Her father was a jew. Just saying.


That means she isn't a Jew as it needs to me the matriarchal line.


I would maybe think of signing this, if Trump didn't sign S. 447. With this symbolic gesture, he not only sealed he's Zionist intentions, but also showed that his speech in Poland was a lie, and he also lied earlier to Polish diaspora in US. He doesnt' give a fuck about Poland.

>You will notice she is Greek by her profile.

>Father Russian Jew
>Mother Polish
>Born in Warsaw (That's in POLAND)
>>she is Greek
Wow, what a fucking brainlet, you almost made me chuckle with your reddit education.

Attached: 1520274512077.png (623x450, 36K)

She is Greek.

I'm Jesuit educated.

I'm embarrassed for you to be in my presence.

Attached: Greek.jpg (202x250, 12K)

I use bing KEK

She's a very talented goy, then... No one's perfect.

She isn't a goy - she has B- blood.

Good, then fuck off, you ugly kike.

Attached: 1522025681372.jpg (640x480, 112K)

>>She was born Maria Górska on 16 May 1898, in Warsaw, then part of Congress Poland, a client state of the Russian Empire.Her father was Boris Gurwik-Górski, a Russian Jewish attorney for a French trading company

You are peasant scum and you aren't employed so it would be best if you were put to rest.

You are filth

kys goblin faced heeb

You are a peasant of no talent.

Why do you ever exist?