>BRUSSELS (Reuters) - In 1996, when the United States tried to penalize foreign companies trading with Cuba, the European Union forced Washington to back down by threatening retaliatory sanctions.
>The EU’s so-called blocking statute is the most powerful tool at its immediate disposal because it bans any EU company from complying with U.S. sanctions and does not recognize any court rulings that enforce American penalties.
This is your last warning America, do not fuck with Iran or the EU. Tread very carefully.
The eu wants to turn islamic therfore the people that lead the EU deserve to be tortured for the rest of their lives. People that support the eu elites along with them.
Adrian Evans
Ay lmao nigga, just stop apple from selling iphones in Europe.
David Ward
You've been doing this ever since the Iron Curtain fell. Why shouldn't we just destroy everyone that hates us? Europe and Israel first and foremost.
Jackson Hill
Can we just pull our forces out of europe at this point? Dads gone crazy, merkels deadset on her brown cock fetish while we subsidize her defense, macron is trying to be saturn or some shit. Ugh.
They will just cozy up with Russia, China, etc. and cut us out completely. Pulling out is the dumbest idea possible. If anything, we need to drastically increase our European military presence to keep a foot to their throats.
Parker James
Even better. Sending weapons to their islamic subburbs like we did in Syria. So they will kill all white europeans.
>article literally states that EU has no real way to enforce a block >HURR DURR EU CALIPHATE NUMBER 1! SUCK A DICK AMERICA! End your life via sudoku Muhammad.
We won't destroy jack shit What you write is nothing more than escapist fantasy
Cooper Barnes
Obongo overstepped his authority. He enacted an international agreement without having it first ratified in the Senate. It therefore carries no weight of law in the US. The problem with doing things by executive Fiat is the next president can come along and undo everything you've done.
Charles Long
Our foreign policy is becoming increasingly schizophrenic. Isolationism is the only practical answer
Josiah Flores
Of course. It's just what we should do, not what we will do. There's no reason in hell why we should see Europeans as our friends or allies, if they hate us and stab us in the back at every opportunity.
Anyone old enough to remember their boomer parents watching William Kristol and Charles Krauthammer spout off for hours on Fox News?
I alwyas had a strange feeling about those two. Now that I'm an adult and know a little about history and have read things from Project for A New American Century, I realize they were just two Jews who were pushing something in the best interest of their ethnic group by aiding Israel.
The Iraq war was for Israel, so will be the Iran. Too bad the internet blew the lid off the whole scam.
Austin Rogers
We don't have to destroy anything. All we have to do is walk away.
That comic neglects to show the EU and European media/politicians constantly insulting, subverting, and countering the US for the past 30 years.
Ryan Edwards
And then Europe sides with China and Russia for trade, energy, military, industry, and academia.
Connor Price
why does europe always side with the terrorists
Julian Price
That's what we're doing. We're pulling back. We stayed engaged to counter the Soviets during the Cold War. They're gone and Russia is not a direct threat to us the way the Soviet Union was. Shale oil and gas coupled with Canadian tar sand oil means we no longer need Middle Eastern oil and we're big enough and robust enough that we can get along fine with the states trading with each other. Americans want their country's interests put first, and there's no reason not to now.
Joshua Gray
America doesn't not care what you think, feel, or say.
Noah Mitchell
>yellowbelly coward feebleminded mutts dont have the balls to walk away from europe, they are just too pussy to walk away, just talk, talk and yap, yap... do it faggots, hahaha, you cant do it... do it!!
Camden Martinez
Fuck walking away. Just burn Europe to the ground. You deserve whatever the migrants give you.
Justin Powell
>Why don't we just nuke Iran and the European traitors into oblivion? You all hate us You're not "us", kike. You're a terrorist.
>globalism is crumbling Israel is globalism, moron. The UN will be moved to Israel and that's been a plan for 100yrs.
>I'm your Huckleberry. Don't use our cowboy memes, kike. Move to Israel and dance around like a lunitic from the bronze age
>There's no reason in hell why we should see Europeans as our friends or allies, if they hate us and stab us in the back at every opportunity. pfff, Iran is unfortunatly a closer alley than Terrorist Israel.
>FUCK MUSLIM LOVERS Says the Jew who sponsers all of the Islamic terrorists.
>And then Europe sides with China and Russia for trade, energy, military, industry, and academia. Good. Then Communism will crumble under the weight. It's American markets holding up the entire thing.
>why does europe always side with the terrorists Because Israel are the terrorists.
>means we no longer need Middle Eastern oil We never did, genius. It was a lie.
>America doesn't not care what you think, feel, or say. You're not America, Israeli terrorist.
We can't do it because European Communism and European Jews took over our Republic. Thanks guys. Another anti-white kike terrorist.
>excuses, excuses, no guts to just walk away, no guts, faggot
Julian Robinson
Europe is falling apart with an aging native population and an influx of unskilled, uneducated foreigners who will be a net drain on their social system. They aren't going to be able to replace the US as a consumer for Chinese goods. China is ready to implode. The Chinese have gotten used to a better life. The minute the recession they've been staving off through massive spending hits, China will go into all out civil war. Russia won't be a partner to Europe. Russia will be it's conquerer if the US steps away.
Juan Rogers
Why don't you ignorant yanks just stop fucking ruining the world with your jew cocksucking ways?
Kevin Young
>we need a deal with North Korea to reign in their nuclear program >a deal with Iran to reign in their nuclear program is treason lel
Please do. The EU will be the good guys for once. Fuck America and their servility towards their master Israel.
Isaiah Gonzalez
Europeans and kikes are one and the same. Always subversive. Always traitorous. The only ones white Americans can trust are white Americans. A European and a kike would gladly see us dead any day of the week, and throw us under a bus for even a slight profit. They all despise us and nothing will ever change that fact. Why should a white American ever trust a European or a kike?
Asher Campbell
Maybe if America did not have a throatful of Israeli dick 24/7 we'd be hearing what you just said
Jason Bailey
Wtf. Why the eu is so pro-iran? this sickens me
Josiah Cox
Why should we care what you think, if you hate us anyway?
Kevin Ross
Says the shit nation that is responsible for the hordes of rapist shitskins flooding into Europe.
Charles Bell
Damn, that blackmail threat sure did its job, eh? Hope Iran leaks the names anyway.
>We never did, genius. It was a lie. Okay. Either way, fucktard, we're not getting our oil from the Middle East now. My points stand.
Elijah Gray
You're just proving my point. There's no reason for us to give even the slightest fuck about what happens to you or what you think about us.
Ian Sullivan
>you can’t become a European Caliphate if you convert to Shia Islam Clever move, Brussels.
Nicholas Robinson
>and yet the mutt has no guts to walk away from europe, tsk, tsk
Gavin Brooks
Why do you think John Kerry was running all over Europe trying to shore up support for the deal?
Brody Hernandez
It's treason, then.
Julian Cruz
Why do Americans stil act like the United States government is "us"? If you're a white male, the US government is your most dangerous enemy on the planet. It is the force spreading race-mixing, mass immigration, homosexuality and transgender normalization, feminism, democracy, nigger-worshipping pop culture, and leftism to the entire world. Whites are barely a majority now and will soon be a (hated and exploited) minority.
Do you think white rhodesians feel patriotic towards Zimbabwe?
Iran, in addition to being a patriarchal, traditionalist right-wing country, is also an ally of Russia, the only white country on the entire planet that is actually sovereign and independent from the American empire.
Now, the EU is just as bad as the US, but their greed could he useful here.
Colton Fisher
EU companies do a lot of business there and you should painua uuniin vitun rotta.
Owen Sanchez
Why should America walk away from Europe when there's loads of natural resources to extract from its burnt-out husk?
Ian Hall
There are people at the top making money on the deal.
Colton Brown
The 70 IQ American redneck stereotype is fucking real. Either that or you're a Mexican.
Listen to yourself, you fucking retard.
Austin Robinson
>Burgers actually believe they are keeping the world safe
Liam Rodriguez
End the American criminal occupation of Europe; Europeans have to take advantage of this to get back their independence. No coincidence that Germany and UK are the most occupied countries and also the most cucked. America is cancer.
Nathaniel Reed
Why are you acting like the rest of the world cares about the difference between Americans and the US government? They hate us equally as much and would love to see us all burn.
Michael Walker
We actually give more of a shit about you than Israel does. You're alienating yourself to the world to please the jews.
Elijah Bennett
quit being bootlicking puppets of the kikes then.
Jordan Morris
Why shouldn't we do it? You're just proving my point.
Gabriel Morales
This desu. Amerimutts being Israels slave seems to have backfired on them this time.
Juan Wood
A European who has never set foot on this continent still has more claim to being an American than any mystery meat nigger like you.
It needs you for what? NATO doesn't benefit Europeans at all; what benefits Europe is to have good business relations with Russia and Iran.
Jace Harris
>11 posts by this id >each one more butthurt than the rest
Kek. Why do so many Yanks have huge victim complexes? >T-t-traitors
Pls m8.. The EU isn't the party pulling out of this multilateral agreement, user.
Brandon Wood
As far as we're concerned, you and the kikes are one and the same. You sure as hell treat us the same.
Ayden Cook
Until Trump invokes NATO treaties.
Adam Jenkins
Lmao yeah block the big bad Americans sanctions that will convince the goyim to support you.
Nathaniel Phillips
>europeans extracting cobalt from glassed mixture of american bodies and phones all over the continent
Josiah Davis
Do it faggot.
Liam Kelly
God I can’t wait to sanction the EU.
Anthony Hill
Just you faggot
Jordan Russell
>The EU is refusing to go along with our threatening the entire world for Israel's benefit? PUNISH THEM!!!!
Jayden Diaz
You mean until Russia goes full retard and invades
Robert Brown
>unskilled, uneducated foreigners who will be a net drain on their social system. Yeah I'd much rather have unskilled, uneducated natives who are a net drain on their social system, like America.
Justin Moore
WTF i like EU now
Carter Gomez
>Be scared of Russia, goy, it even hacks your elections
Jaxon Brooks
>As far as we're concerned, you and the kikes are one and the same.
The EU is being propped up your government, you are the biggest supporters of making europe into a multicultural hellhole like yourself.
Also, don't you have the_donald threads to go to where you worship Israel and do their bidding.
>Europe is falling apart with an aging native population and an influx of unskilled, uneducated foreigners who will be a net drain on their social system.
Says the country that has twice as many blacks and three times as many latinos as we have muslims. I don't see illegal immigrants being handed ivy league places here like they are in the US. The US is 10x worse than the EU for these things.
Juan Gutierrez
Please pull out. Then you will at least drop the facade of cooperation.
Angel Bailey
Sorry, we rule this world, the rest of you just live in it. America will sanction and the EU won’t do anything about it, and even if they did, we wouldn’t even notice. You need us A LOT more than we need you.
Jace Jackson
>literally be a vessel for jews to subvert europe >call europeans kikes
What kikery, sheesh.
Ryan Lopez
Tiem to free us from the united jews of america. There is no price to high for our independence from israel and it's greatest goy.
Isaiah Garcia
> Live in a vassal state > Believe you rule the world AHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Adam Jenkins
>shut yourself out of your circle of friends and acquaintances >they start ignoring you >"their relationships are crumbling"
Anthony Thomas
Hillary would have kept the iran deal and shes from the typical warmongering kikes that have been in charge in the last 50 years or so, so getting out of it must be a plus somewhere…then i thought, the deal essentially lets iran act like niggers so that one day us and nato have an excuse to go in and bomb the hell out of them once they overstep. renegging and making a new deal is probably a better route towards peace.
Anthony Brooks
No one cares what vassal states think.
Gabriel Gonzalez
Kikes BTFO. Sovereign EU m8s. BURGER SLUTS forever shackled to their Supreme Mullah binyamin NETANYAHOO. EU finally grows a PAIR. Mutts will have to slurp more KIKE semen now to get the WALL passed! BTFO
Your no in the Civilised world munkey Learn gramer or leave
Kevin Evans
Doubtful, but Russian rule would be less dysgenic for Europe than rule by the pro-immigrstion progressives. Remaining European under Russian hegemony would be far preferable to permanent brown islamization.
Jack Perez
Why? The EU wanted the deal with Iran. So did the US, that's why you signed it.. Why would the EU pull out now that the US did a 180?